Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1252 Soul Core (1)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The seventh day.

On the seventh day of the competition, the audience in Hongyu Plaza has not decreased, but has increased.

Many spirit masters who have been eliminated have not left, and they will continue to watch the following games.

The youth team only played two games today, because after the quarterfinals, it was the quarterfinals.

Unlike the pinnacle competition, the youth group will compete for championship, second and third place.

After the quarter-finals, four games a day, the semi-finals in two days, two days off, the last two days are divided into the champion, runner-up and third place, a total of six days.

The peak competition was finished in the sixth round yesterday and was eliminated in half again.Today there are only a thousand people left.

With so many people missing, the competition on the Arena of Souls is no longer as dense as those days before.

But the scene is even more grand.

Because the soul masters who can get to this step are very strong, most of them are similar in strength, and the level of soul power is very high, the field of vision looks broader, so it looks more ambitious.

In fact, in Wang Feng's view, the Peak Competition was not developed enough due to soul guidance technology. Most soul masters must rely on spiritual power or the assistance of soul skills to be able to perceive the battles of these high-level soul masters.

And if the difference in spirit power level is too great, you may not be able to see clearly.

If the soul guidance technology can be further developed, there is that special holographic mirror projection and other soul guidance technology, which is spread throughout the Hongyu Soul Fighting Stage, and every detail of the battle can be fully presented in front of the audience, which is more perfect. .

But that kind of soul guidance technology is really too difficult.

The most basic point is that the combat strength and speed of the high-level spirit masters are too exaggerated.The vast majority of Soul Guidance Devices cannot withstand attacks of this intensity and speed.Placed on the stage, it is basically easily damaged.

For example, the attacks of certain high-level spirit masters are still very large, and attacks without dead ends are easier to destroy.

This technical point alone cannot be achieved, let alone real-time dynamic tracking. It is even more difficult for this entertaining soul guide to keep up with the combat speed of a high-level soul master.Otherwise, the picture played out is a mosaic, a blur.

There is also the real-time transmission of information. Although it can be solved by the core array of Soul Guidance Technology, the speed of transmission is also difficult to keep up with the speed of change of high-level Soul Masters during battle.

Otherwise, it was a delay. Maybe the high-level soul master here had already finished the fight. After half an hour, the screen spread intermittently.

Those soul guidance technologies surpassed the level of at least a thousand years in the continent that Wang Feng considered barely in the industrial age.

Even in the previous life, it is difficult to perfectly present a battle of a high-level soul teacher.

Fortunately, soul masters in this world can use their spiritual power to conduct perception battles.

Otherwise, the soul master spectators present would probably look like a dragon ball. The battle can only see countless flashes and countless collapsed pictures, and nothing else.

On the seventh day of the battle, Wang Feng's opponent finally changed.

A titled Douluo.

Title Douluo ten thousand years later is naturally different from ten thousand years ago.

There are too many different places.

First of all, the limit spirit ring is different. Those who can become Title Douluo start with the standard spirit ring configuration. It is already difficult to see the yellow-colored spirit ring from Title Douluo.

The change in the age of the spirit ring represents the strengthening of the spirit master's physical fitness.

The increase in physical fitness means that the soul power that the soul master can bear has increased.

To put it simply, the spirit power needed at the first level now is much more than the soul power needed at the first level ten thousand years ago.

The reason is, naturally, the energy tide caused by the Star Dou Shenshan has changed the concentration of vitality in the world.

In this environment, every level of improvement is much stronger than ten thousand years ago.The whole novel network

This is even more true for those who have reached the Title Douluo level.

So now a titled Douluo of the same level can beat two or three titled Douluo of the same level ten thousand years ago.

Of course, there is no such possibility that Guan Gong will fight Qin Qiong.

The second difference is the soul core.

The reason for the appearance of the soul core was that after the third change in the energy tide, the energy tide of the Star Dou Shenshan spilled into the human world.

As a result, the soul master's cultivation base began to soar uncontrollably in that era.

Every soul master, like a person who has been hungry for decades, starts to overeating uncontrollably.

The body begins to expand rapidly, become stronger and stronger, but the consequence of this is naturally an explosion...

In that era, as a result of the second soul beast war, many soul beasts either died in the war, or seemed to be disabled.

The spirit ring is simply desirable everywhere.

There is no difficulty in obtaining the spirit ring, and the cultivation speed has skyrocketed, so Title Douluo can walk all over the place.

But unfortunately, Title Douluo of that era was also the weakest.

Because the cultivation speed is too fast, like a thirty-year-old Title Douluo, it is not difficult.

In less than a few decades, a large number of Title Douluos could be born.

It is a pity that the rapid growth of the cultivation base has brought an unstable foundation and inexperienced battles.

Title Douluo of that era didn't need any hardening at all. Even if you cultivate to Title Douluo, you don't even have to go through many battles, and your combat power is naturally low, and you don't even need to hunt spirit beasts.

It is said that when you go to the spirit beast forest, you will be able to see a large number of spirit rings, let you choose...Of course, this is an exaggeration.

It took nearly a hundred years for this situation, and then the bad news began to spread.

The foundation is unstable, the level is too high, and the cultivation base increases uncontrollably. Then one Title Douluo after another can't bear the spirit power of the body, and can't control the spirit power of their own, they start to burst or die. Or go crazy...

Disaster was born.

That was also the turning point of the times.

It was the turning point of the soul master ten thousand years ago and the soul master ten thousand years later.

It is equivalent to rejuvenation of spiritual energy, which will bring short-term happiness to people in that world, but it takes pains to truly step into a new era.The continent at that time was quite dark.

It was also an extremely difficult period for the Federation.

Titled Douluo, which represents the top combat power, is out of control. Once you get caught up in the evil spirits, your spirit will become abnormal, and your body will explode.But if it is crazy, the calamity caused by Title Douluo is difficult to calculate.

Worse, for this reason, the soul master is extremely afraid of the future.

But even if you don't meditate on cultivation, your cultivation level will rise with the changes in the vitality of heaven and earth...unless the talent is extremely low, such as the innate soul power of zero, which can not be affected too much.

Otherwise, even if your innate spirit power level is level 1, you might be forced to push it down to a very high spirit power level in hundreds of years.

The system of the soul master world has been completely disrupted... the soul master world has entered the dark age.

However, it is often the darkest time that the brightest fire is born.

The fire of that era was the emergence of soul cores.

The appearance of the soul core solved all the problems.

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