Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1298: This Is Love

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Brigitte returned to the Silver Dragon King.

"Bridge, what did you say to him?"

Ditian asked, "I see you murmured in the ring for a while, and the conversation seems to be pretty good?"

"Secret." Brigitte whispered.

Di Tian frowned when he heard this.

"What's the secret?"

"Everything is a secret, how can I tell you casually?" Brigitte shook her head.

"Let's listen." Silver Dragon King said, "I am also a little curious, what exactly did you say?"

Brigitte thought to herself, it must be impossible to say it casually.

Wouldn't it be completely useless if he said his thoughts directly?

As her eyes rolled, Brigitte whispered quietly in Silver Dragon King's ear.

"He told me that he would never give up easily." Brigitte said.

The Silver Dragon King was taken aback, and some did not react, "Why won't you give up easily?"

"Lord, you," Brigitte said helplessly.

"What does he want from me?" Silver Dragon King frowned slightly, "I have never understood. You said he was for me? Why?"

"Because of love."

"what is love?"

"It's a very complicated emotion among human beings." Brigitte replied.

"What complicated feelings?" The Silver Dragon King was puzzled.

"In simple terms, it's like our soul beasts will also look for partners to accompany each other." Brigitte wanted to explain in the way of the soul beast.

But found that even the way of the soul beast, it is difficult to understand this emotion.

Most 100,000-year soul beasts, in fact, might not understand this emotion.

A small part can understand, and a very small part, because of love with humans, also derived this kind of emotion.

Brigitte didn't think she understood too much, but she was definitely better than the master.

"But..." Silver Dragon King thought for a while, and suddenly said, "Isn't that just to breed offspring? In order to pass on his bloodline?"

Speaking of this, the Silver Dragon King was taken aback, "You mean, his purpose is me, for the Dragon God bloodline? That's it!"

"..." Brigitte.

It seems that the explanation is not good enough, and even the Lord has misunderstood it.

But the Lord really doesn't have much human emotions, and he can say this without any fluctuations.

Not at all like a human female.

There is not even a bit of shame, let alone shy and embarrassment.

Although the lord of the human form is indeed an overwhelming nation, it is not as beautiful as a human being.

Unfortunately, it should be difficult for people to really like it, right?Brigitte thought.

Most human men like that kind of charming, charming women.To such things as the Lord is more to admire and worship, and dare not to have any profanity.It's so beautiful that people don't even have much desire.

At this point, Brigitte can analyze it from the eyes of many men looking at herself and the Lord.

Thinking of this, Brigitte sighed in her heart.

But the Silver Dragon King thought more and more and felt right, "He wants to reproduce with me, and he wants his offspring to be heirs. In addition to inheriting his own power, does he still need to have the blood of the Dragon God?"

The inheritance of blood is very important. The stronger the blood, the more difficult it is to pass on.

"Master, this is different." Brigitte felt that the master's misunderstanding seemed to be getting deeper and deeper, and planned to explain it in another way. "Propagating offspring is just an addition to love, not the main purpose. This is a kind of... how to say Well, special emotions. For example, human beings define this kind of love as: grow old and stay together for a lifetime..."

"That's life?" The Silver Dragon King frowned, "You mean, he is for my lifespan? The lifespan of human beings is far inferior to our soul beasts, but the powerhouse of his level has surpassed the lifespan of the god king. In the God Realm, it is endless. So, because of some special reason, his life span is about to end, and this needs my life span?"

"..." Brigitte.

I am too hard.

Brigitte found herself completely unable to explain.

Di Tian on the side couldn't stand it anymore.

However, he could not explain anything.

After thinking about it, Di Tian pointed to a couple of soul masters in the distance ahead and said, "Lord, look, this is love."

This couple may be because they like the contestant to win, and they are cheering at the moment. The two embraced and kissed, their cheeks flushed, and they released their inner emotions.

The two exudes the sour smell of love, showing their affection.Lingdu e-book

When Brigitte looked at it, she immediately admired Di Tian.

Brother Tian's mind is still easy to use.

Although it is also wood.

The Silver Dragon King looked at this scene with a slight stunned expression and opened his small mouth.

After thinking about it for a long time, the Silver Dragon King frowned and said, "Isn't this the prelude to the soul match? The ultimate goal of the soul match is to pass on the offspring. Therefore, the essence of love is to pass on to the offspring and win the dragon. God's blood?"

"..." Di Tian.

"..." Brigitte.

Neither of them knew how to correct the logic of the Silver Dragon King.

What makes the scalp even more numb is that if you take a closer look, there seems to be no problem...

At this time, the two couples separated, and the woman said with flushed cheeks:

"Brother Yu, do you love me?"

"Love." The man made a loud voice.

"After that, we will be two of us, don't you want the third party?"

"Qianqian, I only have you in my heart, where is the third party?"

"I mean, I don't want to have children."


"Afraid of pain. Afraid that the child will share your love."

"...Okay. You say you can't give birth without giving birth."



Listening to the conversation, the Silver Dragon King was a little startled.

What are these two people for not to reproduce?

what is love?

This kind of emotion Silver Dragon King cannot understand.

Neither Brigitte nor Di Tian could explain.

It's because they are all young children, so it is impossible to explain them, and can only be roughly explained by relying on a little understanding of humans.

In the eyes of the Silver Dragon King, whether it is the gods or human beings.

To find a partner, it is impossible to pass on strength.

To some extent, it is true.

"Master, you should understand now? Love is not just about reproduction, reproduction is only part of love, but not all."

Brigitte summed it up a bit.

"You can try and get to know him." Brigitte said, "As long as you understand a person more, you can fully understand this emotion. If you don't understand a person, you will never understand."

"Biggie, have you ever been in love with a human?" The Silver Dragon King asked in surprise.

Di Tian's face changed.

"This, no." Brigitte shook her head.

"Then how do you know?"

"..." Brigitte.

However, Brigitte suddenly wanted to find something and asked, "Master, after talking so much, you don't seem to be disgusted?"

"Disgust?" Silver Dragon King said blankly, "What disgusted?"

"According to your thoughts, his purpose to the Lord, even if it is for the reproduction of the offspring and for the blood of the Dragon God, are you not disgusted or angry?" Brigitte was pleased and not disgusted, indicating that the Lord was treating Wang Feng Maybe you have already had feelings?

"Why is this disgusting?" The Silver Dragon King looked at Brigitte with a strange expression, "The soul beast always has to inherit the bloodline. This is the nature of the soul beast. The purest dragon god bloodline in my body is also responsible for inheriting the children, why should I Disgusting? On the contrary, it is extremely difficult to inherit the bloodline of the Dragon God, and it is extremely easy to mix. In order to inherit the bloodline, the Dragon God mated with many lives and gave birth to nine dragon kings. If there were no such nine dragon kings, the gods and soul beasts of the year might not be Can be well preserved."

"If our soul beasts have a strong bloodline, we will naturally inherit the bloodlines. This is our responsibility and obligation. Brigitte, as a soul beast, don't you have it?"

"Therefore, it is the responsibility of one of my clan to reproduce and pass on the bloodline. The Dragon God bloodline is extremely difficult to pass on. Why should I be disgusted? This is something I have considered for a long time.

"..." Brigitte.

She had forgotten that the Lord was the purest blood descendant of the Dragon God.

"This..." Brigitte whispered, "I naturally have this kind of responsibility, but the Lord, why can you say these things so peacefully..."


Ps: No, I feel bad...maybe it's going to wither.

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