Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1231 One finger, hole card.

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The casting of several soul skills is just like the clouds and flowing water of the same peer, it is difficult to respond.

This is the explosive power of a high-level spirit master.

In other words, after countless battles, he summed up his own set of playing methods and experience.

It can be seen from the speed at which Qin Fujian casts his soul abilities.

Not generally strong.

In an instant, his own strength burst out completely, reaching a limit effect.

Regardless of the power of this trick or the momentum, even if the spirit power level is higher than him, it is difficult to resist.

Especially in this environment.

It's not easy to be able to do this.

In midair, it was like being shaken by a long rainbow.

At this point, Wang Feng's eyebrows flashed, and everything seemed to disappear in the light of calcium carbide.


The huge force shook directly on the ring.

The air wave covered everything.

Fortunately, there was a halo on the surface of the ring, which seemed to be offsetting the huge force of Qin Fujian's bombardment.

As far as the scene is concerned, not many people saw this scene.Because there are so many battle scenes, for many viewers, this is just one of hundreds of battle scenes.

Not many people follow.

Most of the people who followed were still because of Wang Feng's extremely handsome appearance.

There are only a few lines of sight, falling here, not just because of Wang Feng's appearance.

Standing in the front of the stand, the Star Spirit Heavenly King stood beside Xi Douluo, his eyes moved slightly.

"Sister Xi, is it him?"

It seems that he has noticed the change of sight of the Protoss Uranus.

Heavenly King Nan Yuan immediately felt it, and his gaze instantly fell to Qin Fujian's side.

With the strength between them, a little bit of one side can feel clearly.

Xi Douluo nodded slightly, but did not answer.

"Sister Xi, why are you so optimistic about this soul master?"

King Nan Yuan Tian looked at Xi Douluo with interest, "Especially after returning from the Far North, I always feel like you are hiding something from us."

"There are some things, it's not a good thing to know too much," Xi Douluo said.

"Isn't it? It's my position, don't you have the right to know?" Nan Yuan Tianwang was speechless, "Sister Xi, who is this man? He is exactly the same as that sculpture, isn't he? It may not be possible... no one can live for 10,000 years."

Nan Yuan Tian Wang shook his head as he spoke.

She is not tall and looks immature. She looks like she is only seventeen or eighteen years old.

Tong Yan, flat-chested, don't know, thought the Southern Yuan King was a minor girl from a certain family.

In fact, she is hundreds of years old.

"When the time comes, you will naturally know that you still have to pay more attention to those powerhouses who come from the inheritance of the gods. They are not simple." Xi Douluo looked at the other positions.

"They are not simple, but in the first three rounds, it is estimated that it is difficult to see what. If you want them to take a shot, if they don't have an opponent of the same level, just watch it.

King Yu Tian shook his head and said, "The two of Fengyinya didn't even have to make any moves. They could not bear the pressure of some soul power. Fortunately, these people knew how to take action, and they didn't mean to hurt these spirit masters. It also means a bit of tempering, and it can be considered to be friendly to us. If you can invite these people, in addition to the relationship on the dark demon world, it is probably also a bit of affection for you."

Xi Douluo nodded slightly.

"Sister Xi, look, that man seems to be a little dangerous? Didn't I remember he has the other two soul beasts? Oh...somewhat powerful, he escaped so easily..."

The intermittent voice of Ali Nan Yuan Tian Wang was heard beside him.

In the distance, I saw Qin Fujian's change of Wuhun real body Fushanzhu fall down.

Bombarded on the countertop.

However, he did not relax at all.

Fushan pillars stand around.

But he didn't see the figure of that soul master.

"Just now... the black light flashed, it seemed that the Qi soul beast had used some soul ability, and it instantly avoided my attack. The Qi soul master was really difficult."

Qin Fujian sensed the surroundings.

Recalling the appearance of that Qi soul beast, although it was like a ball when defending.

But it was flying into the ring just now, at an average speed, but in other words, that Qi soul beast has the ability to fly.

"in the sky!"

Fushan Zhu surging in an instant, suddenly avoided a position behind.

Just at this moment, a huge black shadow fell from the sky like Mount Tai.

"A Hundred Years Soul Skill: Soaring!"

"Thousand-year soul skills: Kunpeng spreads his wings!"

The Fushan Pillar can flash past, but the black shadow is chasing after victory. The fan-like wings, like open and closed blades, rotate and cut toward the Fushan Pillar.

Qin Fujian had Dading in his heart.

As soon as the opponent used his spirit ability, spread his wings, and enveloping which spirit master, his speed suddenly increased, avoiding his move.

Then quietly fell from the sky, launching an attack spirit ability.

But being noticed by oneself means that if noticed, the effect of the sneak attack is greatly reduced.

