Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1371 Forbidden Domain God Bi, God Level Origin

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Mohai nodded immediately.

No matter what, if the Diye Demon God is brought back to the headquarters of the Royal City, even if it is fake, there will be a big shot to clean up.

The Kingdom of God Realm is not far from here.Moreover, the internal dark space conduction inside the Killing of Gods can carry out extraordinary distance displacement, which is more convenient than the portal.

But the premise is that you must have coordinates.

The vastness of the God Realm is far beyond the reach of the Lower Realm.

To put it simply, the ancient forest where Wang Feng is located has already exceeded one-half of the area of ​​Douluo World.

If it is only used for flying, then in the gods do not know how long it will take.

Now that the King City of the God Realm has fallen, the Dark Demon Army has moved into the God Realm. With this clearing, a large number of dark space coordinates have been established, which can eliminate the remaining remnants of the God Realm and the rest of the lives of the God Realm in a short time.

at the same time.

God Realm King City.

After passing through the palm that destroyed the heavens and the earth, the God Realm King City above the clouds is no longer its original glory.

That huge giant city, like a valuable ancient painting, was painted with graffiti, and it was extremely dilapidated.

The six rainbow-like corridors linking the royal city have not disappeared.

The God Realm is very big, and although he has not many lives, he can enjoy it very much.

In addition to showing the majesty of the gods, such a huge city can also be used as a weapon.

This royal city itself is an artifact.

In the center of the royal city, in a palace dotted with dazzling divine light.

Dense figures are scattered inside the palace.

Among them, there are many powerful soul demons, wearing armors and costumes that are very different from the color of this palace, and talking sparsely.

"The God Realm is really a hard bone!"

"All the rules of the royal city are destroyed, but the origin of this world is still strong, and the key to the regulation that controls the lower planes can't be found. The Demon God has left us with a big problem...and those Even if the gods are captured, they still have some hardships. Although some have been killed, some gods are really hard to deal with."

"Who said no? You said that the Hell Lord will destroy all the gods at once. Isn't it right?"

"Hey, you can't say that. Although our Hell Lord is strong, the blow took a lot of effort. If the Hell Lord does everything, what use is it for us subordinates?"

"Then black crow, tell me, how should we break this gate of the royal city?"

"This is the'Forbidden Domain Divine Bi' of the God Realm. It is jointly controlled by the five great kings. It should be the origin star core of the God Realm. It supports everything in the God Realm and includes the rules of hundreds of minor planes below it. It works. But it’s impossible for the five great kings to come and open it. The task given to us by the Demon God is to analyze the 30% restriction of this'Forbidden Domain Divine Wall' with Devil Killing. But our Devil Killing is only 18 cores, even if we add It is also difficult to perform calculations and analysis of this level of prohibition...30% is really dead."

"Hei Kong, what's the situation with the first-level gods in your detention?"

"What else can happen? The Lord said that the first-level gods in the God Realm are all capable of fighting. It would be a pity to kill them directly. It would be the best result if they can be returned to the Dark Demon Realm. It gave us three days. If it can be persuaded, it is a great achievement. If it is killed directly, it is no merit... But those first-level gods, whose bones are very hard, can they submit to our dark demon world?

"It's a pity to kill... and it's not easy to kill, especially those two gods. If there is no demon god, it would be too difficult for us demon kings to kill those two gods. No, you guys. Say, these two, one ice and one water, how come the divine body is so powerful? The vitality is even more tenacious and terrifying..."

"I heard that on the Void Battlefield, it is not easy for us to win..."

Several secret words are intertwined in the palace.

In front of the palace, there is a huge gate that is a thousand meters high.

It broke through the palace and was built in the open air, reaching the sky, also symbolizing the landmark of this royal city.

In the palace are the leaders of the various legions of the Emperor Demon Army.

The Emperor Demon Army drew a total of hundreds of legions and invaded the God Realm.

And the lowest level configuration of each legion has at least one hundred thousand soldiers.

This is actually very exaggerated. Although the Emperor Demon Army has thousands of legions, their goal is not just the God Realm.

In addition, it will be used to guard the area of ​​the Dark Demon Realm itself, and the emperor demon army that is actually deployed is only one-tenth.Keyuan Novel

Of this tenth, there is still used to dispatch various subordinate planes, and a lot has to be subtracted.

And every leader of the legion is called a demon king.

At this time, one of the legion leaders was suddenly stunned.

"Ba Xia, what are you in a daze? What a trick? Otherwise, let's just watch it?"

The other seemed to have seen it and couldn't help asking.

The demon named Ba Xia was silent for a while, and said: "I just got news from a hunting squad in my legion...speaking out may make your eyes fall off."

Hearing this, many demon kings were very interesting.

All of them here are the demons who rule at least one Emperor Demon Legion, and they are also among the best in the Dark Demon Realm.

Any one can sweep many small plane worlds.

I don't know how many years have passed since the battle, and following the changes and ups of the Dark Demon Realm, it is difficult to produce the various emotions that only appear in mortal beings.

For example, surprise.

Even conquering the gods, to them, there is no surprise.

Because from the beginning of this plan, to its implementation, to its invasion of the God Realm, to its success, countless years have passed.

There are no surprises at all.

It's already expected.

Even if they fail, they will not be surprised.Because in the universe, any deduction will have variables.

So failure is also under consideration.

It’s just that the Hell Lord is too strong. It is strong enough to make these variables infinitely small.

"Talk about it? What news?"

Many demon monarchs have gained some interest one after another, making the queen look at Ba Xia.

Ba Xia thought for a while and said, "According to the news from this hunting squad... they have found a demon god who has fallen from the Dark Demon Realm. Well, I must have guessed that it is the Diye Demon God!!!"

As soon as the words came out, all the demons were stunned on the spot.

One by one was silent for a long time.

At the same time, their faintly glowing eyes seemed to be lost in memories, as if they were reminiscing about something or someone.

The sudden news has caused these demons to have emotions that are rare in their hearts that they will not easily generate for hundreds of years.

It was so shocking.

"Diye Demon God..." A demon monarch suddenly returned to his senses, "How many years have been dead? In those days, I was still a soldier of the Emperor Demon Army..."

"I was just born back didn't seem to have killed the gods... then, the hell was not the hell..."

"It's really an old name taboo. It's a pity that now these young soul demon should not know much about this great demon who... almost changed the entire dark demon world..."

"That is also a magnificent era in our Dark Demon Realm...Speaking of which, if the Diye Demon God did not return to the God Realm alone, everything now might be completely different...Wait, Ba Xia, you said one of your hunting gods team found Di Ye Demon God?"

Many demon kings seem to be remembering.

He even forgot what Ba Xia said.

Just a name can evoke countless memories of them.

I didn’t remember until the end...

"Yes... the hunter team brought the opponent back... well, it seems, it's already here."

Ba Xia looked out of the palace with uncertainty...

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