Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1225 Redemption!

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In this case, Wang Feng didn't say much.

If he forced his way out again, it would be counterproductive.

Besides, the Protoss Uranus already had some vigilance and alert in his heart. Once he encounters a trap, it should be no problem to protect himself.

What Wang Feng is interested in is, who is the evil spirit master who is calculating behind his back?

At this time.

I saw the Protoss Uranus casting the Star Spirit Eye Martial Soul here.

The nine spirit rings on his body flickered.

The light radiated by the stars, soft and beautiful, slowly radiated from the starling heavenly king and then wrapped the little girl.

In an instant, the expression in the little girl's eyes gradually calmed down from panic to madness.

"Stars healed!"

I saw the sixth spirit ring of the Protoss Heavenly King flickering and beating suddenly.

Looking at the countless stars the size of a thumb, like diamonds, they flew to the little girl and whirled around, completely surrounding her head.

Immediately afterwards, a silver light, like electricity, shot out from the eyes of the Star King, facing the little girl's eyes, directly illuminating the soul!

Wang Feng watched quietly.

The Martial Spirit of the Star Spirit Heavenly King was much stronger than Huo Yuhao's Spirit Eye Martial Spirit.

To be precise, it is not an order of magnitude.

In fact, being able to ascend the Douluo Heavenly King is absolutely impossible for one to be simple.

Think about the hundreds of millions of people in the Federation now.

At the moment when the silver light entered the little girl's eyes.

The little girl's soul began to tremble.

The Protoss Uranus entered the little girl's soul and repaired it.

Soul trauma is not an ordinary injury, and it is extremely difficult to treat.

However, the moment when the consciousness of the Protoss Uranus entered the little girl's soul.

A dark ghost image suddenly rushed out of the little girl's soul.

"Soul Demon?"

The Protoss Uranus was taken aback.

There was a chill in my heart.

In the soul of this little girl, the soul of a soul demon was hidden!

In an instant, countless thoughts flashed in the mind of the Star King!

As the Protoss Uranus who had been soul-linked with the soul demon and was hit hard, he naturally knew how terrible this monster was!

But what I didn’t expect was that the evil spirit master would actually hook up and unite with the evil spirit beast... But when I thought about it, it seemed that there was no problem...

Even though Evil Soul Masters are becoming scarce on the mainland so close, in the past ten thousand years, there has been basically no storm.

Even on the side of the Sun-Moon Empire, it was suppressed again and again.

But although there has not been any wind and waves, it has never disappeared...

It is like a poisonous snake hiding in the dark, waiting for the opportunity to move.

"Soul Demon..."

The stars in the eyes of the Protoss Uranus skyrocketed.

The silver light was shining all over, and it was more like a god, setting off the starlight.

She was attacked by a soul demon, swallowed a soul demon, had a soul link with the soul demon, and stole a lot of news about the dark demon world for the Federation.But at the same time, many secrets of the Federation were also known by the soul demon.

No wonder this evil spirit master can actually calculate so deeply.

Knowing the Federation so clearly, she dared to calculate it on her.

Otherwise, with a mere evil spirit master, who has declined for thousands of years, how can he have the courage and strength to count on a Douluo Heavenly King?

Swallowed, naturally, the Protoss Uranus is not afraid.

The spirit ring flickered all over her.

A faint shadow emerged directly from the Protoss King.

A real star flashed on the head of the phantom.

That is not soul power construction.

It's the soul core!

"The soul is manifested."

Wang Feng's eyes lit up slightly.

The spiritual power of this Protoss Heavenly King has reached a very high level!

This phantom is the powerful soul of the Protoss King!

But Wang Feng underestimated the Star Spirit King.

If he can reach this level, even if his body is destroyed, the Protoss Heavenly King may be able to rebuild it!

The phantom is exactly the same as the Protoss King.

The moment she appeared, she jumped directly into the little girl's soul.

"It's a soul demon, if I can swallow one, I can swallow the second!"

The Star Spirit Uranus' eyes flickered, "It's just that this time, you still want soul links, it won't be so easy!" Hot Book Library

Ruo Aoxue's soul phantom body, with huge spiritual power, attacked the soul of this soul demon.

In an instant, the soul of this soul demon, like weathering, began to gradually disappear.

And issued a hostile roar.

From the outside.

The whole room was filled with gusts of cloudy wind, but it was accompanied by bursts of silver light shining like stars.

Two different spiritual forms are intertwined in midair.

Situ Han and Zhang Lexuan could vaguely feel something.

Wang Feng felt clearly.

Just frowned slightly.

In this confrontation, the Protoss Uranus obviously has the upper hand.

That soul demon was not at the tenth ring level, but only nine rings.

And only the soul, his mental power is not stronger than the Protoss Uranus.

On the contrary, the soul endowed by the powerful Wuhun of the Protoss Uranus is very powerful.

Coupled with the preparations in my heart and precedents, it is very easy to confront.

But is it that simple?

But for a moment.

The soul of the soul demon directly shrank by one third.

At this moment, a hoarse sneer sounded in the little girl's soul:

"If it swallows me, this little girl can't live either. Because her soul has already merged with me, if you swallow me, then her soul will be swallowed by you too! She must die!"

As soon as the words came out, the Star Spirit Uranus was startled.

Faced with this choice, she was stunned for a moment.

It's this moment of time.

The soul demon sneered abruptly, then let out a roar suddenly, and rushed back towards the soul of the Star King.

Soul clash, a little carelessness, it is forever!

Seeing this, the Protoss Heavenly King suddenly regained consciousness, only to feel a tremor in his soul.

In the light of calcium carbide, he immediately pulled out from the little girl's soul.

Vaguely, the soul demon's wanton and frantic laughter seemed to sound in his ears.


The abrupt soul returned, and a wave of soul power exploded in the void.

The endless light seems to annihilate everything!

The Protoss Uranus stepped back several steps, his expression pale, and cold sweat on his forehead.

At this moment, I only listened to a mysterious sound.

The burst of silver light was instantly offset and dissipated invisible.

The Star Spirit Heavenly King was held directly behind his back by a soft pair of hands. Looking back slightly, he saw Zhang Lexuan who was supporting him.

"Astral King, are you okay?"

Zhang Lexuan quickly asked.

They were outside and couldn't see clearly what was going on.

But now from this result...I am afraid it is not very good.

The Star King took a few deep breaths, and forcibly suppressed the feeling of soul shock. After adjusting his breath for a while, his face seldom recovered.

"Soul Demon?"

Wang Feng asked.

The Star Spirit King sighed lightly and said, "It's the soul demon... the situation is a bit troublesome."

She quickly explained the little girl's situation.

After listening, Zhang Lexuan and Situ Han were immediately silent.

"Her situation can no longer be resolved."

The Star Spirit Heavenly King said solemnly, "The soul of the soul demon has blended with her soul, even if I have many solutions, it is difficult to solve it. Or, I have to kill her."

Killed, then the matter of the soul master cannot be resolved.

do not kill.

The troubles are endless.

It is impossible for the soul demon to listen to their wisdom.

Just now took the opportunity to take advantage of the gap in the soul of the Protoss Uranus, and almost hit the soul of the Protoss Uranus again.

Fortunately, the Protoss Uranus is already prepared.

"Soul Demon... Soul fusion..."

Wang Feng thoughtfully, he suddenly smiled and said, "If that's the case, then it's just right."

After all, Wang Feng walked to the little girl.

Seven purple lines flashed across his body.

A creamy halo hung in the center of Wang Feng's palm.

Just listen to Wang Feng slowly spit out two words:


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