With a bottom in his heart, Qin Fujian did not hesitate, watching the oncoming two-wing attack of the Qi Soul Beast, the Fushan Pillar, which was ten meters long, without fear.

The Qi soul beast's size was less than four meters, and it flew down from the sky just now, with great momentum.Power is 20% out of thin air.

But now it gave Qin Fujian a feeling that he could accept it.

In addition, he is now in the state of Wuhun's true body, and his arrogance is also extremely strong.


The two collided.

Qin Fujian couldn't avoid it, but the little kunshark flew out.

The spirit of Qin Fujian in the real state of martial arts, through the enhancement of spirit skills, coupled with the particularity of martial arts, is unprecedentedly powerful.

'It doesn't seem to be very powerful.'

Qin Fu Jianxin said.

But at this moment, I saw the Qi soul beast with its wings propped on the ground, with the help of its wings, it bounced directly from the ring, and once again attacked Qin Fujian.

'Coming again?That's fine, but a thousand-year-old soul beast, can this kind of move be launched a second time in a row?'

Between thinking and paying, Qin Fujian's soul power surged like a sea, and once again swept across the army, the Fushan pillar was shining brightly, and it smashed towards the little kunshark.

This split was much more powerful than just now, after all, it was a spirit ability.

At the moment when the two touched, Fushanzhu just shook for a few moments, and the little kunsha flew out again.

'Well...No, it seems that the strength has increased a lot. I swept across the army without directly blasting this Qi soul beast out of the ring...'

Qin Fujian vaguely felt something was wrong.

Especially when he saw the Qi soul beast flying over here, his aura seemed to have improved a little bit.

There were bursts of black light on the wings, but his eyes were a little blood red.

It looks a bit oozing.

The attack struck, Qin Fujian had no time to think about it.

The speed of this soul beast is extremely fast. After the change of body shape, whether it is the timing of the attack or the speed of the skill, it seems to have gone through countless drills.

Especially the opponent also has a command.

That is the soul master.

Although he did not make a move, he was able to observe himself better.

And this observation is especially critical after the fourth collision.

After the third collision, Qin Fujian felt that the power of each attack of this Qi soul beast had increased by at least half.

If he comes again for the fourth time, then he will not bear it.So he thought of a trick, using the special second spirit ability, Fushan moved and dodged.

This is an extremely special spirit ability, don't even look at it as a second spirit ability.Mengsheng Novel

But it can stop any attack that is being cast, and perform displacement evasion.In the period of the middle and low-level spirit masters, this trick gave Qin Fujian a lot of help.

When you reach a high-level spirit master, you can often achieve unexpected effects in many battles.

He used a whole set of spirit abilities just now, but he didn't use this second spirit abilities. This was the reason.

The only trouble is that when this kind of spirit ability is used, because it is cutting off the flow of spirit power, there will be a few tenths of a second of body stiffness.

But because it must be in an attacking state when it is cast, it is a special rigid state, so it is difficult to detect it.

Basic Mountain, even if the enemy knows that he has this trick, it is difficult to detect the timing of this trick.

Unless, I have played with him hundreds of times.

Being extremely familiar with him makes it easier to feel it.

Such a powerful trick is naturally extremely critical to use.

After retracting the attack, the enemy basically didn't react much after moving.

Imagine that an enemy who is attacking from your front suddenly hits you with a sap. You are about to stretch out your hand to guard, only to find that the enemy's attacking posture appears to the side at some unknown time.

Naturally hard to detect.

Thinking of this, Qin Fujian took a deep breath, knowing it was vital as well.

For the first time against Qi Soul Master, to be honest, it was a bit strange.

It seems that the other party hasn't come up with more powerful skills, for example, does he have any other soul beasts?What is his martial soul?

'He must want to hide, save it to deal with other opponents in the future, right?'

Qin Fujian sneered in his heart, "Unfortunately, who doesn't have a few assassins for high-level soul masters? With too many hands, it is easy to overturn the car, and the difference between victory and defeat. Unless the difference between you and me is too big, otherwise... keep the assassins, no Any meaning."

He doesn't think that the opponent's strength is very different from his own.

Because, he vaguely felt that the soul power of this soul master was fluctuating, very low.

The opponent's strength lies in the cooperation between the soul beast and himself.But it is much stronger than him, which Qin Fujian admits.

Otherwise, the opponent would basically be defeated just now with the first attack behind Wuhunzhen.

Thinking of this, when the Qi soul beast attacked himself again, Qin Fujian's eyes flashed with excitement.

The battle of high-level spirit masters is often in an instant.

The feeling that the outcome is tied to the first line is very wonderful.

The Fushan Pillar roared, and the momentum went forward indefinitely, as if to carry all his strength at this last moment.

Anyone who reads it will feel that this is to do their best!

Fushanzhu's body, with seven spirit rings shining, smashed directly at the little Kunsha!

