Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1342 Evil Soul Master!

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Boss, that seems to be three-eyed golden ya." Longxie ignored these little shrimps, but looked into the distance and whispered, "This soul beast is the beast of Fuze in the Star Dou Great Forest. It's a rare encounter in thousands of years, and it's inherently non-invasive, how can you be infected by the dark devil energy?"

"It's an evil spirit master!" another sergeant said suddenly, "When we came just now, we found the traces and auras of several evil spirit masters. The army of our Federation is extremely sensitive to the aura of evil spirit masters. Entering the inner circle, from the traces of many soul beast corpses, we may conclude that an extremely powerful evil spirit master must have appeared in the soul beast forest!"

"That should be right what we thought." Long Xie vomited.

Wang Feng was silent, as if thinking about something.

At this time, several soul beasts in the distance immediately surrounded them.

"Do you still recognize me?" Wang Feng said softly.

When he left the Star Dou Great Forest, the three-eyed golden ya gave him away.

The Star Dou Forest is blessed by the sacred mountain, and countless soul beasts absorb the residual life energy overflowing from the sacred mountain, and will not have any hostility to him.

Just now...

Even if I heard Wang Feng's voice.

This beautiful three-eyed golden dog didn't seem to react at all, just roaring loudly at the group of people.

The same is true for the other 100,000-year soul beasts.

"Boss, it's not so good." Long Xie shook his head, "These guys don't look like infection, but some seem to be ignorant. No, what about the Silver Dragon King? Didn't she return to the Star Dou Forest?"

The evil spirit master entered the Star Dou Great Forest and made such a big movement...

"No." The sergeant headed tremblingly, "These soul beasts have been infected. You see, it only has murderous intent in its eyes. Our team of hundreds of people on patrols were slaughtered by them, leaving us alone. Less than three. It is impossible to be awakened..."

Speaking of this, he let out a few howls of sadness and pain.The same is true for the other two.

However, their wailing voices made the three-eyed Jinya even more fierce, step by step towards Wang Feng and the others.

"Boss, what should I do? They seem to be about to do it." Long Xie frowned, "If we talk about fighting, we must be able to fight, but if we want to not hurt them, it will be very troublesome..."

The effect of the three-eyed Jinya on the spirit beast is somewhat similar to that of the Qing Emperor.

When Wang Feng came out, this three-eyed Jin Yu was only 90,000 years old.

But two years have passed since this mere mere two years. It stands to reason that she, who has been practicing extremely slowly, has grown to 100,000 years, which is incredible.

Looking at these soul beasts, Wang Feng felt a little familiar.

Suddenly, he looked at the three sergeants and said without haste, "These soul beasts have been infected, and I will deal with them later. You immediately report to the Chief Commander Xiao Yun, so that he can immediately dispatch to other sidelines. The army came to guard."

"Xiao Yun? Do you know our chief, Xiao Yun?" The sergeant headed for a moment was taken aback, and immediately said happily, "Well, brothers, let's go quickly!"

As he said, this sergeant was about to leave, but was held by the sergeant next to him. The sergeant frowned and said, "Senior Wang, it is not the chief of the Flame Army that is guarding Xiao Yun, we are the chief of the Flame Army. Xu Jiang. Did you remember it wrong? The Flame Army is not the chief of our side, it is the chief of the Jinlaid Army in the northwest."

"Could it be that when you came, the border was also turbulent? Even the army has changed?" He asked rhetorically.

The headed sergeant looked stiff, and immediately came over and said quickly, "Yes, yes, yes."

"Oh. That might be my memory." Wang Feng shook his head and turned to look at Jin Lu with three eyes.

Suddenly, an ancient sound of Mingming came out from his mouth.

Like the Sanskrit sound of the Buddha country and the Zen language of the Taoist temple, it is the sound of the "Ming" that can restore the spirit to clarity.

The invisible sound wave shook all around in an instant.

