Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1324 Ah! I'm injured!

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!In the previous game, most of the Silver Dragon King was really playing.

Because those human soul masters are not strong.

Even the Titled Douluo of level ninety-nine, she could win as long as she showed some strength.

Don't pursue any spikes, just defeat the opponent.

It's different now.

The one in front of me is different.

When the Silver Dragon King moved his fingertips, the elements attacked from the sky and headed towards Wang Feng.

Water, fire, wind and earth, light and dark, belong to elements.It even includes space.

It's just that the Silver Dragon King's current strength has not fully recovered, such as the two elements of light and darkness, and space, she still cannot fully display.Several other powers have not reached their peak.

Otherwise, this Wuhun City would not be enough to serve as her battlefield.

But even so.

The colorful elemental attack was a simple ice blade, enough to smash a Title Douluo directly into a hole.

And this ice blade, there are tens of thousands.

It can be said that the entire arena has no dead angle attacks.

The heat and ice, the wind and the earth, the ring seemed to have become the other world, overturning, collapsing, and with all these energy attacks, it seemed to drown Wang Feng.

A serious attack can cause such a terrifying power.

Just this trick, if the space is not blocked, and if counted by the human army, it is enough to destroy more than 100,000 troops.

Many spirit masters finally understood why this mysterious silver-haired woman had sealed the space in the ring.

If this Nima is not sealed off, the spirit masters in the square will not be able to handle this kind of move.

Compared with the energy explosion yesterday, Silver Dragon King's first move was easily surpassed.

Wang Feng struggled.

He opened the airspace first, and the front character puzzles reached the extreme. Although the spiritual power of the clone was very strong, it was not yet comparable to the Silver Dragon King.

The training time is too short.

At the same time, Wuhun was activated, but in the sky's elemental attack, no one could see his appearance clearly.

Whether to open or not is a support.

Moreover, Wang Feng found that even the power of Judgment Origin was difficult to use.

Space blockade not only blocks mental power, but also includes external forces.

Can be used, but I am afraid it is difficult to cause effective damage.

After Wuhun was turned on, it entered the spatial state, and Wang Feng was still able to move.

At least you can dodge these elemental attacks.

After the ice emperor and sapphire attack, after Wang Feng opened the air, he could easily dodge and break through with the help of the chaotic eight sounds.

However, this time, it was not as easy to dodge as in the previous one.

The spiritual storm played by the Silver Dragon King made Wang Feng overwhelmed and couldn't play the chaotic eight sounds at all.

Lack of mental power.

Huh huh!

Almost instantly, Wang Feng's whole body was covered with color.

It's more than in yesterday's eyes.

Yesterday, Wang Feng deliberately let Bingdi, so the injuries on his body were all skin injuries, and he suffered deliberately.

Just to make the Ice Emperor vent his anger.


"I haven't felt this kind of pain for thousands of years." Wang Feng sighed, "There are also thousands of years who have never really been injured."

"Boss, I admire that you can still maintain your demeanor now and say such awkward words." Long Xie felt that the boss was always the boss, and he was better than himself in pretending to be better than himself. "Look at your words. In other words, the injuries on your body will add dozens more. Although your body is beeping, you will have to belch in less than 30 seconds. Don't blame Bing Lin and I for another."

Although Long Xie said that, Wang Feng could hear that he was actually very anxious.

"What's the hurry?" Wang Feng said in a hurry, "Silver Dragon King is so strong, it's okay to let these spirit masters see more. I remember from the memory of the spirit demon, there are several great demon gods in the dark demon world. All of them are stronger than the current Silver Dragon King. The other strong are countless. Let them take a look at the power beyond the god level, so as not to be able to deal with those spirit demons later without even a little psychological preparation." Novel Bar

"That's why your boss was willing to be beaten?" Long Xie asked.

"That's not the case, I want to try what this Silver Dragon King thinks..." Wang Feng said lightly.

Long Xie kept silent.

Vaguely, he heard what the boss seemed to have.

But this way, the boss's trump card, which Long Xie knew, should be turned over, almost turned over.

Due to the low spirit power level, the boss can't show much strength, it is impossible to beat the Silver Dragon King.

Just now...

The Silver Dragon King was also a little confused.

She could see Wang Feng's situation clearly.

In fact, it is reasonable to be able to survive this long in one's elemental realm, plus spiritual storm and space blockade, for other soul masters, it is already terrifying.

But he is not.

"Am I doing too heavy a shot?" Silver Dragon King couldn't help thinking.

If the opponent is only this kind of strength, he can't win.

No matter what, how could he save himself? If this continues, in human terms, he should be revenge and revenge, right?

"But if I release the water... I disrespect him too much. He should also be a proud person... Isn't he insulting him if he doesn't respect him? It should be uncomfortable to kill him?"

The Silver Dragon King was a bit distressed.

Ah, human beings are so complicated.

The Silver Dragon King felt that he did not understand humans.

At this moment, countless people are watching the battle in the ring...

"Sapphire, this silver-haired come you are so cruel..."

Bingdi’s tone was very angry, "Didn’t they have a bet? This silver-haired woman wants to be on him like this? This bet shows that the two of them are obviously a bit sorrowful... Can she make it?"

"Bingdi, I have told you how many times, Wang Feng told me that the gambling agreement is not what you think. He has nothing to do with this silver-haired woman. The gambling agreement is about the soul master. "Qingyu shook her head helplessly," And now this situation does not just mean that he and this silver-haired woman don't have the kind of relationship you think? People didn't betray your sister. You misunderstood."

"I didn't!" Bingdi said coldly, "Don't doubt my instincts. Qingyu, it's because you still know humans so well, do you believe men?"

"..." Sapphire.

She sighed, Bingdi is preconceived, and it is probably difficult to change this kind of thinking.

"However, Wang Feng is not so good." Qingyu said, "The silver-haired woman is unfathomable and has no intention of letting go. If this continues, Wang Feng will be in danger..."

"Of course I know!" Bingdi said coldly, "I can't let him die. For me to say, it must be this silver-haired woman who discovered that Wang Feng and other women had an affair, and she was very upset, so she killed him. "

"..." Qingyu opened her mouth.

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"But I can't let this smelly man die. Otherwise, my sister will be sad when she wakes up."

Bingdi said lightly.

"Oh? Is that so?"

"When... Of course!"

Qingyu smiled and said nothing.

at this time.

The situation in the ring has changed.

I saw the silver dragon king's face changed suddenly!

In an instant, his body trembled slightly, and his face was like gold paper, as if he had received a severe attack.

A trace of blood even spilled from the corner of his mouth.

Many people stayed for one.

The offensive of countless elemental attacks is stagnant.

"Ah! I'm hurt!" Silver Dragon King grunted and said.

"..." Wang Feng.

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