Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1249 Wang Feng was scared in a cold sweat (5)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"I don't dare to tell the truth, I'm really embarrassed." King Yu Tian scolded with a smile.

Xi Douluo also smiled faintly: "Just say what you want to say, is it possible that you are afraid that I will beat you?"

"I'm really afraid," Bing Tianwang said honestly.

Several heavenly kings suddenly laughed.

Although the Bing Heavenly King fought the battle, he was full of fierce vigor and fearlessness, but among the Twelve Heavenly Kings of Douluo, no one was not afraid of Xi Douluo.

This thing of war will never disappear in any era of the Federation.

Of course, it is certainly not an internal war.It's an external war.

Especially in the years since the Evil Soul Beast appeared, war has always existed.

It's just that most of the citizens of the Federation don't know it, they just live happily in the federal administrative district.

In fact, the security of every soul beast forest needs to be detected and measured by the military department before it can be opened to soul masters.

It is usually necessary to send special troops to conduct maintenance and inspections to prevent abnormal changes in the soul beast forest. The danger in this is unimaginable for ordinary people.

As for ordinary people's years of peace and prosperity, of course someone is carrying the burden for them.

Among other things, the situation like the beast tide attacking the city has not been known how many times it has been staged in the Federation.

It's just that many times, as early as when the city was attacked, it was detected by the Federation in advance, and then troops could be dispatched to solve it.

Will not really let the evil spirit beast attack the city.

"What do you think is the origin of that silver-haired woman?"

At this time, Bing Tian Wang touched his head and suddenly said, "I can confirm the man and woman behind her. I have discussed with the deans of several academies, plus those from the Star Dou Forest. Monitor, it should be the first fierce beast in the Star Dou Great Forest, Black Dragon Emperor Heaven. The woman in green is also the overlord of fierce beasts, the emerald swan Brigitte."

"However, the identity of that silver-haired woman, judging from our military's monitoring history in the Star Dou Great Forest, has never encountered..."

Bing Tianwang whispered, "This emperor's strength is unfathomable. It is a legendary soul beast in the Star Dou Great Forest, and Brigitte is also the same. When I got this information, I thought I had heard it wrong, but it was almost impossible. From the observation of the sky, it can’t be wrong. This level of beast, especially the murderer in the Star Dou Great Forest, has always been very unfriendly to us humans. Now it is running into the human society..."

"Especially that silver-haired woman, her identity seems to be higher than the two, which is terrible..."

How terrible!

They noticed from the first day, but they have been unable to determine.

Because it matters a lot.

It was not until after investigating multiple sources of intelligence that it was finally determined that it was Di Tian undoubtedly.

There are not many people who know this name in the mainland today.

All are the top existences among soul masters.

But the silver-haired woman never existed in the history of the Federation.

No one has seen it either.

There is no doubt that she must also be a soul beast, but what kind of soul beast is she?

"From the situation of the past few days, it seems that they didn't mean to make trouble." Nan Yuan Tianwang looked at Xi Douluo, "According to Sister Xi's analysis, it should be attracted by the soul master Qi, except for that. Besides, they have no reason to walk out of the big forest of Star Dou. That is to say..."

The king of Nan Yuan set his gaze on Wang Feng's body.

"Their goal may be him. We don't need to intervene." Nan Yuan Tian Wang said cheerfully, "My instinct tells me that there is a story between them. At most four or five days later, they will definitely meet."

"I don't have instinct, but I know that their goal is definitely him." The Celestial King said lightly, "because in these few games, whether it is him or the silver-haired woman, they are secretly paying attention to each other. Every game has. "

To say that the person who has the strongest control over the overall situation of the game is of course the Star King.

"Then it will be interesting."

There was a gossip light in the eyes of King Nan Yuan.

Wang Feng didn't find it interesting.

On the contrary, he found it very troublesome.

Because after he walked off the ring, he happened to see the silver-haired woman move a little.

On the sixth day, her opponent was a Title Douluo.Unfortunately.

