Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1303 Bold Idea

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Xi Douluo reflected a pair of yin and yang fish, seeming to be slowly turning, and the light mist falling on the stage seemed to be able to see part of the situation through the heavy barriers.

"God's breath?" Xi Douluo's eyes flashed, returning to his original state.

"Sister Xi, what's the situation?" Nan Yuantian asked curiously, "They don't start fighting, and Huanyun talks about it as soon as they get up. Does he know him too?"

"It should be retelling the old." Xi Douluo pondered for a few seconds before giving the answer.

"Do these two people really know each other?" King Yu Tian said in amazement, "This Illusion Moon Holy Land is almost never born, and few spirit masters outside can enter it. With this senior's age, it is impossible for this Illusion Cloud to know it. Right?"

"It's not with Huanyun. It's with others..." Xi Douluo shook his head slightly.

Several Douluo Heavenly Kings thought about it, as if vaguely understood something.

"Who is it?" Nan Yuan Tian Wang couldn't restrain the gossip and curiosity in his heart, and asked.

"You have a lot of questions." Xi Douluo glared at her, "I don't know, guess it myself."

"Guess..." King Nan Yuan tilted his head and thought, "There are two gods behind the Holy Land of Magic Moon. According to the historical records of our Federation, in history, apart from the sea god Tang San, in history, there were also Several of them have become gods, but what kind of god they became, it seems that there is no detailed record...If you want to guess, it should be guessed in the first generation of Shrek's strange, right?"

"From my feelings, it should be a woman." Nan Yuan Tianwang said, "The age is too old. The Federation still remembers the deeds of this predecessor clearly, although all the official history is only a record of deeds and did not discuss it. The slightest character of this senior, and other things. But according to our research, this senior should have been a romantic figure at the time. It has caused a lot of peach blossom debt..."

"..." Xi Douluo.

If Wang Feng heard this, he would have a cold sweat.

Regardless of the age, the feeling of this woman always seems to be so accurate.

These Douluo Heavenly Kings are very intelligent people, and it is not difficult to guess.

I just don't know what happened.

Only Xi Douluo saw the part.

the other side.

"God's breath." The Silver Dragon King looked surprised, "Impossible, now the connection between Douluo World and God Realm has been severed...How could there be a god who could lower the mind? Could it be lowered a long time ago... "

She had been recovering from a deep sleep before, but now she woke up, actually because the connection between the two was severed.

She didn't have to worry about the gods of the gods coming to her trouble.

Unexpectedly, I could still feel the breath of God.

It seems to be very powerful.

"Just, what kind of god is it, what is the purpose of lowering the mind?" Silver Dragon King frowned.

She is too sensitive to God.

"Does it have something to do with the Dark Demon Realm?" The Silver Dragon King can only guess out of thin air, but he is not sure. Looking at the figure in the fog in the middle of the ring, he vaguely feels that the other party is becoming more and more confusing and more confusing. The mystery of the hair.

Until the end of the game, she became more and more confused.666 Literature Network

Since I came to human society, I have felt many differences.

"My lord, what are you talking about?" Brigitte on the side wondered.

"Nothing." The Silver Dragon King looked for a long time and shook his head. "How many more rounds are there?"

"Today is the quarterfinals and there are still three rounds. Not surprisingly, you should meet him in the last round. I looked and found that the remaining soul masters are very strong, but they won’t be yours. opponent."

Brigitte said.

"There are still three rounds..." The Silver Dragon King might think it was quite fast.

"Actually, Lord, you can go directly to him. It's only a few rounds anyway, he won't be suspicious." Brigitte looked at the sky and hinted, "Maybe, he will be very happy. There is no need to directly Encounter in the ring."

"I always feel that Brigitte, you may have some misunderstandings about him." Silver Dragon King thought for a while, "You may not feel it, but I can feel that he is wary of me or us."

"Impossible," Brigitte denied. "He told me clearly in the ring."

"I have learned in the past two days that human words are different from our soul beasts." Silver Dragon King said, "The same words, but in different people's ears, they can mean many different things. Therefore, you may misunderstand his words. Up."

Brigitte felt that the Lord did not want to face it, and did not feel that she had misunderstood.

Looking at the sky, Brigitte said again: "Master, you said that you are not disgusted. From your understanding of human emotions, then I ask you, if he is just to find you to inherit your blood, would you agree? ?"

The Silver Dragon King pondered for a few seconds before thinking for a while and said: "This, the race is different, how can we inherit the blood?"

"Yes." Brigitte reviewed the history of soul beasts. "In our history of soul beasts, there are also very few parts. After the soul beasts choose to transform, they will be with humans and give birth to children. Brother Tian, ​​you say yes. Right?"

Di Tian nodded and said: "Yes, there seems to be one at the scene, and I vaguely feel a little breath. Cough cough, but I don't support it."

"It's different." Silver Dragon King shook his head and said, "The transformation of a soul beast means that it is transformed into a human and rebuilt. In essence, it is already a human."

"You only need to preserve your blood, and now you are transformed into a human being, but you are also a soul beast."

"I am a special case."

"It's a special case," Brigitte said.

"This..." Silver Dragon King frowned slightly, and looked at the horizon, "The game is over, it's getting late, you must rest well and prepare for tomorrow's game. Let's talk about it tomorrow if you have something to do."

Let's talk, the Silver Dragon King turned around and left.

"Master, why did you deliberately change the subject?" Brigitte followed and said, "Also, isn't it better if it is a human? Master, think about it, you said, the stronger the blood, the harder it is Inheritance. Why? Because the stronger the bloodline of the soul beast, the reproductive ability is extremely low. But human beings do not. The strongest human being is the reproductive ability. Speaking of which, I have a bold idea."

"Put away your bold thoughts. Humans and beasts are two different lives. If they mess around, they will violate the laws of nature, and the consequences are unpredictable!"

As Ditian listened to the conversation between the two, he asked, what bold ideas?

Thinking, Di Tian followed, lowered his voice and asked:

"Biggie, tell me what you think?"

"It's actually very simple. Since the powerful soul beasts have low reproductive inheritance capabilities, they can look for humans... well." Brigitte said boldly, "You don't know that the blood of the soul beasts of a hundred thousand years old soul beast will change, but unfortunately , It is difficult to pass on, otherwise, our soul beasts will be stronger than humans. Especially your dragon ancestors, the dragon race with true dragon bloodline, the reproductive ability is even lower. The bloodline is extremely difficult to pass on, if you combine with humans..."

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