Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1317 Extreme explosion!

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Wang Feng didn't know that the clever sapphire had already seen his distractions.

Seeing the green flame jade spirit bird shot, the hot extreme flame burned the space distorted and deformed, Wang Feng wondered if it fell on him, let alone, it would really cause substantial injury to himself.

The explosion of two extreme powers is not a joke.

Xi Douluo's yin and yang origin martial soul is two more terrifying ultimate powers, which can directly make him face the ten-ring god-level fighting demons.

To be reasonable, if Wang Feng hadn't used the light and dark angel martial arts, he would directly blow up the Hu, and missed the ten-ring god-level fighting demon, it was really difficult to deal with at that time.

The two extreme powers of ice and fire exploded, and there were indeed some wounds on his body. Once he was recruited, he would have to capsize in the gutter.

Obviously, Qingyu's own strength is actually not very strong.

However, after signing a contract with these two hundred thousand year soul beasts, they complemented each other and strengthened the strength of the two in a disguised form.

No wonder Qingqing said that this sapphire and Bingbing might cause him a lot of trouble.


But urgently, the Green Flame Jade Spirit Bird was blocked by the Ice Emperor as soon as he took it.

But Wang Feng was very surprised.

"Is the Ice Emperor too competitive, right?"

Wang Feng is not sure if these three internal contradictions have not been resolved, and opinions have not been unified during the battle.

Could it be because I was hated just now, and I no longer want to let a third party interfere, just want to solve myself alone?

Wang Feng looked at the Green Flame Jade Spirit Bird where there was no place left in his hands.

There must be no tricks in it.

Suddenly, Wang Feng looked at the shoe with a strange light in his eyes, which struck him.

An idea came to mind: Could it be that Bingdi deliberately?Isn't she worried about me?

It is estimated that Qingyu saw that he was attacked frantically by the ice emperor, and his body was adorned, so he immediately summoned the Qingyan Jade Spirit Bird, taking advantage of his slight injury, giving himself a fatal blow and defeating himself.

The timing is just right.The Ice Emperor was afraid that he would be seriously injured under these two extreme forces, so he said this deliberately?

As soon as this idea came out, Wang Feng broke into a cold sweat and immediately dispelled it.

Impossible, impossible.

'This ice scorpion wished he would be beaten severely, not to mention serious injuries, it is probably really dead.Maybe happy, lilies are can you worry about me?'Wang Feng secretly said in his heart.

Even if you don't want to kill yourself, it's good not to fall into trouble, let alone pretend to defend yourself.

Regarding a scorpion that has lived for countless years, or an ice scorpion that was robbed of love by himself, Wang Feng was not narcissistic enough to think that the ice emperor had feelings for him and made such a move.

'So, judging by Bingdi's temper, it is estimated that I was really mad at myself and I just wanted to rely on her to defeat me... I didn't want that jade spirit bird to interfere.'

Wang Feng secretly shook his head.

But it doesn’t feel right to think so...

'Hey, the acting is too deep, I can be regarded as letting you out.But I didn't expect that the anger of this ice scorpion was not so much.'

Wang Feng watched the Ice Emperor attack.

The glare of ice concealed the scorching blue flames, and the two extreme areas canceled each other out, producing countless energy riots.

Wang Fengda can directly activate the martial arts, and then use the power of the seven origins, and only one trial is enough to defeat both.

But this kind of move is too powerful, and even if Wang Feng controls it well, it is hard to say whether it is the Ice Emperor, the bird, or the sapphire.

Maybe the sapphire will be beaten into its original form.Beautiful Book Bar

The power of this judgment is the original power of the King of Origin Tribulation, and these ultimate powers are not of a magnitude at all.

To some extent, it was comparable to the catastrophe of a soul beast.

Very lethal to the soul beast.

The power of soul skills is too small.Because Longxie or Bingmulin's cultivation base is not high, Wang Feng's soul power level is not high, and he can't exert the power of soul skills.For the 100,000-year soul beast, Wang Feng did not feel that the soul skills of the light and dark angel Wuhun could cause harm.

The light and dark angel martial arts are stronger in the power of the seven origins, not soul skills.

From this point of view, the light and dark angel martial soul is much worse than the chaotic green lotus martial soul.

'Unfortunately, the light and dark angel martial arts have no domain, otherwise they wouldn't be overwhelmed by the martial arts formed by these two extreme forces.'

Wang Feng coughed a few times.

at this time.

Something unexpected happened.

Although the ice emperor thought that he would cast his own extreme ice domain to offset Homura's extreme flame domain, in order to place Wang Feng's attack.

But obviously, when these two areas were offsetting each other, the violent riots formed a huge torrent, just blasting towards Wang Feng.

This huge energy riot even caused cracks in the indestructible arena.

Xi Douluo on the stage frowned slightly.

"A very powerful force, two extreme powers, under the action of the soul Qi master, reached the true extreme. It seems to be offset, but after offsetting, it forms a more powerful explosion of energy. This power, It has surpassed the power of the normal level 9 fixed-mounted Soul Guidance Cannon..."

The faces of several Douluo Heavenly Kings were a bit heavy.

The ring itself is a large-scale fixed-mounted soul guide, which Xi Douluo took the lead in making it himself.

The limit of her ninth-level soul master is to make a ninth-level soul guide.

Therefore, the power of this ring can only support the power of the ninth-level fixed-mounted Soul Guidance Cannon, which is already the top soul guidance device in the Federation.

Even on the Sun-Moon Empire side, there were few that could surpass it.

With an attack of this level, it would be difficult for ordinary Title Douluo to survive.

The attack of a normal ninety-nine-level Title Douluo can hardly exceed this level, unless some divine weapon or special spirit ability is used.


Xi Douluo knew that even if they were in the ring at this time, they would not be affected, but those outside the court would be miserable.

This level of energy explosion is enough to make the space begin to annihilate, one is careless, the space is unstable, no one knows what will happen.

As the eye-piercing spirit ring on her body lit up.

The weird yin and yang origin martial soul flew out of Xi Douluo, like two discs, suddenly becoming bigger.

Then it fell directly into the center of the ring, turning into a huge yin and yang fish energy shield, sealing the ring.

In an instant, the energy dissipating in all directions exploded inside, like a flood hitting a dam, and was gathered around.

But this also made the explosion in the inner space more violent.

The Ice Emperor obviously didn't expect this to be the case, and stayed for a while.

Even Sapphire frowned slightly. She knew that the two extreme areas could not be superimposed, but she didn't expect that once they touched, they would be so terrifying power after the explosion.

However, this also just confirmed her conjecture.

'This Xi Douluo is really not easy.The green jade eyebrows were slightly raised, and he glanced at Xi Douluo catching the traces.

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