Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1312 Double Domain Superposition!

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The pillars and the ground all around seemed to have been dyed in an instant, only the endless ice sky.

There is no snow, only ice.

This is a very large-scale control, similar to Lord Bingmulin's spirit ability, but in essence, it is just the beginning.

It's entirely to create a battle environment suitable for Ice Emperor and Sapphire.

Can let the two strengths fully play out.

The Ice Emperor with a cultivation base of 600,000 years was a normal Title Douluo of the 97th and 8th rank, and it was not so easy to defeat.

What's more, the Ice Emperor, who was a Qi soul beast, had many more powerful attack methods.

However, this has no effect on Wang Feng.


Wang Feng looked at the Ice Emperor and the sapphire in the distance, "Although I am not strong now...but you want to teach me, it may be a lot worse."

Among other things, his body is too powerful.

Ice and fire are not afraid, even if the ice of the Ice Emperor is the ultimate ice, it even means a little bit beyond the ultimate.

But Wang Feng, who possesses Bingmullin as the soul beast, can hardly cause any damage to Wang Feng even with the ultimate ice.

Even basic control is difficult to achieve.

Wang Feng didn't plan to consume the two.

Wang Feng kicked the ground lightly, and in an instant, numerous cracks appeared on the solid ice surface, and his figure struck towards the sapphire like a rocket launched.

The powerful physical power is fully demonstrated at this moment.

Even Di Tian couldn't be with Wang Feng's current strength and speed of exhaustion.

Unless you reach level ninety-nine, like Xi Douluo, there is no title Douluo that can compare with Wang Feng based on physical strength alone.

Even at level ninety-nine, his body would not be stronger than Wang Feng.

This is the avatar derived from the supernatural powers of Yiqi Huasanqing, which is indistinguishable from the body.

The only difference is Wuhun and Soul Power.

Qingyu obviously didn't expect Wang Feng's speed to reach this point. The ice pole space created by the Ice Emperor had no effect on Wang Feng.

While surprised, he immediately defended.

In the next moment, Qingyu directly casts the Martial Spirit Body.

When the real body of Wuhun was cast, a scene that shocked everyone and Wang Feng happened.

You must know that Sapphire was so lucky before that he didn't even reveal the real body of the martial soul, at most, the martial soul was revealed, and the spirit ability was cast.

The titled Douluo's martial soul body was different.

Because Title Douluo possesses a soul core, there is no need for the soul master and the soul to be merged behind the cast of Wuhunzhen.

It has the powerful ability to automatically attack the enemy, as well as the means of control.

In addition, the soul master itself can deal with the enemy, so the titled Douluo's martial soul body is much stronger than other soul sages or the soul body of the soul Douluo.

Because the soul avatars of the Soul Sage and the Soul Douluo do not have a soul core, the Soul Master itself is integrated with the Soul after they are released.

But Qingyu was behind Shifang Wuhunzhen, and a dazzling light core burst directly into the Wuhun.

The blue light white jade dolphins Wuhun directly became thirty to forty meters long!

Soul core!

Sapphire, who had just stepped into the Contra, had a soul core!

Wang Feng was also quite surprised.

This blue lantern white jade dolphin possesses extremely high wisdom. After the transformation and reconstruction, the wisdom has not disappeared. I am afraid that the research on the cultivation method of humans is deeper than that of humans, and it can even cultivate soul cores in advance.

At this stage, there is only one person who possesses soul cores for more than 80 levels.

That was Xi Douluo, and after reaching level ninety, Xi Douluo even cultivated his second soul core, which was the ultimate soul core of Yin and Yang twins.

Is the first person in history.Small composition novel

"Ice Jade Domain!"

As the spirit body of the Blue Lantern White Jade Dolphin was revealed, at the same moment, the field of talent was ten directions from the spirit body.

Not only that, the ice emperor in the sky also smiled a little: "Wang Feng, I know that my extreme ice space is useless for you. But I don't believe that dual realms are useless for you. You still want to attack Qingyu, today you are Don't even touch us! Humph!"

