Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1236 Silver-haired woman (2)

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To put it simply, the legal boss.

If the other party is really the Silver Dragon King, she should have almost recovered from her injuries now, and now she has come to human society...

I'm afraid it's unpredictable.

Be careful.

Sure enough, as soon as the silver-haired woman made her move, Wang Feng heard the call like waves on the scene.

You know, there are thousands of games on site.

The high-ranking spirit masters themselves have a certain degree of popularity, but such a loud call is gone.

Wang Feng looked at it seriously.

at the same time.

On the ring.

The silver-haired woman stood on the stage, looking at her opponent, her eyes a little lost.

She has very strong mental power, and she noticed the mysterious man yesterday.

But even if she noticed, she didn't know what way to approach him and express her intentions.

Moreover, it seems that he is a little different from the man in the five-color mountain.

Different strengths.

She dare not be completely sure.

So, just by this competition, if you can meet each other by chance, that would be great.

After all, if you go to the door directly like this, the purpose is too strong and it is easy to be seen through, which is not good.

If you encounter it directly, it will be easier to explain.

But obviously, there are so many people, it is impossible to meet so quickly.

But she has studied this game.

Theoretically, as long as both of them continue to win, they will meet!

Thinking of this, even if the opponent in front of him is not him, the silver-haired woman is relieved.

The rules set by human society are trouble.

"In this case, let's also take a look at how powerful these humans have become by using the spirit ring of the spirit beast?"

The silver-haired woman's eyes shimmered slightly.

At this moment, the soul master on the opposite side seemed to be demented. After watching for a long time, he suddenly said, "Wait, I give up!"


A question mark rose in the silver-haired woman's mind.

I was shocked, did he see who I was?impossible.

"Give up?" The silver-haired woman uttered two words, like a natural sound.

The soul master flushed and said, "Yes, I admit defeat, girl, you are so beautiful, I really can't make a move, even if I lose. Even if I do, I will be distracted."


The silver-haired woman was stunned for a long while, perhaps because she hadn't recovered and couldn't understand.

She thought for a while, and suddenly a water mirror appeared in the air.

She looked in the mirror for a while.

"It seems, it's pretty."

The silver-haired woman looked at herself in the mirror, nodded, and thought in her heart, "So, is this the beauty that humans appreciate? No wonder I walked along and many people were dizzy."

"Wait!" The silver-haired woman stopped the soul master who was about to leave immediately.

"Is there anything wrong with the girl?" The soul master hurriedly said, "Do you think that the loss is too fake, so let's go, or else, if you hit me, I pretend to fly out of the ring, which is more real?"

He is just a seventy-ninth-level soul sage. He came here to accumulate experience, and winning or losing is not very fancy.591 read novel network

The silver-haired woman shook her head and said, "Wait."

Hearing this, the soul master was overjoyed, could it be that this girl has already developed a good impression of my behavior?

Unexpectedly, the silver-haired woman suddenly touched her face with her hand.

In an instant, he saw a scene that frightened him extremely.

I saw the beautiful woman who was originally overwhelming and beautiful, suddenly turned into a monster with blue faces and fangs.

Looking at it, it gives people a very vicious and ugly feeling.


The soul master seemed to have received a huge blow, his heart almost jumped out, subconsciously directly cast the spirit and spirit ring, and all the spirit skills were cast toward the woman.

"This is much better..."

The silver-haired woman muttered to herself, "Humans seem to care about appearance. It's really a strange race. Isn't strength the most important thing?"

Seeing those spirit abilities boomed, it was as bright as light, hot as lava, and he was actually a flame martial soul control system spirit master.

Wuhun is the most normal flame, not strong, but not weak either.

As an orthodox elemental weapon spirit, there are many classifications of flames. The temperature of this spirit master is not very high.

But it has a continuous burning effect. This kind of burning, burning is soul power, which can accelerate the soul power consumption of the opponent's soul master.

The silver-haired woman was unavoidable, letting the flame of writing burn towards herself.

However, the moment before the various spirit abilities wrapped in blue flames fell on the body, they turned into the most basic flame form as if they were still.

Then it surrounds the silver-haired woman, like a jumping elf, cheering, seemingly out of control of the other party.

'Compared with the attacks of those gods, it is already too weak to be described in human words...'

She thought in her heart.

Then, the silver-haired woman seemed to think of something.

So, she also gently stretched out a finger, the lush white fingertips, seeming to be shining with the translucent Guangang you, glittering like jade, lightly touching the flame.

The flame immediately boiled and burned like oil, and by turning into a long flame dragon, it crossed the sky more than ten meters long.

It looked extremely shocked, and then it directly landed on which soul master's body, bursting out a huge light, covering everything.

In the endless light, only a figure could be seen flying out.

Immediately afterwards, a number plate also happened to fly accurately into the hand of the silver-haired woman.

"I won."

The silver-haired woman nodded without sadness or joy, as if she was satisfied with the battle.

But Wang Feng was not satisfied.

'That silly soul master is too spicy... Seeing a beautiful woman, he can't walk.'

Wang Feng was a little speechless,'She didn't let her really make a move at all. Her finger was similar to mine, and she made a move like an antelope with horns, without a trace.There is no clue at all, it is completely to defeat the opponent with the strength of the opponent.But even though he didn't really make a move, the silver dragon king who had this method was most likely.'

And as the silver-haired woman won, this huge Hongyu Square burst out again with waves of cheers.

After watching the battle of the silver-haired woman, Wang Feng also looked at the battles of other spirit masters, which was quite novel.

The main reason was that Wang Feng saw several sects show special techniques.

For example, the extremely famous Long Ting Gong of the Blue Electric Overlord Sect.

This exercise is also matched with three extremely powerful moves, the wind thunder style, the absolute thunder style, and the no thunder style.

The inheritance of the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect is also ancient. In these ten thousand years, it has been down and down until the emergence of this Long Ting Gong, which made the Blue Lightning Overlord Sect once again become strong.

The reason for the downfall is actually very simple, as more and more powerful martial souls appear.

This powerful spirit, once known as the'Mainland's No. 1 Beast Spirit', was ultimately no match for the new and more powerful spirit.

In Wang Feng's words, it is the version change... step down the altar.

Unless it is that kind of mutant martial soul, such as Mu En, the mutant bright sacred dragon martial soul can hold up the facade.

But the authentic Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Martial Spirit, among the top martial spirits, is indeed not as powerful anymore.

How rare is a mutable spirit?It also doesn't represent the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus, a martial soul that has been passed down for thousands of years.

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