Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1271 Bing Mullin Jun’s Guess (4)

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King Yu Tian glanced at Sheng Yuwei, "Leave a point, and the danger will increase."

Sheng Yuwei nodded slightly.

Seeing this, Huo Yuhao looked at each other vaguely, and seemed to see the horror in each other's eyes.

No matter how dull they were, they knew that Jiang Nannan's second spirit was by no means as simple as an ordinary evil spirit beast.

I am afraid that things will be difficult to change.

The three female Saint Yuwei walked into the inner room of the lounge and placed Jiang Nannan on a special soul guidance device.

This soul guiding device is rectangular, with a gem with golden flames burning inside each corner.

There is a pure and bright air flow inside, and there are also several restraint devices, which can restrain the person lying on it.

Once lying down, soul power will be forbidden to operate.

However, when Jiang Nannan lay down and was lifted out, phantoms flashed from her body from time to time.

At the same time, the arms on his face were covered with special black lines, which looked like earthworms. At the same time it was terrifying, but at the same time it seemed very painful.

"The spirit purifier seems to be unable to suppress this kind of martial spirit."

The expressions of the three holy feather guards were very heavy.

"Normal." King Yu Tian glanced at Jiang Nannan, his thick eyebrows frowned, "Take it back to the headquarters first."

Huo Yuhao watched, Sheng Yuwei carried Jiang Nannan away, opened his mouth, but didn't know what to say.

at this time.

"Wait, let me see her first."

A voice suddenly sounded outside.

Everyone was taken aback.

"Teacher?" Huo Yuhao heard the sound and looked at people, and immediately heard Wang Feng's voice from the voice.

Wang Feng felt that he had come fast enough, but he didn't expect the Federation side to move faster.

It is conceivable how important it is.

There is no way to ignore it.

This Wuhun is a soul demon.

Now that the appearance of the soul demon has not been fully announced, the forests of many soul beasts are blocked, and it is only the evil soul beast riot.

The information in the Dark Demon Realm is too terrifying, and most people naturally don't know it.

Wang Feng walked to the three holy feather guards.

However, these three holy feather guards did not give way.

Who are you?You said let you see it?

"Let this senior take a look." Yu Tianwang immediately waved his hand.

The head of the holy feather guard was taken aback, but still gave the three holy feather guard a look.

The three holy feather guards dispersed quickly.

The opening of King Yu Tian scared them into a cold sweat, and also scared Huo Yuhao and the others into a cold sweat.

Wang Feng stepped forward and glanced at Jiang Nannan.

"Tsk... this soul demon has no consciousness, is it really just a martial soul? It's just that the aura is too pure, and it's quite different from the real soul demon, but it is true."

Wang Feng murmured, "How did this little girl's spirit come from?"

Wang Feng can be 100% sure that this is really a soul demon.

Moreover, after Jiang Nannan used it once, her spirit power was almost transformed into dark magic power.

The agitating black lines on the body are the expression of transformation.

Jiang Nannan was right not to use this martial soul before, because she could not control this martial soul.

This martial soul is obviously the soul of a soul demon that has not yet fully developed, and it is not an ordinary soul demon.

After fusing with Jiang Nannan's body, it slowly changed over time and became her martial soul.

It was somewhat similar to the situation of the little girl before, but that little girl was weaker and smaller, and the soul of the soul demon was extremely powerful, so it was naturally easy to control the little girl and directly integrate the soul.I love novel network

Make it difficult for others to discover.Even if the Star Uranus had not entered the little girl's soul, it would be difficult to find.

However, Jiang Nannan's soul demon is an undeveloped soul demon, the soul is incomplete, and there is no birth consciousness, and Jiang Nannan's integration with Jiang Nannan over time has formed this special situation and became a martial soul.

If this were put in a novel, it would be a natural golden finger...

Because the soul demon creature is much stronger than Douluo Continent in terms of life level.

As a martial soul, it is no longer a top martial soul to compare.

However, even so, with Jiang Nannan's current strength, it's okay not to use it. Once used, the strength is too weak, and it is very likely to be backlashed by this martial soul.In the end, it might even become a real soul demon.

The Angel Church’s worries were not unreasonable, and perhaps they did not understand the situation.

However, the strength of the soul demon and the hidden crisis of the Federation now made the Angel Temple never let it go easily.

Presumably Mu En knew this too, so he acquiesced.

Everyone was silent.

Wang Feng looked at it for a while.

The Angel Temple cannot kill the soul demon, it can only suppress it.

Back then, the powerful spiritual power of the Star King could not kill the soul of the soul demon.

The Angel Temple can't do it either, it's just attribute restraint and can be suppressed.

But the ultimate effect of suppression is to make the soul demon immune.

Because if you can't kill him, it will make him stronger.

In the end, it is possible to raise a monster, which is more dangerous.

Even if you kill Jiang Nannan himself, it will be useless if you don't destroy the soul.

Moreover, the mutilated soul of this soul demon has been integrated with Jiang Nannan over the years.

Otherwise, it won't appear as a martial soul.

So killing is useless.

"A little tricky."

Wang Feng thought in his heart.

He can restore Jiang Nannan with the power of redemption.

But unlike that little girl, the little girl's soul and the soul of the soul demon are not completely integrated, and the time is very short.

But Jiang Nannan is different, her soul is half human and half soul demon.

The soul of the soul demon cannot be annihilated with the power of redemption, but it can be purified.

But as a result of purification, Jiang Nannan's direct soul will also be purified, because the fusion time is too long to be separated.

The soul is purified directly and everything will disappear.

But when the time comes, Jiang Nannan will no longer be the original Jiang Nannan.

Simply put, it is equivalent to formatting the system and then reinstalling it.

Jiang Nannan at that time is equivalent to a life who knows nothing.Everything starts from scratch.

Too cruel.

It was no different from killing her.

In particular, there is another problem. Her second martial arts spirit is too powerful, and Jiang Nannan has already developed an aura, which is the prototype of the domain.

It seems powerful.

But it can also be seen from this that she can't control her martial soul at all.

The road of cultivation in the future will be very difficult even if it does not affect the First Martial Spirit.

The only thing that can solve the problem is to make Jiang Nannan stronger.Let her unfold this kind of martial soul.

Unfortunately, she still used this martial soul too early.

It is correct not to use.

"Boss, this child, it's possible that he ate the Evil Soul Beast's egg by mistake."

At this time, Lord Bingmulin suddenly said, “In the Evil Soul Beast’s egg, the soul of the Soul Demon is conceived. The Evil Soul Beast is used by the Dark Demon Realm to place the Evil Soul Beast in various parts of the Douluo Continent through wars, drawing the life and world of the Soul Beast The vitality was conceived. Only a few years ago, the gestation has been completed one after another. If it was ten years ago, the egg at that time must have not been gestated, the soul must be incomplete. If it is eaten by mistake, it is possible..."

"It makes sense." Wang Feng was slightly startled, quite agreeing with this statement.

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