Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1261 Long Xie's Wisdom, Convinced (4)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Long Xie's cultivation base is only 30,000 years, and Title Douluo, who possesses the spirit body and is still so powerful, is impossible to defeat with one move."

Wang Feng frowned and said, "It's possible to win Long Xie if you drag it down, but unless you use external forces..."

Wang Feng seemed to have thought of something, and suddenly looked up at the sky.

I don't know when, today's sky, some clouds are already rolling.

It's just that there is no thunder and no heavy rain.

It seems, almost.

"This guy... is quite smart."

Wang Feng seemed to understand something and couldn't help but smile.

Want to defeat an impossible enemy with one move, without any hole cards.

Then only rely on external forces.

Long Xie flew into the air.

At this moment, when the real body of Daminglun's Martial Spirit had been revealed, the huge coercion of the domain was condensed into the surrounding area.

Fortunately, most of the soul masters have already finished the match, otherwise Daming Lun would have to control the domain not to interfere with the competition in other regions.

Now it can be controlled without much distraction.

The eighth spirit ability is cast, the ink pen is like a silver hook in the void, and the pen walks along the dragon and snake.

The realm is the world, the creation of Wuhun true body ink pen, the construction of soul power, shocked the sky, and outlined scenes of violent storms.

Soul ability is extremely powerful.

In an instant, the entire Hongyu Soul Fighting Platform, violent storms continued.

This kind of violent storm is comparable to the more than 20-level typhoons in Wang Feng’s previous life. Of course, Wang Feng has never seen a typhoon above level 18 in his previous life. I don’t know what it is. But the intuitive feeling of this kind of soul ability is It is much stronger than the eighteenth typhoon.

This kind of natural disaster is really terrifying.

Fortunately, this soul fighting platform is one body, otherwise it will definitely be blown away.

A large-scale control and damage can even be described as a semi-forbidden soul ability.

Only the form of Wuhun's true body can fully release this power.

If it were an ordinary flying spirit beast, it would be difficult to fly in this environment even if it was six to seventy thousand years old and with all the luck and spirit power to resist.

Daming Lun's move is obviously to limit the dragon evil to the greatest extent.

The most troublesome thing about flying spirit beasts is that they have a strong dodge ability in midair. If they are not flying spirit beasts, they will suffer a lot from such spirit beasts, and their spirit skills may not be able to hit them.

In another situation, Daming Lun clearly saw that Long Xie had the power to control the thunder.

The wings are purple, and there are thunder patterns, but the body is indeed pale yellow.

All were conquered by wind and rain.

Once Dragon Evil uses Thunder in this environment, he will inevitably cause harm to himself.

But apparently, Long Xie has been with Wang Feng for so long, and he has already learned the routine of playing cards that doesn't follow common sense, and he has a plan in his heart.

Every drop fell on him like a sharp blade.

The wind and rain roared, his strength really had to be greatly discounted.

The flight speed was reduced by at least 60 to 70% in mid-air.The huge body loses the advantage of speed and flexibility in mid-air, and it seems particularly bloated.

"The Ninth Spirit Ability: Guns out weeping ghosts!"

In mid-air, Daming Lun was graceful and groaned softly.

The temperament of a scholar-type titled Douluo was unobstructed.

This move is the ultimate move, combined with the eighth spirit ability, it is even the ultimate move in the ultimate move.

I saw the ink pen nearly sixty meters long, in Daming Lun's hands, it became smaller in an instant, as if to compress all the spirit power contained in the Wuhun true body to the extreme.

Immediately afterwards, he pierced Long Xie with a shot, suddenly zooming in.

That compressed soul power burst out in an instant, and the terrifying power was enough to pierce the sky!

This terrible momentum burst out under this ancient brush that seemed to have a sense of technology.Laoyou Chinese Website

The momentum is incomparable.

The countless soul masters at the scene were fascinated and shocked the power of Title Douluo.

"Haha, your Lord Long is waiting for you to stabb me with a pen!"

However, in mid-air, Long Xie is not afraid of anti-happy!

"Heaven and Earth Thunder, listen to my orders!"

Suddenly, Long Xie's double wings flew towards the sky with all his strength and frantically, seeming to be escaping.

In fact, the wings have already been mastered.


Long Xie let out an ancient roar, and in an instant, his already shining wings exploded two thick buckets of thunder, blasting towards the sky that was already overcast.

If a drop of water was dripped in the boiling oil, the thunder that was still billowing clouds, after Long Xie blasted out a thunder, began to master the thunder.

The sky thunder, which had been brewing for a long time, suddenly thundered.

The purple-red sky thunder, in the shape of a branch, slashed straight from the sky toward the cloud dome.

And the position of the split is not Long Xie, but the ink pen!

The ink pen of more than sixty meters has its own power to attract thunder, especially the nib, like a lightning pin...

The thunder rolling that day was the natural power of heaven and earth, and it was not controlled by the dragon evil at all, but at this time, it seemed as if the dragon evil controlled the power of the heaven and earth...

This ratio can be said to be very good.


The sky thunder blasted above the ink pen, Daming Lun's face suddenly pale.

No matter how strong Title Douluo is, it is almost difficult to resist the true power of heaven and earth.

That day in the Nulong River, the soul demon caused a tsunami of hundreds of meters in the sea, and wanted to flood the surrounding cities, Feng Qin and Feng Ming, two rank ninety-eight titled Douluo joined forces, and barely blocked it.It can be seen how exaggerated the natural force produced by the world.

Daming Lun was only level ninety-one, no matter how strong he was, it was impossible to compare with the sky thunder that landed on the earth.

The moment when the thunder fell on the martial soul's real body that day, it directly smashed the power of his ninth soul ability into smoke.

Although Wuhun's true body did not dissipate directly, it was still visible, especially the soul core in the center, which was extremely dim.

The situation can be described as an instant reversal!

"Using the thunder to induce the power of the sky thunder to descend, and then use the Wuhun real body ink pen itself to have a somewhat thundering effect. Inducing at the critical moment, it really made this guy successful."

Wang Feng couldn't help laughing.

This style of play is really a bit of his strange style, and he doesn't play cards according to the routine.

It deserves to have been with me for so long.

It really defeated Daming Lun with one move!

With the help of the power of the sky thunder, it can be regarded as a real brainstorm.

Long Xie flew down from mid-air triumphantly, "Title Douluo, but that's it."

The Wuhun body gradually disappeared, and the domain also disappeared.

Daming Lun's face was pale, his mental power was wounded, and his soul power was empty. If he was injured, the real injury was not serious.

It's just that the soul core and martial soul are somewhat damaged, and they need to recover for a few days.

If this was placed ten thousand years ago, the Wuhun real body was so severely damaged, it is estimated that the best result would be abolished.

It can be imagined how much the Wuhun real body has changed thousands of years ago.


Daming Lun sighed lightly, the wisdom of this Qi soul beast was too high.

Actually would think of using this method.

It can be said that this is a classic case of defeating the strong by the weak. Of course, it is difficult to replicate.

It's just that Qi Soul Beast has such wisdom, then, as the Qi Soul Master who cultivated him, naturally there is no need to say more.

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