"Extreme ice field! Stack!"

A wave of icy air erupted again on the ice emperor, and the yellow jewel-like hexagonal bulge suddenly lit up.

The Extreme Ice Domain is the natural field of the Ice Emperor. The 600,000-year-old Ice Emperor is the ultimate ice emperor in the extreme north.

The field is naturally too.

The freezing effect in this area can ignore all resistances.

Of course, this kind of resistance is against the body of a human soul master.

Wang Feng has studied this extreme power. This extreme freezing itself is a frozen space, and thus any existence in the frozen space.

Freeze the space directly, whether you are immune or not, you can't move in this space.

And the power of absolute ice above the power of extreme ice, even possesses the ability to freeze time. Back then, Lord Bingmullin was able to freeze the first few days of tribulation with the power of absolute ice.

The majesty of Heavenly Tribulation, just freezing the space has no effect.

Because the tribulation itself is splitting the space and descending, only by freezing time, the tribulation can be prohibited.

But Lord Bingmulin hadn't recovered to that kind of strength, and couldn't do it yet.

The same is true of the opposite extreme flame power.

Can burn space.Many people are completely immune to flames, but they are not immune to extreme inflammation.

The extreme inflammation can burn and destroy the space, and any life in this space will directly disappear.

This is the power of the true ultimate power.

Of course, if you want to reach this level, for soul beasts, at least one needs to cultivate to one hundred thousand years.

Wang Feng knew that Qingyu also had a 100,000-year soul beast with extremely flame attributes, but it didn't show up, probably as a killer.

And now.

Under the influence of the extreme ice field, Wang Feng seemed to have been hit by dimensionality reduction, and stopped at an extremely fast speed.

Wang Feng's body didn't have the slightest frost, but there was only endless frost in the surrounding space.

In an instant, the entire ring became a cube ice sculpture.

In the center of the huge ice sculpture, Wang Feng is like a grain of rice, passively in place, looking extremely shocking!

The scope is too big!

The ice emperor's extremely ice domain actually couldn't achieve the effect of such a large range of frozen space, because her cultivation base was not enough.

Frozen space is easy to say, but it involves the power of origin.

Unless the Ice Emperor reaches the Million Years level, he can easily freeze such a large area of ​​space, instantly freezing Wang Feng and all the surrounding space.

No matter how bad it is, it will take eight or nine hundred thousand years to face Wang Feng.

If you want to freeze a space, you first have to look at what kind of space it is. When Wang Feng is moving at a high speed, the vitality of the heavens and the earth explodes around him, and even the former icy space, which affects the environment, has given a certain amount of damage. The space of the emperor is not stable. If you want to freeze Wang Feng's space with the scope of the domain, the cultivation base of Bingdi is not enough.

However, it was so powerful that the ice jade domain of the blue lantern and white jade dolphin overlapped with the ice emperor's extremely ice domain.

The Blue Lantern White Jade Dolphin is a soul beast with dual attributes of ice and fire, even if it is not the ultimate ice.

But it is also a very powerful ice attribute power.

Sapphire and Ice Emperor also concluded a soul contract, and the two domains directly overlapped, making the Ice Emperor's domain directly rise more than one level!

Even infinitely close to the power of absolute ice.

In an instant, Wang Feng was frozen.

Seeing Wang Feng who was frozen in the center, Bingdi said triumphantly: "I know that your body is immune to ice and fire, and Linzu is a soul beast. It is a pity that Linzu's reconstruction is too weak. Not much. Your body's strength has also been sealed, and your strength has been reduced a lot. It is impossible to be immune to everything like it was at the beginning. Not to mention the dual domains of me and Qingyu."

"Wang Feng, you obediently admit defeat, I won't let you betray my sister and have sex with that soul beast!"

"??" Wang Feng, who was sealed by ice, could still hear the words of Bingdi, but...

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