Check in from Douluo

1379 Goodbye Ning Rongrong...

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Wang Feng said with a faint smile: "Back then, the deity slammed into the god realm alone and almost fell. He was silent in the mortal world for tens of thousands of years before he could recover. If you encounter this, you will be more cautious than the deity."

The demon monarchs were taken aback when they heard the words.

It seems that the return of Diye Demon God, although the apparent personality is not bad, but in fact it has changed a lot.

It's normal to think about it, after all, the Diye Demon God was really too arrogant and arrogant, so that he dared to directly enter the God Realm and was almost killed by an ambush.

He didn't die, and finally came back. If you don't change a little bit, then there will be ghosts.

"Retreat, the deity wants to be alone for a while."

Wang Feng waved his hand.

Demon Ba Xia hurriedly said, "Your sire, there is still a gift from your subordinates."


Wang Feng thought for a while, "Do you have any other gifts? Wouldn't it be the same as this kind of giant door? I have not figured it out, so I just send it to the door? Although Er et al. is my old subordinate, but one And again and again this kind of thankless thing. Although the deity is not as bloodthirsty as it was in the past, he will not let you go easily."

"Uh... How dare, how dare." Many demon kings laughed.

"Relax, rest assured, this gift will definitely satisfy you!" Ba Xia was extremely confident, but her eyes rolled, "I know that Zun extremely hated the God Realm back then, as well as the many gods in the God Realm. Especially the ones back then. A few god kings, but those god kings are not in our hands, and they can't relieve their hatred."

"But in our hands, we have caught several first-level gods of the God Realm, just to relieve your hatred and vent your anger."

Hearing this, Wang Feng's heart moved, but he didn't express anything immediately.

After a long time.

Until Ba Xia felt that invisible pressure seemed to crush him.

Wang Feng said faintly: "Bring it here, the deity has a look."


In an instant, many demons let out a long sigh.

Ba Xia immediately used the spiritual communication built within the Deity Killing, and ordered the soldiers to press the deities and walk outside the palace.

"These gods, some of them are first-class gods. I think, maybe there are venerable old acquaintances."

Ba Xia Gong said.

The history of Diye Demon God, their old subordinates are clear.

However, most of the first-level gods in the same era as the Dark Angel God have found inheritors, and they may not be in the gods, and have long gone to other worlds to pursue new roads.

Wang Feng remained silent, and followed the many demon kings slowly towards the outside of the palace.

Before leaving the door, I heard a fierce fighting sound.

"Hmph, just because of you soul demons, you want to keep me and Bing'er? The old lady hasn't been playing around in the God Realm for decades. Get out of me. Be careful that Bing'er and I blew up. Damn it!"

"Also, don't think that your Hell Lord defeated the third brother, you soul demon dare to be lawless in the gods, do you know who my man is? He is someone you can't afford to offend, he is without a trace, Mysterious and"

The voice paused, as if looking for something to say, after a while, he said sternly: "Maybe you are now the demon god of the dark demon world! When you return to the dark demon world, if he sees any damage to me, you all I can't eat it!"

Wang Feng hasn't gone out yet.

Hearing this, he paused and almost fell down...

He almost thought he was exposed.

But listening to this, this familiar tone, yes, it must be Rongrong.Fantasy Novel Network

'Mad, these girls seem to know me thoroughly...this...'

A cold sweat was flowing in Wang Feng's heart.

Ning Rongrong was able to say this, probably because he had done a series of things in Douluo World.

Of course, the mouth height may be greater.Ning Rongrong is unlikely to really think so...

Otherwise, this would be too awesome.

Unexpected prophet.

Many other demon kings laughed.

"These gods are really interesting." Ba Xia sneered. "We caught several powerful first-level gods. They didn't seem to think that Hell defeated the god Tang San, just defeating the gods. On the contrary, they believed in them. An unnamed mortal in the lower realm is really ridiculous."

"God King Tang San is the strongest in the God Realm."

Upon hearing this, Wang Feng nodded and said, "It's ridiculous, but it may not be."

"Oh? I didn't expect that the Lord would say this?" Many demon kings were suddenly surprised.

"This deity has been silent in the mortal realm for tens of thousands of years, recuperating and regaining consciousness." Wang Feng said lightly, "found that the mortal realm also has many things that can be made. Although they are only born in the lower realm, they are like demon gods. If he grows in the Dark Demon Realm, he will surely become a giant in the world. Therefore, the deity also planted a few chess pieces in the Mortal Realm for later use."

Hearing this, many demon kings will be suspicious.

But the words came from the dignified emperor Ye Demon God, and the arrogance of Yi Di Ye Demon God was admitted in this way, which shows that there are indeed many outstanding generations in the lower realm.

"If you don't believe me, you can't help but think about this god-king Tang San." Wang Feng said slowly, "He is the god-king rising from the lower realm, but he is completely different from the other innate creatures born from the god-realm. It's true. Become a god king with the life of a mortal life."

These words made many demon kings nod frequently.

It is true.

"What kind of material does that master encounter in the lower realm?" Ba Xia asked with a smile.

"Say yes, naturally." Wang Feng paused, looking at the gate in front of the palace, and said, "This person's name is Wang Feng. He is a talented person who is a man of heaven and earth. If he is born in the dark demon world, he has no soul. Magical power is out there. This person is also a chess piece I planted in the lower realm. It doesn't matter if I listen to you. This piece has a high talent and aptitude, no less than me, and it will be of great use in the future!"

Wang Feng didn't blush, and finished these words without breathing.

First blow a wave, traditional arts.

Sure enough, upon hearing this, many demons were shocked.

"Is that amazing?"

"There is not much difference between talent and respect?'s a bit scary."

"What is the horror? The nobleman has said that this piece has become the nobleman's chess piece. No matter how high his talent is, the innate plane restricts his growth. How he grows, he cannot grow to the point of nobleness. !"

"It makes sense! Still respect it! Set up ahead of time and catch this evil...the future will definitely get a powerful boost!"

"Only the exalted can control this level of evildoers!"


Listening to the compliments of many demon monarchs, Wang Feng didn't change his expression, "Open the door, the deity has to see what these first-level gods of the gods look like."

After Wang Feng blew around, most of the demon monarchs believed in their hearts, so they stopped staying and opened the gate of the palace.

Walk to the square outside.

Light and shadow converged from a distance, as if slower than time, and it took a long time to converge and image.

Finally, Wang Feng saw the sight in front of him, and the shadow that he had never seen for thousands of years...

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