Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1279 Dream City (2)

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Nor can it carry the talent and strength of the Protoss King.

Naturally, he entered the Wuhun Palace, and finally became the Douluo Heavenly King, reaching the top of the Federation.

The goddess back then, even if there was only one chance to pursue, for him, that was also hope.

According to the usual practice, Wang Feng released the little kunsha first.

The orthodox spirit system soul master is more powerful than the previous cursed doll soul master.

And it is also the only spiritual martial soul sect from the whole continent.

The status of Idealism is equivalent to ontology.Spiritual Martial Soul itself is also considered a unique category.

"Little guy, this is an orthodox spirit system spirit master. All attacks will be mental attacks."

Wang Feng said, "It is also a huge test for you. Your body has become very strong because of the dark devil qi, but your mental strength is not enough. Wait no matter what attack you encounter, as long as you can hold it , It will greatly improve you."

"Boss, I know." The little Kunsha nodded.

Eight rounds have passed, and the little kunshark has also gone through several battles.

Most of them were crushed and suffered various injuries, which was a test for him.

The more you lose now, the more invincible you will be in the future.

Ren Yuhe couldn't help laughing as he saw the Qi soul master release the thousand-year soul beast again.

The previous Long was obviously stronger, so instead of letting it go, he used this thousand-year soul beast.

Is this looking down on yourself?

Ren Yuhe was not angry. It would be better to look down on himself, so that he would not have to work hard to survive the three moves.

However, he can look down on himself, but he cannot look down on him.

The Protoss Uranus could be watching, he must not behave too badly.

Taking a deep breath, Ren Yuhe released his martial soul.

His martial spirit is very strange.

It is a city.

It's amazing.

When Wang Feng saw this Wuhun, he was also stunned on the spot.

However, this city presents a phantom, like a mirage.

Very unique.

But it is indeed a big city in the style of Tiandou District.

As soon as Wuhun appeared, Ren Yuhe himself looked a lot smaller.

However, this city is more like a model.

This Wuhun can be said to be very unique.

At least among the martial arts that Wang Feng had seen, this was the only one that was so huge.

The seven spirit rings flashed with light.

"Seventh Soul Ability, Wuhun Real Body!"

Ren Yuhe spoke plainly.

When the words fell, the seven spirit rings disappeared one by one.

In an instant, Ren Yuhe people disappeared.

That city is getting bigger.

Clouds and mist linger until it envelopes the entire arena.

It looks extremely shocking!

Whether you are in it or outside, you regret and feel shocked.

"Welcome to my spiritual world. This is my spirit, the city of dreams!"

Voices came from all directions.

The surrounding buildings have gradually begun to solidify.

Wang Feng knew that it was not true, but it was true in this world.

Because this is not a simple world anymore.

"This man's spirit is not a city."

Wang Feng said slowly, "It's a dream. It's just his dream, this city."

This kind of magical spirit made Wang Feng feel extremely novel.

A martial soul can be anything, existing or non-existent, and can become a martial soul.

In terms of strength, this martial soul is very powerful, and the future heir of the Idealist Sect is naturally not just a soul master with an ordinary martial soul.

Rumbling.Fifth Novel

"Boss, what should I do?"

The little horse shark was dumbfounded.

Even Wang Feng felt novel, and he had never seen it before.

"Brake statically. You can also try it first."

Wang Feng said.

The little kunshark nodded, changed his body, and directly used his soul skills, facing the surrounding buildings, it was a rampage.

The little kunshark is more than four meters in size. After performing its soul skills, the flying body will be like an airplane, crashing various buildings in the city.But only a few seconds later, these buildings were restored to their original state.

Basically no effect.

The spirit body of the spirit martial spirit is extremely immune to various types of damage.

"It's useless." The little kunshark tried a few more times.

It was found that no matter how he attacked, it had no effect.

"These buildings seem to be fake. When I ran into it, I didn't feel it at all."

Said the little kunsha.

As soon as the voice fell, a large tower building 20 meters high suddenly swept away at the little kark shark like autumn leaves from a distance.

The little kunshark reacted quickly, but when he thought that these buildings were fake, he didn't worry about it.

Until the high tower fell on the body.

He knew that he was wrong.


Like a kite with a broken string, the little kunshark was blown up hundreds of meters away by this high platform, vomiting blood.

A lot of buildings were blown up with them, but they were restored to their original state immediately.

The only thing that hasn't recovered is the little pike shark.

"Boss, is it true when these buildings hit me?" The little Kunsha was at a loss.

"Nonsense, this is someone's dream world, which is equivalent to his spiritual world. He will definitely be effective in hitting you."

Wang Feng said, "But if you hit him, there will be no effect."

"Isn't this shameless?" the little kunshark said angrily, "how to fight this?"

Before I finished talking, in an instant, several stone pillars exploded from the ground, pushing up the little kark shark lying on the ground, and then clamped them together.

Like a target, several buildings flew in the distance, directly hitting him.

Smashed the little kark shark to his head.

"Boss, this martial soul seems to be a bit shameless." Long Xie saw that the little kunshark was completely passive. "This is the first time I have seen humans with this special martial soul. How about I try it out?"

Wang Feng released Long Xie.

With Longxie's body shape, the moment he appeared, it seemed to stretch this all up a bit.

But compared to this city, it is still very small.

It's like a monster in Ultraman, appearing in a city.

Longxie is that monster.

"Break it for me!"

Long Xie yelled, his wings spread out, and the sky flickered and the ground boiled and rolled.

Like a volcanic eruption, and like a thunder coming down.

It made this world seem to be in the doomsday version, which was extremely shocking.

Wang Feng looked quite interesting.

He suddenly became interested in this Ren Yuhe.

Of course, it is mainly Wuhun.

This Wuhun is really interesting.

With the appearance of Longxie, the world seemed to collapse.

The sky thunder fell, shattering all the houses, and a large area began to collapse.

As the earth moved and the mountains shook, countless buildings began to be swallowed instantly, and the ground swallowed everything as if there was a mouth.

"You look like a villain who destroys the world."

Wang Feng said to Long Xie.

"Really? I think it's pretty cool, but unfortunately, this is all fake." Long Xie said regretfully.

"Do you still want to be real?" This guy still has the violent factor of the dragon in the bottom of his heart.


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