The expressions in the three-eyed Jin Yi regained brightness in an instant, the crimson red in the three eyes recovered for a moment, and a slightly hoarse voice came out:

"Kill, kill you!"

However, in just a few seconds, the clarity in that eye has disappeared.Chase yo literature

"Interesting." Wang Feng raised his eyes slightly.

The effect of Mingziyin is not significant.

Because the other party is a hundred thousand year soul beast, its own spiritual power is extremely powerful.

But it was able to recover for a short time, which let Wang Feng know something.

"Boss, it doesn't work." Long Xie squinted.

In fact, it still has some effects.

It's just not obvious.

No way, these soul beasts are too strong.

"Senior, let's go back and report it first." At this moment, the sergeant who was in the lead said immediately, "There are 100,000-year-old soul beasts infected. This news is really terrible."

"Yeah. Do it." Wang Feng nodded slightly.

"No problem!" Long Xie yelled loudly, showing a horn with Lord Bingmulin, stopping the three sergeants.

Seeing this, the three sergeants looked aside.

"Senior, what do you mean?" The headed sergeant said solemnly.

The little mackerel shark who had been silent by the side also opened his mouth slightly, and was about to rush towards the three-eyed golden yao to fight.

Anyway, he doesn't care who the other party is, just listen to the boss.

I just didn't expect it, it seems... the subject is wrong?

"Huh?" Wang Feng gave Long Xie and Bing Mulin a surprised look. "What's the matter with you two? What are you doing around them?"

"Kill, aren't these three evil spirit masters?" Long Xie dug his nose and said.

Upon hearing this, the trio's expressions sank again.

"They are sergeants of the Federation, how can they be evil spirit masters?" Wang Feng glared at Long Xie, "Hurry up and let them go, don't delay them to report the news. This news is important."

The little horse shark looked confused.

What are Brother Long doing with the boss?

"You can't let this go." Long Xie smiled and stared at the three sergeants, "I said, you guys, the performance is almost the same? Long Ye, I have lived for so many years, but you can't fool you. mine."

"You Qi soul master, how can you slander our innocence out of thin air!" The sergeant in the lead said furiously, "Loss you are still the soul beast of the new'First Power in the Continent'! Are you going to deal with those who were The infected Evil Soul Beast attacked our Federation’s sergeants. Don’t you fear that those Evil Soul Beasts hurt Senior Wang? We have heard about Senior Wang, but he is wholeheartedly thinking about your Soul Beasts. I want your soul beasts to reconcile with our humans! Are you doing this to him? To us humans?"

"That's right. Long Xie, pay attention." Wang Feng seemed to agree with him.

"Tsk." Long Xie glanced at the three sergeants, "I have to correct one of your mistakes. First of all, these soul beasts will not attack the boss. Secondly, do you realize where your flaws are exposed?"

"Forget it, Lord Long will give you a reminder." Long Xie looked around and sighed. "In this inner circle, the dark demon aura is much richer than the outside. Human soul masters enter it, don't say anything. , It’s hard to even survive. If you are really the sergeant who suppresses this place, you have already been eroded into your body by the dark demon energy at this time, let alone escape, you will not be able to move."

"A few brats, you, Lord Long, I can tell at a glance that you are not human! The boss was trying to test you just now. I didn’t expect that you were quite prepared and knew all about the Federation’s garrison. It’s just a crime. Low-level mistake, oh yes."

When Long Xie said this, he paused, "You evil spirit masters, should you switch to dark devil qi now?"

Hearing this, the little kunshark suddenly realized.

"It seems to make sense, Long Xie, I didn't expect you to see it." Wang Feng said with a look of surprise, looking at the three sergeants, "Unexpectedly, you are really evil spirit masters!"

After the three sergeants heard this, their expressions changed slightly.I know that the other party may have already seen their identity...

"'s the number one powerhouse in the entire continent...soul master Wang Feng." Knowing that he was seen through, the headed sergeant suddenly laughed, "Just, how about you see through?"

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