Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1273 Self-made? (1)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Wang Feng only used the power of redeeming the origin to slightly suppress the Soul Demon Wuhun in Jiang Nannan's body.

Don't dare to use too much, otherwise Jiang Nannan's spirit will have problems and the soul will be damaged.

Suppression can only be marked.

If Jiang Nannan didn't use this kind of martial arts, in fact, this kind of problem would not necessarily occur.

But once it is used, it is equivalent to turning on a switch, and it is difficult to take it back.

This martial spirit could not be used before Jiang Nannan could not control it.

Otherwise, the same situation as today will definitely occur, and the more you use it, the more dangerous it is.

It must be completely out of control.

"When this happens, there will be one, and there may be two."

Wang Feng looked at Jiang Nannan on the bed.

This will never be an exception.

The ghost knows how many egg seeds the Dark Demon Realm placed on the Evil Soul Beast, and how many Soul Demon souls were implanted?

There is one Jiang Nannan, there are other He Beibei and Hu Xixi.

Maybe this happened, but the Federation hasn't noticed it yet.

"Boss, you are so beep, why don't you create a technique yourself?"

Long Xie asked.

"Do you think the exercises are what you want to create?"

Wang Feng said angrily, "Even if I want to create a kind of exercise with my wisdom, it will take several years."

His body now comprehends the law of life in the sacred mountain, all the time.

How can I have the mind to comprehend other exercises?

With the current situation, let alone a few years, maybe a few months later, those spirit demons will definitely explode.

Once the Dark Demon Realm had any evil tricks, his clone might not be able to solve it properly.

And it's also a method of spiritual cultivation.

The soul deed of life is Wang Feng's thought of being born following the comprehension of the law of life for ten thousand years. After the polishing of time, it was not truly spread out until ten thousand years passed before he walked out of the Shishen Mountain.

Even if the life soul bond is much more complicated than the exercise method, the exercise method does not mean that it can be created by creating it.

Unless the system raises one hand.

Based on Wang Feng's understanding of the system, it is unlikely that the system will directly give exercises.

The former word secret is not suitable for everyone to practice. This thing is too complicated and not suitable for promotion. It takes time to understand.

It is only suitable for a small number of extremely talented people, or someone like Wang Feng, who has already understood thoroughly and can explain and teach.

It will take more time.


Wang Feng was in deep thought.

Jiang Nannan made a soft voice and raised his eyes, as if countless years had passed, and he had a dream, and it seemed that only a moment had passed.

It was not until I opened my eyes that I saw the light.

"Are you... Teacher Wang?"

Jiang Nannan looked at the man in front of him in a daze, his pupils suddenly contracted.

The surrounding scenes slowly became clear.

"Woke up?"

Wang Feng glanced at Jiang Nannan.

The black lines on her body have basically disappeared.

When people wake up, Wang Feng estimates that it will only last a few days, and he must use the power of redemption to put pressure on it.You have to control it well. If you use more, Jiang Nannan will have big problems.

"Ms., why are you here..."

Jiang Nannan wanted to get up, but found that she was weak and didn't want to move a finger.

The clothes on her body were stripped so that only her underwear was left... In a daze, Jiang Nannan only knew that she was in a coma.Lingdu e-book


"Teacher, did the game win? Our team should have won!"

Jiang Nannan's face flushed slightly, and asked cautiously.

Wang Feng was silent for a few seconds.

He didn't expect that the first problem the girl woke up was not to care about his martial arts and physical condition.

It turned out to be related to the winning or losing of the game?

"You won, you won." Wang Feng replied calmly.

"Great!" Jiang Nannan breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on his face, "Teacher, we didn't shame you. But, I'm not your student..."

Jiang Nannan gave Wang Feng a little embarrassed.

Wang Feng looked at Jiang Nannan, some wanting to laugh, but a little angry.

'Boss, if this little girl only admires you, I, Long Xie, will never marry a wife in this life!I'll leave it here.'

Long Xie said confidently in the soul realm space.

Wang Feng did not return to Longxie.

"How did your second martial soul come from?"

Wang Feng asked.

"Well, this martial soul..."

Jiang Nannan thought for a while, and still told the origin of this martial soul.

He Bingmulin is not bad as expected.

When this girl was young, she ate a special egg and was in a coma for several days.

After waking up until he was awakened at the age of six, he discovered that he was a second martial soul.

The situation was somewhat similar to that of Tang San back then. The first martial arts spirit was the soft bone rabbit. After awakening, she realized that she had a second martial arts spirit, but she didn't show it.

Later, she discovered that this martial spirit had cultivated and was full of dark aura. She was worried that she would be considered an evil spirit master, so she never dared to disclose it to others.

Haven't used it either.

Until now, in order to win the championship, I didn't want to lose a game, so I took the risk and used the second Wuhun.

Even before using it, she didn't talk to Ma Xiaotao and the others, because she was afraid she would say it, Ma Xiaotao and the others would not let her play.

Jiang Nannan remembered very clearly, this secret was the biggest secret to her simple.

"Do you know what this Wuhun means?" Wang Feng looked at her.

He understood Jiang Nannan's behavior very well.

Just as he obtained the Dark Angel Martial Soul, he did not dare to use it casually.

Don't even dare to practice.

"I might be considered an evil spirit master..."

Jiang Nannan was silent for a few seconds, "But I have never done anything bad with this martial soul, and using martial soul is only to defeat the opponent in the game. Without breaking any rules, the result of the game is definitely valid. The Angel Temple should treat me Captured, but I have a clear conscience. Even if they capture me, they will not deal with me in the same way as evil spirit masters, at most they will take care of me for a while. Moreover, I believe the academy will not let me go."

Smart or smart.

Jiang Nannan could think of this, indicating that she already had her own ideas before using this martial soul.

It is not used directly when the mind is hot.

Unfortunately, she still didn't understand this martial soul.

'Tsk tusk, boss, look, this little girl actually matters whether the result of the game is effective."Long Xie is surprised," If you change this to someone else, your safety should be your concern, right?She didn't even ask about her injuries and problems.'

'Boss, how can you bear it?'

Wang Feng ignored Long Xie's ridicule.

"You can't use this martial spirit again without the consent of the academy teacher. You know?"

Wang Feng stood up.

"Yeah." Jiang Nannan nodded obediently.

"You don't ask why?" Wang Feng said.

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