Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1246 Cursed Doll (2)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Little kunshark, come on!"

Wang Feng said.

The little kunshark cried loudly, raised its wings, and rushed towards the man.


The man stood on the spot, watching the Qi soul beast attack, a touch of coldness appeared on his face, "The person from the previous ontology sect did not defeat the Qi soul beast, but I am not the kind of reckless man, how about Qi soul beasts? ?"

The man cast his gaze on Wang Feng, and the seven spirit rings on his body immediately began to flicker.

"Soul Skill: Curse the gaze!"

The man spit out a few words, and in an instant, the curse doll suddenly fell on the flying little kunshark.

A strange light suddenly appeared in the hollow eyes.

The little mackerel froze for a moment, and his heart suddenly chilled, his soul seemed to have been pierced by a needle, and the flying body was staggered and almost fell off.

It was this movement that the spirit ring on the man's body flashed immediately.

A black silk thread floated out of the cursed doll, linking to the little kunshark.

"Soul Skill: Ghast!"

"Soul Skill: Spirit Tribulation!"

"Soul Skill: Sorrowful!"

The man uttered a few words in a row.

He didn't use his martial spirit body, but simply used his spirit ability.

But without spitting out two words, the little kark shark trembled as if being struck by a giant hammer.

Mind was even more trembling.

As Wang Feng, who was connected with Qi soul beast's mind, he could naturally feel clearly.

Cursed the doll's spirit attack is essentially a semi-psychic attack.

To be precise, it is a semi-psychic attack with dark attributes.

The effect of this kind of mental attack, because it has the dark time attribute, when it attacks the enemy, it can not only make the enemy drop in various states.

It can also damage the enemy's spirit and lose the ability to fight.


And this kind of soul master can also exert great effects on the battlefield.

Can affect the morale of the enemy.

The most powerful thing is that because Cursed Doll is not a spirit type martial soul, you don't need to obtain a spirit type spirit ring to cultivate such a martial soul.

Cultivation is as difficult as it is in the spirit department.

Its essence is a dark martial soul.

At this time, the little kunshark was like a fighter plane that had been shot. It swayed and landed on the ring, causing a great tremor.

"Look, your Qi Soul Beast is no longer good."

The man said indifferently, "What if you just said that the sky is falling into the sky?"

Perhaps he has found some confidence, and the man has begun to control his emotions, and he generally feels that he has found his place.

Wang Feng looked at the little kunshark.

He could clearly feel the discomfort of the little kunshark.

Ghast: It can make people feel a variety of evil feelings in the heart. This kind of evil feeling may be some disgusting scenes, or some abnormal pictures.I won’t describe it in detail, just come here. For example, if you were green, you still saw it.With this kind of spirit ability, it is generally difficult for a spirit master to attack, even if it is forcibly attacked, it is easy to be dodged.

Spirit Tribulation: Simulates a special catastrophe, which makes people desperate, and the overall state drops at least about 20%.

Divine wound: This is an additional special mental state that greatly reduces the enemy's mental power.

After one operation, he was basically a soul master, and he didn't want to fight at all.

The little kunshark as a soul beast is not better than that.

Because he is also wise.

"Boss, I'm so uncomfortable..."

There was an intermittent sound from the little kark shark.

"It's right to be uncomfortable. Remember this feeling and adapt to it." Sogou Library

Wang Feng said.

"Isn't that abnormal?" said the little kunshark.

"Why is it abnormal?" Wang Feng asked.

"I saw a lot of...multiple pictures."

"such as…"

"For example, my father and mother were smashed to death during the catastrophe."


"I saw my future wife cheated and my son was abused by stepdad..."

"... Can you see all of this?" Wang Feng said, "Can you see what your wife looks like?"

"It's super beautiful, and it fits my aesthetics."

"You are so young, you have a fart aesthetic!"

Wang Feng said angrily, "That's a fake, it's formed by the spirit ability to lure your inner just treat it as a fake."

"I know it's fake, but I am also uncomfortable." The little kunshark said.

Wang Feng was silent.

This is probably the feeling of being forced to feed shit.

Even if you know it's fake, it's hard to feel.

No wonder this cursed doll is said to be extremely disgusting, which is why it is so powerful.

Just forcibly feed you shit.You have to eat if you don't.

This is the core style of Sacrificial Stream.

Who can stand this Nima as a young man?Attached to this communication state, but also a fart.

People won’t collapse, but it’s definitely hard to fight, and they can’t concentrate.

Unless it is a person with extremely strong mental power and extremely firm heart.

But that type of person must have experienced extremely rich, extremely high spirit power levels.

It is impossible to appear in a group of young people in the youth group.

So this sacrificial stream was so hot back then, this cursed baby Wuhun is truly unique.

After pondering for a few seconds, Wang Feng said: "In this way, I will teach you a passage of scripture, and you will follow it in my heart."

"What scripture? What is scripture?"

"Don't ask, just follow me and recite: The Bodhisattva Vipassana, walks deep in Prajna Paramita for a long time, sees the five aggregates in emptiness, and saves all suffering..."

Wang Feng read a passage from his previous life.

Wang Feng doesn't believe in Buddhism, but he thinks this thing is still useful.

By the way, I also explained a little bit to the little kunshark.

The effect should be pretty good, at least it can make the little kunsha survive.

Of course, this is the world of Wuhun, and this Buddhist scripture does not have any natural visions.

The system is different, Wang Feng estimated that even if he moved the Tao Te Ching, it would be useless.

One of the biggest characteristics of the little kunshark is that it is obedient and dedicated.

But it is also the easiest to be recruited, because his experience is too shallow, and he will not be able to get a little stimulated.

Wang Feng is different. Although he is a house in his previous life, he has already heard too many absurd things, such as those mentioned by the little kunshark. Putting aside his previous life, it is too normal... the inner threshold is too high to attract. A little bit of Wang Feng's feeling, plus the soul spirit has already been tempered by the red lotus karma fire.What the shark said is nothing.

After reading the scriptures, the little kunshark's attention was diverted. The more he reads, the smoother it gets.

With a mere two hundred words, succinctly, Wang Feng explained the meaning of this passage to the little kunsha, otherwise it would be useless to read it.

"Your Qi Soul Beast is useless, it will come to you next."

At this time, the man thought that the little kunshark had lost its combat effectiveness, and Wang Feng had already planned to give up resistance and was in a daze.

"Of course, I won't underestimate you."

The man smiled indifferently, "On the contrary, I will use the most powerful move to deal with you."

As soon as the voice fell, the man suddenly disappeared, and the cursed doll expanded rapidly and became extremely powerful.

Wuhun true body!

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