Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1332 No, I refuse

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The soul deed of life was understood by Wang Feng from the law of life, and it belonged to the path of life evolution.

And it is the most suitable evolution route for the Douluo World.If you don't choose this path, you will definitely not be able to keep up with the big troops and you will be eliminated.

Di Tian was right.

However, his thinking is too narrow.

He is from the perspective of the soul beast.

It is still limited to races.

Instead of looking at the evolution of the entire life form from the perspective of life.

Wang Feng understood Ditian's idea.

I think it's normal.

Because even if he lives for a long time, there is no use for birds.

The development and cognition of the world limited his vision.

And the cultivation base of less than a million years has restricted his vision.

If it was ten thousand years ago, Wang Feng's thinking might be similar to that of Ditian.

And hearing this, Di Tian and Brigitte both looked at each other.

Especially Di Tian, ​​he didn't expect that the other party would directly admit it.

"Think about it from another angle."

Wang Feng smiled, "According to what you said, I can say this: If the offspring of countless years later, if humans want to become stronger, they must sign a life soul contract with the soul beast, otherwise it will be difficult to improve themselves..."

"Isn't this equally scary?"

Di Tian was stunned.

"How is this possible?" Di Tian felt wrong, "This is the life soul contract you created..."

"What about me? What about soul beasts?" Wang Feng shook his head, "but they are all beings in this world. The life soul contract does not allow humans and soul beasts to depend on each other, but allows the two to evolve and grow together. No With the life soul deed, anyone can live. But with the life soul deed, human beings and soul beasts will speed up and become stronger."

Ditian was said to be stunned.

No, it should be speechless.

What he said just now has actually been thought deeply in his mind.

did not expect…

"It makes sense." Brigitte nodded in agreement, she couldn't convince Brother Tian.

Sure enough, only this kind of strong man who can suppress the Lord will be able to convince Brother Tian.

"My God, let's go first."

Brigitte blinked at Di Tian, ​​and took Di Tian, ​​who was still ignorant, to walk down.

Leave separate space for two people.

"Haha... this bastard, even I could only be defeated by the boss's mouth and guns. This silly beilong wants to be here with the boss. I really don't know how high it is..." Long Xie is in the soul realm. There was a great laugh in the space.

Regarding the mouth, Wang Feng felt that he had never lost anyone.

"That's great." Silver Dragon King said with Wang Feng behind his back.

"Ashamed, ashamed, nothing more than the fact." Wang Feng's expression remained unchanged.

Of course Wang Feng is sure whether it is a fact.

But even if you are not sure, you must say it with certainty, or else how to convince others.

If I say it directly, I'm not sure, and I'll say a fart.

There are too many variables in the future, and no one knows whether the world will turn a corner at some point and go on another road.

"I want to ask a few questions..."

Silver Dragon King thought for a while, turned around and asked.

"You ask." Wang Feng nodded, he knew that it was time for a showdown with the opponent.

Otherwise, it is difficult to get the true trust of the other party.The sixth book

"Who are you?"

The Silver Dragon King asked, "I first noticed you ten thousand years ago...there was the breath of five god kings, they sealed you? Only five god mountains, right? After they were sealed, their strength was greatly reduced, and I didn't find my existence, and let me escape."

"This is complicated to say." Wang Feng thought for a long time, and said simply, "For example, I am equivalent to a fixed soul cannonball among human beings. According to the classification, I may be the kind of one hundred that can directly destroy the world. , Even the kind of God Realm."

"The god kings were afraid that my bomb would explode, destroying the world and destroying the realm of the gods, so they sealed me up."

What Wang Feng said is very simple.

The Silver Dragon King understood that there was no obstacle and nodded slightly.

"Only I can control this bomb to be able to come out of the seal. I am using a special way to come out of the mountain in advance, you can understand it as a clone. After coming out, I found that the world has changed..."

Wang Feng shrugged, "He has become an ancestor. What other evil soul beasts, soul demon..."

"So that's it." The Silver Dragon King understood a little.


Is a clone so strong?

Sure enough, he deserves to be the one who let the five gods and kings jointly seal.

"Then say..." Silver Dragon King lowered his head slightly and thought, "I was saved by your bomb?"

"That's it." Wang Feng nodded.

That explosion point is naturally the nucleus of life, the product of the fusion of two popular tears.

"Well... what happened later?" Silver Dragon King raised his head and looked at Wang Feng, with a little curiosity in his eyes.

Although what Wang Feng said was very brief, she knew that it must be true, and the specific things in it would not be finished for a while.

"Later, I met a few deceased people, in order to promise, created a life soul contract, a soul master. Then I learned about the dark demon world, and I felt that the situation was very bad..." Wang Feng thought for a while.

"Huh...huh? Wait, you said that for the promise, you founded the Qi Soul Master?" Silver Dragon King blinked, "What do you mean? I'm a little curious."

"This..." Wang Feng coughed a few times, his gaze was reminiscent of the past, and he didn't see the movement of the Silver Dragon King.

However, Wang Feng felt that there was nothing to hide.

"At the beginning, I was young and frivolous. I fell in love with a soul beast." Wang Feng said directly, "This soul beast has a strong position and leads many soul beasts. I am a relatively special existence among human beings... Ten thousand years ago, humans and soul beasts fought and killed. So for her, I said that this situation would definitely be changed in the future, and the relationship between humans and soul beasts...Later, because of the bomb, it was sealed for ten thousand years. Think of a solution for a while... or face her speechlessly, but luckily she hasn't woke up yet..."

After speaking, Wang Feng was still a little sad.

It was just that after speaking, Wang Feng suddenly felt very quiet around him.

"Why, don't you think it's ridiculous?" Wang Feng smiled and turned his head, but only saw a calm and beautiful face.

It didn't happen that anything was wrong.

"Funny?" Silver Dragon King said suddenly, "This should be the love among your humans, right?"

"Love?" Wang Feng was taken aback.

The word love is a bit sacred.

Wang Feng feels that he is passionate...not love.

Plus there are some machismo mentalities in it.

Because it is a man's promise after all.

It was just that Wang Feng didn't know how to answer after hearing the words of Silver Dragon King.

"Who is this soul beast?" Silver Dragon King did not ask, but asked instead."You take the liberty to ask... don't you mind?"

"Don't mind." Wang Feng said with a smile: "She is the Snow Emperor of the Far North."

"Oh." Silver Dragon King replied faintly, without the following text.

"I have said so much..." Wang Feng took out the dragon scale and said, "You give me this, should you agree to it?"

The Silver Dragon King looked at the dragon scale in Wang Feng's palm and, with a sigh of relief, the silver light flashed, and it was held in his hand by the Silver Dragon King again.

"No, I refuse." Silver Dragon King blinked.

"Huh?" Wang Feng was stunned.

Why does this silver dragon king seem angry?

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