Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1255 Scholar-type Title Douluo, a tricky question (4)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!When human beings reach Title Douluo and possess soul cores, their status will be prominent in human society. It is the most proud time in life. No matter where they go, they are the objects of respect for everyone. The soul is accessible, and the future can be expected. The happiest period of a soul master.

Coupled with rich experience, under the blessing of soul core, all aspects will be significantly improved.

Such as wisdom, vision, thought, etc.

The speed of the cultivation base will increase, so the current Title Douluo has a slightly better qualification, and in 30 to 40 years, he can be promoted to level five or six.

Daming Lun in front of him is an example.He is less than 50 now, and between the ages of 80 and 90, he is at least level 96. Working harder, level 97 is not a problem.

All these factors brought about, naturally Titled Douluo's cultivation base would increase rapidly.

It will continue until level ninety-nine, which is another hurdle.

It can be said that most of the research on the evolution of soul beasts is correct.

Wang Feng quite agrees.

"I have always had a question about Qi Soul Master."

Daming Lun continued to smile and said, "Can you please help me out?"

The scholar-type titled Douluo, that's it, it's literary.

"What's the problem?" Wang Feng asked.

"If I and a one-hundred-thousand-year-old soul beast, with both parties agree, sign a life soul contract, the soul beast will not have the catastrophe." Daming Lun continued, "Then, this one hundred thousand-year-old soul beast Can the soul bond be transformed into a human being and rebuilt? If so, what effect will my soul ring have? Will our previous soul bond be released? If it does not, is it equivalent to me and one Human beings have signed a life soul contract?"

"..." Wang Feng.

This question is really tricky.

Wang Feng was stunned for a while.

Where is the trick?

The reason is that the soul beast transformed into a human form and rebuilt, completely because of the cause of the catastrophe.

If there were no tribulations, not many soul beasts would give up their painstaking cultivation and transform into humans to re-cultivation.

Therefore, it stands to reason that there is no such situation as Daming Lun said.

But everything will always happen.

It stands to reason that it will not happen, but it cannot be ruled out that it may happen.

Because there are often many things beyond common sense.

For example, after this Qi soul beast got along with humans for a period of time, he discovered that this human has changed and deteriorated.

He wanted to take back the soul ring and unilaterally release the soul deed, but this human being disagreed.The soul deed cannot be forcibly lifted.

In anger, he felt like he was on a thief ship.Although this human being cannot force you to do anything, you can also fly far away.

But the soul deed is still there, and your soul ring is still on the human body, no matter how far you go, you can't release the relationship between the two.

This is disgusting.

So I couldn't think about it, so I transformed into a human form and rebuilt, in order to lift the soul contract.

Look, isn't the possibility here?

Only these scholar-type soul masters can think about such tricky questions.

Normal soul masters, who would think that some of these didn't?

Wang Feng thought for a few seconds.

Theoretically speaking, if the soul contracted soul beast reaches 100,000 years and chooses to incarnate into a human form and choose to rebuild, then it is really possible to unilaterally force the soul contract to be lifted.

The life soul contract is the contract between man and soul beast.

There is no way to trigger a contract between everyone.

Neither circle nor spell will have any effect.

Rebuilding the soul beast into a human form means giving up the identity of the soul beast. In essence, it is no longer a soul beast, but a human.

However, the transformed soul beast still regarded himself as a soul beast.

But the body structure and genetics are all human.So the contract will not take effect.

If it won't take effect, it will naturally only be cancelled.

After thinking about it, Wang Feng said: "Theoretically, if the Qi soul beast chooses to transform into a human being rebuilt, it will automatically release the soul contract."

"Then the soul beast transformed into a human being can still sign a life soul contract with other soul beasts?" Daming Lun continued to ask.

Upon hearing this, Wang Feng smiled slightly, "Yes."

Regarding this point, Wang Feng could definitely say this.

Because there is such an example in reality.

Moreover, this example is also in this competition.

It's just hidden well.

"Thank you for the answer." Daming Lun nodded slightly.

"You're welcome." Wang Feng waved his hand, "Do it."

Daming Lun nodded slightly and glanced at the little kunshark.Search for e-books

Immediately, Wuhun appeared.

"Wuhun, Lingyu ink pen! Please advise!"

Lingyu ink pen, looks like a kind of soul-guided technology, but with a bit of ancient martial spirit!

With white feathers and a pen body full of gray-gold metal feel, it looks like this martial soul is very unique.

The nine spirit rings flashed from Daminglun's body in turn.

Accompanied by a strong momentum.

This is a new type of Wuhun.

That is, a martial soul that was born less than a hundred years ago.

Most of the new martial arts are relatively strong.

It's like a version update, when new heroes appear, they tend to be stronger...

And this Lingyu ink pen is strong, and he is a half-attack and half-assisted weapon spirit.

This pen is extremely sharp and can be used as a sharp weapon.

But in fact, the ability of this kind of pen also emphasizes auxiliary.

So-called assistance...

The ink brush appeared in Daminglun's hands, and his temperament changed in vain!

Like a master of calligraphy, I am planning to count the Spring and Autumn Period.

"Soul Skill: Exhaust the Ze and fish."

Soul skills are like human beings, and they are also elegant.

Even the name is true.

Scholar-type Title Douluo are mostly like this.

"Soul Ability: Feng Chi Shen Shu!"

"Soul Skills: Follow your pen and trend!"

"Soul Skill: Han Feng 300 Chi!"

There were four spirit abilities in a row, just like throwing rocks to ask for directions, and didn't use the spirit body.

But Daming Lun's ink pen in his hand only displayed four consecutive spirit abilities in a moment.

This kind of speed was unimaginable ten thousand years ago.

And the casting is also extremely special. The first three spirit abilities are all Daming Lun directly using the ink pen to wave ink in the air.

The handwriting that emerged was the soul skill, the first one to fly towards Wang Feng.

The latter two surround Daminglun's body.After the last one was written, it flew on Daminglun's ink pen.

It looks very special.

Full of special effects.

The words'Exhaust Ze and Yu' are ancient styles of wide openness, flying towards Wang Feng, Wang Feng originally thought it was a long-range attack.

But the moment the font flies around him, it disappears in the void.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Feng felt that all the vitality of heaven and earth disappeared within a radius of at least 50 meters centered on himself.

The vitality of the heaven and the earth outside seems to be dead.

This is equivalent to losing the ability to restore soul power.

It's no wonder it's called dazzling and fishing.

This is a kind of control spirit ability, not strong control, but soft control.

Not to mention, it's pretty strong.

The second name, if taken literally, should be a powerful auxiliary spirit ability.

Give yourself speed.

It's interesting to follow the style.

Wang Feng knows that he will follow his steps, but he has never heard of the term “following his pen”.

The last cold front of 300 feet is obviously to increase the attack power of the weapon spirit. At this point, the sharp edge of the ink pen in Daminglun’s hand is exposed, that is like a qi-like thing, attached to the surface of the pen tip. , It is very destructive from the point of view, extremely terrifying.

"Little guy, it's time to be beaten, come on!"

Wang Feng stayed on the spot, pointing at the little kunshark.

"..." Little kunshark.

The little kunshark roared, his body shape changed suddenly, and he didn't plan to defend at all, this time.

He planned to fight directly once, attack directly, cast a thousand-year spirit ability, Kunpeng spread his wings!

"Little master is here! Take the move!"


Ps: It should more at night.

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