Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1335 Soul Beast God, Wuhun Palace

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Wang Feng really thought so.

At the beginning, several god kings told themselves all about the gods.

The Golden Dragon King was already guarded in the God Realm now, but now the Dark Demon Realm is struck, and the God Realm is in chaos, and the Golden Dragon King has not died. Once the Silver Dragon King enters the God Realm again, they and the God Realm are enemies, and the consequences are unimaginable.

The God Realm is different from this world, it is very powerful.

The two dragon kings of gold and silver have completely inherited the power of the dragon god, and any one of them may become a new dragon god.

The God Realm is already in such a mess. If it gets messed up again, Wang Feng doesn't care about it, but the God Realm is very important. A bunch of gods are closely related to him, even if there is no hatred with the Dragon God.But once the God Realm becomes more chaotic, it will naturally become more dangerous.

Wang Feng didn't expect that the Silver Dragon King would tell this directly.

Could it be that she didn't think so?

"This..." Wang Feng did not deny, "Yes, I am really worried about this. There are some people in the God Realm who have an excellent relationship with me. Now the God Realm itself is very messy. If it gets messy again..."

Wang Feng looked at the Silver Dragon King, and his meaning was self-evident.

"Then what you are worried about is not bad." The Silver Dragon King turned around and said lightly, "I really want to become the Dragon God when I go to the God Realm. Whether it is me or him, either, there is a chance to become the Dragon God."

"..." Wang Feng.

"But I want to become the Dragon God, not just to deal with the God Realm." The Silver Dragon King looked at the location of the Star Dou Great Forest in the distance, "It was for the Dark Demon Realm. In the memory of the Dragon God, the history of the Dark Demon Realm is more than the God Realm. It takes a long time, and the strength is very strong. Even when the Dragon God is still there, he will not easily set foot in this place. Now the Dark Demon Realm is ready to move, I don't want the soul beast to also eventually become a creature of the Dark Demon Realm."

"Once the God Realm falls, or the Dark Demon Realm breaks the rules and protections of the God Realm for this world, even if I am in this world, nothing can be changed."

"If I become the Dragon God, I can even recreate a small world so that the soul beast can survive. Even if I can't deal with the Dark Demon Realm, there is still a glimmer of life."

Having said this, the Silver Dragon King turned around again and looked at Wang Feng, with silver eyes like a moon, Shuanghan sharp, "So, either I or him, there must be someone who becomes the real Dragon God. You can't stop it. You created the soul master, and you want the soul beasts to coexist peacefully with humans, but have you ever thought about it, if there is no real god among the soul beasts, can the soul beasts really coexist peacefully with humans? It’s not the soul beast that controls the world !"

These words are thoughts deep in the heart of the Silver Dragon King.

After listening to Wang Feng, he was taken aback for a moment.

He is not a soul beast after all.

Can't really think of this from the perspective of the soul beast.

What the Silver Dragon King said was indeed a blind spot for the peaceful coexistence of soul beasts and humans, which Wang Feng had never thought of.

If there is no real god among the soul beasts, can the soul beast coexist peacefully with humans?


It is like a previous life. If a country does not have nuclear weapons, can it speak internationally on an equal footing with other countries?

Although nuclear weapons cannot represent everything in a country, they can represent a country's confidence and qualifications.

Wang Feng could not refute the Silver Dragon King.

Silver Dragon King has her responsibility and mission.

Especially with the incomparable powerful aura in the tone, it was only at this moment that Wang Feng could feel the true demeanor of the co-lord of the soul and beast who has lived for countless years, the big dragon clan.In the game before, I haven't fully felt it.

"No matter what it is, I will definitely go to the God Realm." When the Silver Dragon King saw Wang Feng not speaking, his tone was a little slow, "Even if you don't tell me the way, I will try to go to the God Realm."

Hearing this, Wang Feng was silent for a long time before he said: "It's as a condition of your agreement. But I can't guarantee that I can take you to the God Realm."

In fact, Wang Feng felt that if the Snow Emperor was awakened, he should be able to become a god.

Of course, it is not to inherit the gods of the gods, but to create the gods, but that is more difficult.168 Book Bank

"Okay." The Silver Dragon King nodded, then took out the dragon scale again, put it in his hand, and handed it to Wang Feng.

"What do you mean?" Wang Feng asked in surprise.

"It's meaningless... Do you want to?"

"Does this dragon scale have any meaning?" Wang Feng wondered.

"It doesn't make much sense, since you agree, if you can take me to the God Realm, then treat it as a token."

Wang Feng pondered for a few seconds, but did not accept it immediately.

It vaguely feels a little strange.

"Long Xie, does this dragon scale have any special meaning to your dragon clan?" Wang Feng asked Long Xie in his heart.

"I don't know, these two dragon kings are not very familiar to me. Dragon scales themselves have no special meaning." Long Xie breathed out, "but it's a treasure, but it's a treasure for a human soul master. Yes. Boss, it has no special effect, probably only symbolic. Unless she becomes a dragon god, the scales are very powerful. Different dragons have different rules... Anyway, it can’t be a token of love, Boss Think about it yourself."

Wang Feng felt that there was something in Longxie's words.

Wang Feng was thinking about it, and felt that the scales might really be useful.

Just as he was about to get his hand over, but just stretched out his hand, before grabbing the dragon scale, the Silver Dragon King immediately took back his white jade palm.

"I have been thinking about it for so long, but I won't give it." Silver Dragon King said calmly, "Just forget it if you don't want it. After you have settled the matter here, go to the Star Dou Forest to find me. You'd better not lie to me and go alone. Spirit world…"

After speaking, the Silver Dragon King turned and left.

"..." Wang Feng.

Wang Feng withdrew his hand speechlessly.

"Your dragons are really complicated." Wang Feng shook his head.

"Where is it complicated?" Long Xie asked.

"This Silver Dragon King..." Wang Feng frowned, "There is a strange weirdness that can't be said. As expected, the longer you live, the harder it is to deal with."

"Boss, are you talking about yourself indirectly?"

"Ahem... not really."


Afterwards, Wang Feng came to the Wuhun Palace and informed King Xi Tian of his dialogue and opinions with the Silver Dragon King.

Wuhun Palace is located in the very center of Central City.

Historical changes, the Wuhun Palace has been rebuilt or renovated hundreds of times, which is quite different from the Wuhun Palace established by Bibi Dong thousands of years ago.

Whether it is scale model or style, it is far more than ten thousand years ago.

There are even more than one hundred white gold steel pillars in front of the gate, which stand on the steps, step by step, like a pilgrimage hall.

On both sides are warriors wearing black armors, belonging to Wuhun Palace, and the Hei Lingwei under the command of Bing Tianwang is a sergeant who only guards Wuhun Palace.

The ancient past life in Wang Feng's memory was the Yulin Army.

Go to the first palace lobby on the inner back, and the surrounding murals are full of various cultural reliefs from the three major political regions, as well as the development history of the soul master.

Gives a strong sense of history.

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