Qin Fujian's mental power is highly concentrated, and the casting point of the second spirit ability is extremely critical!

It needs to be faster, not slower.

Instead, it must be activated immediately at the moment of contact, which requires a certain amount of early release.

Cast it tenths of a second earlier.

Seeing the wings of the Qi soul beast attacking like clouds and clouds, Qin Fujian felt as if he had touched the wonderful body of the goddess of victory:

"The second spirit ability, the mountain pole moves!"

In an instant, the second spirit ring on his body flashed slightly, his body stiffened.

The next moment, the split Fushan pillar disappeared like a cloud of smoke!

After a single blow, the little kark shark seemed a little surprised, and his body was almost about to fall forward.

It was at this moment that the figure of Fu Shanzhu appeared behind the little kunshark.

Because no one has changed the attacking posture, this column is about to fall!

In this short moment, Qin Fujian could even see the Qi soul master standing on the Qi soul beast!


Qin Fujian was overjoyed!

From the posture of Qi Soul Beast, he knew that the other party was not prepared at all.

If it were positive, he felt that he should be able to see the error in the eyes of the Qi soul beast.

But at this moment.

I saw the soul master suddenly moved.

In the next moment, he jerked his head and looked at him.

This look made Qin Fujian's whole body stiff suddenly.

'He found me!'

This thought flashed through his mind.

In a sense of horror, before savoring it, Qin Fujian had already thought,'What about the discovery, it seems that he has only noticed it, but the Qi soul beast has not noticed...'

Immediately afterwards, the opponent threw a big fist.

Seeing this, Qin Fujian was even more astonished.

'What does he want to do?There is no spirit power fluctuation, which means that no spirit power was used in this punch... Am I going to play?Do you want to take this trick from me?Could he be stronger than his Qi soul beast?'

Qin Fujian felt incredible.

But then, he saw another scene that made him puzzled.

Seeing that the soul master Qi had just stretched out his fist, he seemed to have noticed something again, and quickly took it back.

"? It seems that I sensed that my behavior was too funny... Just such an ordinary punch, I wanted to force my punch to open the Martial Spirit body..."

Qin Fu Jianxin said,'Even if you notice my soul skill, it's useless...'

The Fushan pillar fell suddenly.

In an instant, Qin Fujian breathed a sigh of relief, as if he had completely grasped the hem of the goddess of victory.

However, after the soul master that Qi retracted his fist, he stretched out a finger...

When dumbfounded.

The Fushan pillar fell on that finger.


A sharp pain, accompanied by a terrifying force, exploded above the contact surface.

The ten-meter-long Fushan Pillar was directly propelled out of the ring under Wang Feng’s finger, and the form of Qin Fujian’s martial soul was immediately lifted, like a kite with a broken string, falling far away...

Wang Feng shook his head and said in his heart. Fortunately, he withdrew a punch just now, otherwise, this guy would be immortal and useless.

He has now unlocked the two god king seals, and the power of his body is already two-fifths of the body's power. Not to mention a spirit master of more than 70 levels, even a Title Douluo may not be able to withstand his punch.

"Boss, I blamed you for letting you do it. I didn't expect that guy's spirit ability was so weird, I didn't notice it at all just now."

The little horse shark whispered.

"It's okay, this is for you to train. You have to be clear that any opponent will leave one or two hole cards for yourself. In your last move, your strength has continued to increase by two hundred percent. Normally, the opponent does It's impossible to beat you."

Wang Feng said, "But the other party is not an idiot. He knows that he can't fight, but he still has to fight hard. Why? So it may be a blow to Hu. So he deliberately tried his best, as if he was going to fight to the death. At this time, the less you can take it lightly. Humans are more complicated than soul beasts, and fighting is never easy."

The little horse shark nodded.

Naturally, it was not Wang Feng's turn to take action in this battle, and he did not command the little pike shark, but as a bystander, allowing the little pike shark to accumulate experience.

Whether it is compared with Longxie or Bingmulin, the little kunshark is far from enough.

Naturally, Wang Feng would not take action under normal circumstances.

Thinking of this, Wang Feng stepped off the ring, walked to Qin Fujian's side, and played the latter's number.

"Wait, I can ask, what is your soul power level?" Qin Fujian said weakly, clutching his chest.

He racked his brains without trying to understand how he was defeated just now.

One finger?

"It's better if you don't know." Wang Feng thought for a while, "Otherwise it will hit you harder."

After speaking, Wang Feng turned around and left.

Qin Fujian curled his lips, "It's a big hit? Even if you say Title Douluo...I can accept it, what kind of hit can I get? But, for such a young Title Douluo, this is the beginning of cultivation by beating the mother? Could it be that, It's because of the soul master..."

he does not know.

Few people will know.

"Sister Xi, the man you value seems to be a bit powerful..."

On the high platform in front, there was a startled voice...

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