Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1277 (5)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"I asked you to come here to speak because only you are qualified. If you bring two more people, I don't think I have seen them." The Star Spirit Uranus said lightly, "You are my teacher at that time, I know what you think. But you too underestimate a Douluo Heavenly King? Besides, this should be what Ren Yuhe meant? He saw you being summoned by me and asked your father to speak for him, but he even followed you. Have no courage."

"Give him a chance, what is he?"

The star-spirited Uranus eyes flashed with stars, seeming to be able to spy on people's hearts.

The remaining Douluo Heavenly Kings were silent and didn't intend to take care of things.

"The King of Heaven..."

Ren Qianxing whispered, "I know Yuhe is not good enough for you...but..."

"Know it and get out." The stars in the Xingling Tianwang's eyes were covered with frost, and the powerful spiritual force looked at Ren Qianxing as if it were true.

Ren Qianxing gritted his teeth and backed away again and again with a pale face.

At this time, Xi Douluo suddenly smiled and said: "Xingling don't be angry, so, Ren Qianxing, if your son can go through three tricks under his hand, I will help the Xinglings, how about you promise?"

Wang Feng was watching with gusto.

The heirs of the master of the dignified sect, for most spirit masters, they are superior.

Unfortunately, he wanted to pursue the Douluo Heavenly King.

Gee tee.

The heart is very high.

But among the twelve heavenly kings, half of them are single.

Calculated from the average age of soul masters, they are not too young.

They are the most outstanding talents of an era, and their talents are definitely excellent.

The oldest one is King Fa Tian, ​​a few-spoken, barely speaking old man who is over a hundred years old.

The youngest is the King Wan, who is 60 years old, and the next is the Star King, who is 62 years old.

These are not secrets.

Perhaps the only mysterious thing is Xi Douluo.

This age, if placed among ordinary people, they are all grandma-level figures.

But if you put it in the average age of a soul master, it belongs to the age of grace and prosperity.

The average age of Federation Spirit Masters is now around 110 years old.

The twelve heavenly kings, except for the three who disappeared, basically did not reach the average age.

Can be re-elected for at least a hundred years.

In the next hundred years, the Douluo Heavenly King headed by Xi Douluo will not experience any changes.

The future is promising.

After such a comparison, the heir to a sect of sect continued to want to pursue the king.

That's too bold.

Just these few female kings, how many suitors?

Wang Feng looked interesting, but he didn't expect Xi Douluo's conversation front to turn the matter on himself.

I have to say that this hand is a bit clever.

This old man looked like an iron-headed baby, an extremely stubborn kind.

The Protoss Uranus did not agree, and it is estimated that he might not agree, and he would die.

However, Xi Douluo's misfortune has just tied the two things together, not only giving the old man a step down, but also solving the matter perfectly.

Because in the cognition of these Douluo Heavenly Kings, let alone three tricks, as long as Wang Feng thinks, one trick will do.

Doesn't this amount to rejection in disguise?Weichang Novel Network

It's just a bad information.

The old man didn't know how strong Wang Feng was.

Sure enough, the old man heard this from Xi Douluo's mouth and immediately exclaimed, "Thank you, Xi Tian Wang Chengquan! I will go back now and prepare for the exercise..."

Ren Qianxing obviously thinks that his son is unlikely to defeat this soul master.

But is it not easy to take three moves?

He had never thought that the Protoss Uranus would directly agree, and it would be best if he could make a request.Unexpectedly, Xi Douluo spoke in person and gave him a step down.

Moreover, Xi Douluo is the head of the Heavenly King, so she would never return when she spoke.

"Senior is up to you," Xi Douluo said, "This Ren Qianxing is extremely stubborn. If he doesn't say that, he probably won't leave or let go."

"..." The Star Spirit Heavenly King glanced at Xi Douluo.

"Does the Protoss blame me? Or do you not believe in Senior?" Xi smiled slightly.

The Star Spirit Heavenly King looked at the soul fighting platform in the distance, shook his head and looked at Wang Feng and said, "That Yuhe is also the successor of the Idealist Sect. Three tricks...Senior should try to act lightly."

"Hahahaha..." Nan Yuan Tianwang couldn't help laughing, "Ren Qianxing would not be stupid when he heard this. Also, let the senior solve his son with three tricks, it is bound to use some real skills, this After three tricks, Ren Yuhe is afraid he will regret his life."

Several heavenly kings shook their heads.

What kind of method Xi Douluo did, and Ren Qianxing didn't want to think about it, how could she give him such a benefit?

"I said, you have so much confidence in me?" Wang Feng said, "I only need to defeat Ren Yuhe. I may not only use three moves. I use four or five moves, and it has no effect on me. As long as If you win, then Ren Qianxing will teach the exercises."

"I may not use three tricks."

Wang Feng glanced at several Douluo Heavenly Kings, smiled, and turned to leave, "The game is about to start, I have to prepare."

Many Douluo Heavenly Kings were stunned, as if they were trying to figure out the meaning of Wang Feng's words.

"Oh, sister Xi, you seem to have overturned."

Heavenly King Nan Yuan said in surprise, "Senior is senior, and they won't pick up your stubbornness. Xingling, maybe your happiness will be ruined like this."

"What's the funeral?" The Star King asked.

"You see, seniors mean that if you don't take sister Xi's fault, you may not be able to help you. You didn't listen to him. He obviously has to use several tricks, and he will definitely beat that Ren Yuhe again. Isn't it time to give that Ren Yuhe a chance to pursue you?"

King Nan Yuan said, holding his finger, quite childlike.

"Oh." The Star Spirit Heavenly King spit out a word, "So what?"

"Don't you look down on that Ren Yuhe?" Nan Yuan Tianwang opened his eyes wide.

"Yeah, I just gave him a chance. What can an opportunity show? Do I agree with anything?"

The starling heavenly king's cold face evoked a curve, "I still gave some people a chance. Unfortunately, no one can grasp it."

Hearing this, Heavenly King Nan Yuan was taken aback for a moment, "Xingling, you are so... cunning!"

This is not just plain, giving you a chance, um, and then directly rejecting you.

But just now, the Protoss Uranus never gave up a step. It is easy for people to mistakenly think that if the Uranus gives you a chance, he will agree to you.


Xi Douluo also smiled.

This is actually for the good of Ren Yuhe.

What about giving him the opportunity to pursue, can he control it?

"Women are so complicated." Bing Tian Wang shook his head.

"Every woman is a born performer." King Yu Tian sighed, but smiled again, "However, our men are not bad."

King Fatian smiled and remained silent.

At this time, the following peak group competition officially started.

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