You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Ning Rongrong and Shui Bing'er were shocked, but at the same time they felt extremely incredible.

In a daze, I feel a little bit dreaming.

Unexpectedly, in such a difficult time, Wang Feng turned out to indirectly resolve the crisis.

This is too coincidental.

Coincidentally, Ning Rongrong extremely doubted whether this Diye Demon God had another plan?

Moreover, the Diye Demon God was actually alive, this is the most incredible thing.

After the excitement and excitement, Ning Rongrong and Shui Binger forced themselves to calm down.

After all, he has been in the God Realm for decades, and he still has some stability.

'Bingbing, what do you think?'Ning Rongrong asked.

'I feel... it should be true.'Shui Bing'er said halfway and said in a strange tone,'Wang Feng is your man, you should know him best.Whether this Diye Demon God said is true or has other purposes, you should be able to judge more accurately than me.Why do you ask me?'

'Oh, it seems so.Um...Maple...I understand.'Ning Rongrong nodded to himself,' By the way, I remember he told me before he was sealed that he had gained the power of Diye Demon God, combined with the gift of another angel in the God Realm, and had become The possibility of the King of Origin Tribulation... Could it be that Wang Fengzhen is related to Diye Demon God?'

The one that Wang Feng used most in the Douluo World was the Chaos Qinglian Martial Spirit.

The dark angel martial souls have changed a lot in turn, and the formation of the light and dark angels is a very late matter, and the number of uses is very small.

Because the light and dark angel martial souls were not very helpful at that time, the dual martial souls could not be used at the same time.

So this Martial Spirit was rarely used, and Ning Rongrong didn't understand it.

But after all, he was the closest person. Before being sealed, Wang Feng still explained the reason, and explained the origin of the light and dark angel Wuhun clearly.

Ning Rongrong naturally knew.

"When I was in the lower realm, I also gave him my power. But he did not expect that he combined my power with the power of another angel god in your god realm, and embarked on a new path. The future will become a great weapon, even It is possible to walk in front of me. I have met him several times in Mortal Realm."

Wang Feng bluffed loudly, and every word came to Ning Rongrong's heart.

This is mainly to make Ning Rongrong believe his own words.

He can't reveal his identity for the time being.

Because the methods of Dark Demon are too weird, the way of reading memory is very special.For example, the soul skill of soul link, even if it is a god, it is not impossible to read the memory.

Once Ning Rongrong knew her identity, even if she was determined, she wouldn't say it, but once other things happened, it would be difficult to guarantee.

Wang Feng now only needs to ensure her safety, and at the same time tell him that he is doing well in the lower realms, so she can feel at ease.

This is the best result now.

"Have you seen it?" Ning Rongrong was taken aback.

"Of course." Wang Feng's tone was full of confidence, "Since I have given him power, I have naturally seen him. Don't worry, he is far more powerful than you think. He even thought of the great changes in your God Realm in advance. You will be in danger. When you let me come, you must take care of you. Otherwise, you should have a very bad life now. This son is so wise and close to the demon, there is him among you and his confidantes. difficult."

Di Ye Demon God's tone was slightly appreciative.

Ning Rongrong's face turned red when he heard it, but he didn't expect the Diye Demon God to value that bad guy so much.

However, is it a bit too much?

Even though he thought so in his heart, Ning Rongrong nodded and said:

"Hmm, you are right. He is very powerful. What you say is nothing to him."

After speaking, he looked proud.

"..." Wang Feng.Fun recitation book

Wang Feng felt a little embarrassed about it.

Unexpectedly, this girl didn't hurt herself, but she didn't think it was enough.


"By the way, is he okay in the lower realm? How have the years passed?"

Ning Rongrong looked at Diye Demon God eagerly, as if he wanted to know more.

Seeing this, Wang Feng's heart moved, and he said lightly: "Huh, your god king in the gods is indeed very calculating. Use the five great god king seals to seal him in the lower realm, and want to wait for him to become the god king of source robbery to take charge of the gods. Realm against the Dark Demon Realm. It’s a pity that Wang Feng has the universe in his heart. How could a small Douluo God Realm allow him to be used by the five great kings. He left the lower realm ahead of time, but he used a special method. He didn't become the King of Origin Tribulation. But after ten thousand years, the world of Douluo will be free for a while, watching the vicissitudes of that world, and its change."

"Have the universe in your mind?" Ning Rongrong was taken aback, thinking, is Wang Feng so ambitious?

No, wait.

Ning Rongrong seemed to have sensed some key message, "You said he spent a while in the Douluo World ten thousand years later? He...did he provoke other girls again?"

"..." Wang Feng.

I fuck.

I just said casually, can you think of this?

Looking at Ning Rongrong, Wang Feng said in his heart, these confidantes, do all of them really know themselves that way?

"It should be impossible? In the Douluo world ten thousand years later, Brother Wang will be an ancestor-level figure." Shui Bing'er frowned and shook his head. "With Brother Wang's temperament, how could he still provoke those women ten thousand years later? Where's the child?"

"Huh, Bing'er, you don't understand Wang Feng anymore." Ning Rongrong snorted, "Dogs can't change their food... Others are handsome and strong. They wake up ten thousand years later, full of mysterious glory. Female. The kid eats this set. Think about how you fell in love with him in the first place... Uh... Sorry, I missed it. Even if he is no longer interested, he will always meet one or two who look right at him..."

"..." Shui Bing'er blushed, she was silent, and she really didn't understand the knowledge blind spot.

However, what Ning Rongrong said still had some truth.

"..." Wang Feng.

Hearing what Ning Rongrong said, Wang Feng finally knew that this girl was also very shrewd.

Looks stupid and stupid, but maybe it's like Ming Spiegel in his heart.

Seeing this, Wang Feng simply said: "You are right, this kid has a posture of transcending the devil, looking serious, in fact secretly provokes the love of many women in the lower realm. This kid always thinks he can master everything. , The calculation is clear, even the deity wanted to calculate at the beginning, huh. Originally, I didn't want to say it, but in order to watch the kid deflate, I will tell you about the girls he provokes ten thousand years later. "

Wang Feng's move to retreat into advancement immediately made Ning Rongrong even more convinced of the Devil God.

Immediately afterwards, Wang Feng simply talked about what happened to him in the lower realm.

Moreover, it is emphasized that Wang Feng provoked a woman named Jinming?Have any experience...

When speaking, Wang Feng, because he was narrating from the perspective of a bystander, found that he really seemed to provoke a lot...

The most influential is Jiang Nannan, the Silver Dragon King.

Especially the Silver Dragon King, now in a state of losing contact, he entered the God Realm with him.

Ning Rongrong was silent after listening.

"Rong Rong, are you okay? I think... Brother Wang didn't intend to provoke them..." Shui Bing'er looked at Ning Rongrong silently.

The body is still shaking.

There was still a faint chill on his body, which looked very bad.

Wang Feng took a look and said in his heart, fortunately, I said in advance.

Now that I said, this girl's anger is easy to disappear, and when she really sees herself, her anger disappears directly.

Otherwise, wait until the time comes, I guess this girl will inevitably get angry.

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