You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Then what should I say?" The Silver Dragon King felt as if it was the same, with a bit of contemplation on his face, as if he was thinking about what words should be used as an opening statement.

She didn't think the other party was looking for her for something, she really thought like Brigitte did.

"Don't come here unharmed," Wang Feng said.

"What does this word mean?" Silver Dragon King asked.

"It means that nothing bad happened after the separation, which is used as a greeting when we meet again." Wang Feng explained.

He is not sure, what is this Silver Dragon King thinking?

Why would you ask such a thing?Does it mean something else?

"Nothing bad has happened?" Silver Dragon King hmmed and thought for a while, "but I should be considered ill?"

"..." Wang Feng.

Watching Silver Dragon King say this calmly, it seems that there is no deep meaning.

'She refers to the matter of the soul master?'Wang Feng's heart shuddered. Sure enough, how could this Silver Dragon King understand nothing?

Having lived for so many years, it is impossible not to understand human beings.

The Silver Dragon King thought, after leaving the Star Dou Sacred Mountain from the opponent, the soul demon erupted in the Star Dou Great Forest, which had a great influence. If she hadn't appeared in time, it is estimated that the Star Dou Great Forest would still be a mess.

The appearance of the Dark Demon Realm, but this is a big bad thing, whether it is a human or a soul beast.

"Since you are sick, are you here to solve the bad thing? This is also the cemetery where you left the Star Dou Great Forest?"

Wang Feng glanced at the Silver Dragon King.

"Of course." The Silver Dragon King smiled slightly, "I can't look at my soul beast clan, it will be completely replaced and wiped out in the future. It just perishes."

Upon hearing this, Wang Feng was already certain.

The Silver Dragon King really came to ask for trouble.

She really didn't recognize Qi Soul Master, thinking that Qi Soul Master would make the soul beast disappear in the future.

Will be replaced by humans.

Doesn't think the equality of life soul deeds.

Think about it too.

Wang Feng's heart sank.

Is it possible that you really want to be an enemy of the Silver Dragon King now?

This is the Federation, Wuhun City, and the core of the Federation.

This Silver Dragon King possesses a strength comparable to that of a god-level powerhouse. Collecting all the top Title Douluo, it is possible to defeat the opponent.

But this is too difficult.

Next, the King Ying Long will either make a request because he has helped him heal his injuries before, and may avoid a fight.

But Wang Feng didn't have to think about it, this kind of request would definitely be very detrimental to mankind.

If I disagree, there will probably be a big battle tonight.

Looking at the smile on the other party's face, Wang Feng kept his eyes open, as if he knew what the other party was thinking.

This smile was three-thirds more beautiful than the moon in the sky, but unfortunately, based on the feeling in Wang Feng's heart, he felt like a knife hidden in the smile.

If you are not careful, you will play eggs.

On the other side, the Silver Dragon King looked at him and looked straight at him, taking it seriously, and vaguely remembered what Brigitte said. After thinking about it, he still asked:

"By the way, what do you think about blood inheritance?"

In the eyes of the Silver Dragon King, what Brigitte Ren said was a matter of blood inheritance.

"Blood inheritance?" Wang Feng was taken aback, confused.020 Novel Network

I don't know why the other party suddenly asked myself this.

"Yes, blood inheritance." The Silver Dragon King organized the language and sighed, "You also know that it is very difficult for our soul beast blood to continue to the next generation. The more powerful the blood, the more difficult it is to pass on. The reproductive ability of soul beasts is not strong. Especially for the one hundred thousand year soul beast, it is very difficult to find the same type of soul beast, and it is even more difficult for soul beasts of different races to inherit the blood of the previous generation."

Wang Feng didn't know how the Silver Dragon King suddenly said this, but he vaguely felt something.

"Really." Wang Feng had to nod his head, following the words of the Silver Dragon King to see what she meant.

"You humans are different." The Silver Dragon King's tone fluctuates slightly. "Humans have a strong innate ability to reproduce, and even martial souls can rely on inheriting from their parents to their parents, passing on from generation to generation, and descendants will be stronger than generations..."

The Silver Dragon King felt that this might be the greatest advantage of mankind.

Although they are inherently weak, their ability to reproduce is really strong.

In a mere year, heirs can be born.

Like a soul beast, it is estimated that even a embryo will not be formed in a year...

However, when Wang Feng heard this, his heart was cold.

Isn't this Silver Dragon King wanting to use the powerful multiplying ability of humans to enslave humans in the hands of soul beasts, so as to pass on the blood of soul beasts?

What a terrible idea...

A cold sweat was flowing in Wang Feng's heart.

Is this the condition for Silver Dragon King to open?

the other side.

"I heard it!" Bingdi said suddenly angrily, "This silver-haired woman wants to marry Wang Feng and pass on to the offspring!"

"It seems to have this meaning." Qingyu thought for a while, and felt that there was nothing wrong with what Bingdi said.

Otherwise, how could the two people meet on this big night to discuss the matter of blood inheritance?

I have to say, this idea...crazy and scary.

"This, this seems to be her thoughts, and does not mean Wang Feng's thoughts." Qingyu still said.

"Haha." Bingdi sneered, "Did you not hear it? They knew each other before, and they didn't just hook up in the competition. What does this mean? I said, with his temperament, how could it be possible to be in one place? Safe in the mountains? Now this is the evidence!"

"...Let's continue listening first," Qingyu said.

At this moment, Wang Feng felt very troubled in his heart.

'Boss, this Silver Dragon King, shouldn't he have a plan against you?'Long Xie and Bing Mulin have also been listening quietly, hearing this topic, they immediately responded.

"The Dragon God bloodline is extremely difficult to pass on. Of course, I am talking about the purebred dragon bloodline, not those miscellaneous brand Yalong. If there is no match with the same powerful bloodline, the descendants of the Dragon God bloodline will be diluted. But. If it has the same strong bloodline to match it, it's easy to say."

Long Xie coughed a few times, "With my experience as a soul beast for countless years, I feel that she is throwing an olive branch to you to see if your thoughts on blood inheritance have that meaning."

"Fuck off." Wang Feng's heart sank, "You know what a fart, she obviously wanted to use the powerful multiplying ability of humans to inherit the blood of the soul beast. The intercourse between humans and beasts! I want the soul beast to turn over and become the master, Enslave mankind completely."

"...This." Long Xie was taken aback, and after thinking about it, it seemed to be the same.

"What do you think?" At this moment, Silver Dragon King asked aloud.

"I think..." Wang Feng's expression remained unchanged, looking at the Silver Dragon King, and said lightly, "Humans have the strengths of humans, and soul beasts have the strengths of soul beasts. Although humans are powerful in reproduction, they are inherently weak and have an extremely short life span. On the contrary, Soul beasts are inherently powerful and have an extremely long life span. This may be the reason why the ability of soul beasts to reproduce is weak.

"Not bad." Silver Dragon King nodded, agreeing.

She felt that the two subordinates, Brigitte Ditian, could not go together at all.

On the contrary, you can always talk to each other.

Fortunately, they are still soul beasts.

Wang Feng was not happy about the Silver Dragon King’s recognition. After thinking about it, he still wanted to try to convince the other party:

"So, I think, living under the same sky, I think that humans and spirit beasts can learn from each other..."

"Learning from each other?" The Silver Dragon King was taken aback...

What did he mean...

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