The martial spirit of that titled Douluo is mud.

It is also an elemental martial soul, not a powerful martial soul, and it is not easy to get to Title Douluo.Literary City

But obviously, the elemental type of martial soul, facing the silver-haired woman, it is simply...

The scene was horrible.

The titled Douluo's spirit power level was ninety-two, his spirit ring spirit ability, spirit bone, martial spirit body, realm, and all his skills could be used.

However... he was beaten brutally.

Still that kind of merciless sling, the silver-haired woman didn't even have any spirit power fluctuations.

The Titled Douluo of the Earth Martial Spirit had no effect on all attacks.

It may be that the silver-haired woman couldn't stand it anymore, feeling a bit cruel, and then hesitated to make a shot.

The earth dragon summoned by Title Douluo was smashed with his fingers.

For a time, it can be said that the entire peak competition is famous!

After all, being able to solve a titled Douluo so easily has a mysterious origin, and looks like an overwhelming country and a city, peerless and moving, and his natural reputation has become louder.

And through this shot, Wang Feng can also be completely sure that she must be the Silver Dragon King of the Star Dou Great Forest.

She not only recovered from her injury, recovered, but also woke up and came to human society.

Wang Feng, who knew the Silver Dragon King very well, felt a little uncomfortable.

He had a hunch that the target of the Silver Dragon King was very likely to be himself.

'I should not be able to beat her now...'

Wang Feng felt a little ashamed.

The strength of the clone is definitely impossible to beat the Silver Dragon King.

It was only possible to unlock the seals of the four gods, and the spirit power level was at least 80, and it should be possible to win.

Of course, this silver dragon king may not want to deal with himself.

Because Wang Feng thought for a while, he didn't seem to offend her, on the contrary, he helped her a lot by accident.

But what if it is because of the soul master?

The appearance of the Qi Soul Master made this soul beast boss feel that this was very bad.

Our soul beasts, why should we reach such a contractual relationship with your humans?How will our soul beast kill you humans from now on?

Do you humans want to use this contract to enslave our soul beasts?Raise our soul beasts into your human pets?

Taking a salary from the bottom of the pot is a shame!

This thought, that is not to share the enemy!

After all, the Silver Dragon King and the others don't necessarily understand Qi Soul Master.

Even if you understand, you don’t necessarily believe it is true.For example, the soul deed of life can avoid the catastrophe of the soul beast, they will not necessarily believe that there is such a good thing.When I went to the extreme north to talk, if it hadn't happened to happen to the ice emperor's calamity, it was estimated that apart from the eight younger brothers, few spirit beasts would believe it.

After thinking about it carefully, Wang Feng was suddenly shocked in a cold sweat.

You know, the soul beasts in the Star Dou Great Forest are different from those in the Far North.

It is malicious to humans.

Not as gentle as the Far North.

'If you think so, it's really possible that she came to kill me?'

Wang Feng’s temple suddenly jumped, “Speaking of which, although the appearance of the five-color sacred mountain has brought prosperity to the soul beasts, it has also brought about five terrible soul beast wars, and many soul beasts have died... The death of the beast is blamed on the mountain, and knowing that I am in the mountain, will I be secretly listed as the number one enemy? The first thing I wake up is to trouble me?"

"Although these inferences are very unreasonable, the Silver Dragon King itself is a mother and a woman. Isn't it normal if it is unreasonable?"

Thinking of this, Wang Feng suddenly felt extremely difficult.

He couldn't help looking at the silver-haired woman who was slowly walking down the ring after getting his opponent's number plate.

As if noticing Wang Feng's gaze, the Silver Dragon King couldn't help showing a faint smile, a kind smile.

He seems to have noticed himself, he shouldn't recognize him, so he shouldn't be abrupt, right?

But it was this kind of smile that made Wang Feng feel a bit of chill in this hot day.


Ps: There should be two more in the evening. I haven't asked for a ticket for a long time, please count the votes...

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