Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1263 Talent Field and Soul Wave (1)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!From the perspective of human social relations, Bingdi can also be regarded as Wang Feng's sister-in-law.

It's just that this little sister-in-law is ill-intentioned, and has always wanted to take Xue Di back.

Wang Feng had been watching the game, so naturally he saw Sapphire early.

Qingyu and Ice Emperor are the soul masters chosen by the Ice Emperor to survive the catastrophe and to experiment with the soul deed of life.

Qingqing once said that they have also come to human society, and may appear in the competition.

However, Wang Feng did not see the Ice Emperor taking action.

Most of them were played by Qingyu himself, so he could solve the opponent.

"From the eighth round tomorrow, Qing Yuguang should not be able to win so easily on his own. The Ice Emperor should appear on the stage to expose the identity of the soul master."

Wang Feng said in his heart.

He knew that 80% of the sapphire came to participate in the competition, which was most likely instigated by the Ice Emperor.

It is estimated that I want to specifically ambush myself.

Wang Feng had nothing to do with this sister-in-law who had been against herself.

"If I was in the extreme north and cooked rice with Xuedi to cook mature rice, I guess Bingdi wouldn't have any hope."

This thought suddenly popped up in Wang Feng's mind.

Unfortunately, although he stayed with Xuedi for a few months and fell in love for a few months, due to the special circumstances of the Xuedi at that time, his body was recast, and he had the source of absolute ice power.Not suitable for cooking mature rice.

If it is forced to cook, it is most likely to burn...the result is unpredictable.

Of course, this kind of thought is only a flash.

Compared with this, Wang Feng was even more curious about the many researches of the spirit masters on the real body of Wuhun.

After all, Daming Lun's performance made Wang Feng extremely interested.

It was getting late, and as the last game ended, Wang Feng also left Hongyu Square.

He came to the Lingyu Pavilion in Wuhun City, intending to check how far the soul master has studied the Wuhun real body these years.

The Lingyu Pavilion is a special institution of the Federal East Maple Academy, and the horizontal comparison is Shrek's Sea God Pavilion.

The difference is that the headquarters of Lingyu Pavilion is open to the outside world.

In fact, the Lingyu Pavilion was not as sacred as the Sea God Pavilion. Externally, it was a special organization of the Academy.

Externally, it is only in the geographical location of a national library.

It contains the development records of various walks of life in the Federation for tens of thousands of years, historical trajectories, and many research theories in the soul master world, which can be found inside.

Any student can enter the Lingyu Pavilion for inspection and study.

But if you want to join the Lingyu Pavilion, it will be difficult.

Lingyu Pavilion is an authoritative institution in the federal world today and the largest academic research institution in the federal spirit master world.This is not the same as Poseidon Pavilion as the administrative organization of Shrek Academy.

The emphasis is different.

It was built in the north of the central city, only about a few kilometers away from the magnificent Wuhun Palace.

It covers an area of ​​more than 500,000 square meters and is divided into several districts.

Xi Douluo is the pavilion master of the Lingyu Pavilion, and as the first heavenly king of the Federation, he also serves as the pavilion master.

It can be imagined that the status of the Ling Yuge itself is extremely high in the Federation.

On academic research institutions.

In the three major political regions, except for the central political region here, the famous colleges in the other two major political regions have similar research institutions.But in the entire continental federation, the status of Lingyu Pavilion is detached.

When Wang Feng came to this Lingyu Pavilion, he had to sigh that the Federation had developed really well.Yeye Chinese

The inner Lingyu Pavilion has several large areas, most of which are patrolled by patrol officers.

Lingyu Pavilion is open to the outside world, but there is a certain fee, a symbolic fee.

Inspectors are mostly second-level or higher inspectors, and generally only need to rely on the Soul Master qualification certificate and pay a certain fee to enter the internal inspection.

There is a special area where outsiders are prohibited from entering.

research area.

Mainly responsible for various researches on the soul master world, and most of the information in it is also about the most advanced various research secrets.

There was something about Wuhun, and there was something about Soul Guidance Device.

So no entry.

Even the guards are special inspectors above the soul sage.

Strictly guarded.

After Wang Feng came to this Lingyu Pavilion, he didn't need to go to the research area and plunged directly into the sea of ​​books.

The research on the real body of Wuhun started many years ago, and it is not a secret news for the spirit master now.

Even many of them are well-known truths.

Of course, the research on Wuhun true body has been continuing.

With Wang Feng's mental power, the search speed is fast.However, within a few hours, I learned the ins and outs of these years of Wuhun real body research.

"Under normal circumstances, when the spirit master gathers all seven spirit rings, the martial soul will produce a special kind of fluctuation. This kind of fluctuation is called the'soul wave' in the spirit master world. This kind of soul wave is harmonious. The soul wave emitted by the human soul resonates, and the frequency reaches the same level. At this time, no matter what the seventh soul ring is, then, under this situation, the seventh soul ability will only be the real body of the martial soul. "

This is the reason why Wuhun true body only appears in the seventh spirit ability.

A large number of research theories and countless years of experiments have led to this result.

And what is the significance of this theory?

It lies in the field of talent.

After the soul master world studied this conclusion, it was surprised to find that when the soul wave of a martial soul is greater than the soul wave produced by a human soul, the talent field will be born!

And when the soul wave of the martial soul is only less than or equal to the soul wave produced by the human soul, then the talent field cannot be born.

This is the relationship between Wuhun, Wuhun's true body, and the field of talent.

And what does the soul wave have to do with?

It has a direct relationship with the spirit ring.It is also directly related to the evolution of Wuhun.

The soul wave is the embodiment of the will of the spirit. When the spirit obtains more power and greater power from the spirit ring, the stronger the spirit is naturally, the stronger the spirit wave.

In the same way, the evolution of Wuhun will also make Wuhun stronger.

The soul wave produced by the human soul is actually the embodiment of spiritual power.

Therefore, the will of the martial soul is higher than the spiritual power of human beings, and the talented martial soul will be produced.

At that time, there were more than 50 levels in the small third district, and he could awaken the talent field. In addition to the very powerful spirit ring he had at the time, another reason was that Blue Silver Grass evolved into the Blue Silver Emperor, which made Tang San at more than 50 levels. Have the blue silver field.

Because at that time, Xiao San's mental strength was obviously not as strong as the soul wave emitted by the evolved Blue Silver Emperor.

However, the use of the domain required a lot of soul power, and for the junior at the time, the power of the domain could not be used for a long time.

But it's powerful enough.

It was a rare event that the field of talent was born before the real body of Wuhun appeared.

Because according to the normal steps, the real body of the martial soul must be born before the realm will appear.

Once the talent field appears first, it means that the spirit wave of Wuhun will be higher than the spiritual power of human beings.Under normal circumstances, it would be difficult for the two to be equal, and the Wuhun real body would not appear.

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