Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1242 Special Ontology Martial Soul (8)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The ontology sect is quite special, and it was not included in the federation a long time ago.

Because the location is too remote, the sect people are too arrogant.

I don't want to surrender to the power of any country.

The Federation tried several times to persuade to no avail, and went straight to fight.

No matter how strong the sect is, how can it be compared with the Federation?

Naturally joined the federation and was under the jurisdiction of the federation.

The geographical position is in the east of Tiandou administrative district.

Now that they have been completely assimilated by the Federation, although the people in the sect are still very proud, they still listen to the Federation's orders.

Such events will naturally send a large number of people to participate.

There are elite personnel from the sect, as well as ace personnel, and suzerain-level personnel, all will participate.

This one is obviously only an elite person.

"But I am still very strong."

The man smiled and said, "My name is Wang Ruhu. As for my martial arts? I'll know when I fight... The game starts, I'm not welcome. You Qi soul beast doesn't know whether it can resist a beating."

As soon as the voice fell, the man seemed to flicker slowly on his body, Wuhun couldn't see it, but the whole person rushed towards the little kunshark like a bullet.

"Boss, he is so fast!"

The little kunshark exclaimed.

Apart from anything else, directly use deep-rooted defenses first.


With a powerful fist, Wang Ruhu directly blasted the little kun shark several meters away.

"It seems that one gear is not enough."

Wang Ruhu looked at his fist and frowned slightly, "Then second gear!"

After saying this, Wang Ruhu's eyes suddenly reddened, his whole body soared for a few minutes, and his breathing was slightly quick.

As the spirit ring flickered, no spirit ability could be seen, and the speed skyrocketed again, flushing towards the little khun shark like a missile.

Wang Feng was slightly stunned.

If he feels right, the punch just now should be Wang Ruhu's full strength.

Whether it is speed or strength, it is the limit of that spirit power level.

It is impossible for ordinary spirit masters to break through that limit.

In fact, he can hit his limit with one punch, which is already awesome.

It can be seen from the traces on the opponent's body that the opponent must have done this step after countless practice.

But being able to go beyond the limit so much is not simple.

'What is his martial spirit?'

A gleam of light flashed in Wang Feng's mind.

Straight forward, using pure power, Wang Ruhu, acted, full of violent aesthetics.

With another blow, the little kunshark flew upside down more than ten meters away.

After being compressed, the body was terribly short and dignified, although it was barely defensive.

But obviously it is still too much, just holding on, but still able to do it.

"Three gears!"

Wang Ruhu seems a little unbelieving.

A thousand-year-old soul beast actually has this strength, defending him two punches continuously?

As soon as the third gear opened, Wang Feng clearly saw that Wang Ruhu's pupils were dilated, his heart beating faster, and the sound of blood flowing in his body was like a rolling river, booming!

Extremely scary!

Wang Fengsi had no doubt that even an eighty-one level Contra could be killed by Wang Ruhu at the moment.

His body gave people a steel-like breath, which was invincible.000 literature

Especially when both hands are clenched into fists, it is even more terrifying.

"His martial soul, is it a kidney?"

Wang Feng was stunned.

As one of the organs of the human body, the role of the kidney is very important.

Judging from Wang Ruhu's performance, Wang Feng extremely suspected that his martial soul should be the kidney.To be precise, the adrenal glands.

No wonder there is no clue.

After all, the thing is hidden in the body, it is so small that you can't see it at all.

The adrenal gland itself can produce a very special kind of adrenaline, which is amazing.

Simply put, this thing can improve the power, speed, response, perception and so on.

Can stimulate people's potential power.

To achieve the effect of exceeding the normal limit.

This is the result of Wang Feng's analysis using previous life knowledge.

Otherwise, Wang Ruhu's situation is too abnormal.

Normally raising the upper limit of oneself is mostly related to the skills of the spirit ring, and the source of power is the power of the spirit ability.

Soul ability is a special kind of ability formed by the flow of soul power, and it has inseparable power with soul ring.So the essence is the power of the spirit ring.

But Wang Ruhu's improvement was too weird, there was no change... the spirit ring flashed, but it only flashed, and there was no performance in the augmented state.

Moreover, he only saw the spirit ring, but not the martial soul, so his martial soul could only be an organ inside the body.

Instead of directly using the power of the spirit ability to enhance one's own strength, then it could only be the power of the martial soul itself, such as possessed by the spirit of the beast.

Wang Ruhu's martial soul is the main body martial soul, and the main body martial soul can greatly enhance the strength in all directions. Wang Feng can only think of relying on this special adrenaline.

Not surprisingly, Wang Ruhu's spirit ring must have something to do with this thing.Can stimulate their own potential to a greater extent.

It's just that normal soul masters or humans can't stimulate adrenaline in large quantities, because it will kill people if they give birth to too much.

But Wang Ruhu has the blessing of spirit ring, and his own physical fitness is also extremely strong.

It makes it possible to surpass the limit time and time again and unlock the strength of several gears.

Seeing this novel way of improving strength, Wang Feng ignored the little mackerel who was beaten up without saying a word.

Looked seriously.

The little kunshark's vitality is very strong. Although Wang Ruhu's attack can hurt him, it can only help him improve his physical strength and accumulate experience.

This is exactly what Wang Feng wanted to see.

'Are there four gears?If the martial soul is urged to stimulate adrenaline and the blood flows too fast, Wang Ruhu's body may be violent...'

Wang Feng thought for a while, feeling a little impossible.

But to Wang Feng's surprise, Wang Ruhu really opened the fourth gear.

After the fourth gear, Wang Ruhu's face turned from rosy to pale, and his skin began to overflow with blood.

Panting like a cow, eyes red.

It looked terrifying, his body shape did not change at first, but it gave Wang Feng a feeling that the balloon had reached its limit, and it would burst with a single tap.

The little kark shark also began to show various injuries.

However, only a minute later, Wang Ruhu's last punch fell a few centimeters on the little kunsha, but he fell to the ground weakly.

"I lost."

He shook his head, his voice was extremely weak, "You, the soul beast, is too patience to be beaten. If it comes to our ontology sect, it will be a natural sandbag."

"..." Little kunshark.

Known as a sandbag, the little guy was a little angry and spit blood at Wang Ruhu.

"Sooner or later, if I sneeze, I can kill you all. Humph!"

Wang Feng touched the head of the little kunshark, took off Wang Ruhu's number plate, and shrugged and said, "Your martial soul is good, but that's all. I heard that your main body sect had a second awakening, and said It may make your martial soul stronger again."

Wang Ruhu smiled bitterly, "It's not that easy. The second awakening sounds great, but it is not easy to do it. Because the methods for the second awakening of different spirits are completely different."

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