Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1393 The Former Emperor Ye Demon Body

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!These gods are not afraid of death, ignorant and unconscious, driven by the source of the Demon God, they only kill instinctively.

Moreover, the divine body is difficult to destroy directly, only the strength of the demon god level can be destroyed.

But how much can Wang Feng destroy alone?

Below this, there are simply countless.

The history of the gods is too long.

There are too many algebras inherited by every god.

The reason why the gods of the gods have been kept at a low number is because many gods have left the gods after inheriting the gods.

In fact, the number of gods in the God Realm is not less than that in the Dark Demon Realm.

There are tens of thousands of forces like the Emperor Demon Army.

Each one is comparable to the third to first level gods in the God Realm.

And how could there be so little viable combat power in the God Realm?

For example, Tang San has led the God Realm for decades, and the gods who have a god status, add up to less than four figures.

The reason is that the God Realm has this kind of divine position inheritance system. The gods who have inherited the divine position will leave the divine realm and go free and unconstrained.

In fact, based on the historical calculation of the God Realm, there are still more gods with gods than the Dark Demon Realm.

Otherwise, the Dark Demon Realm would not have launched a divine war against the God Realm now.

It’s a pity that the God Realm didn’t have to be prepared for danger in times of peace. This system of inheritance of God’s position is more like borrowing chickens to incubate eggs and hatching one after another. .

Therefore, the number of gods in the cemetery is very large.

It can be seen from this that the strength of the God Realm itself surpasses the Dark Demon Realm.


Wang Feng sighed softly in his heart.

Many systems in the God Realm are too backward.

It should be estimated that Xiao San was still under some influence by himself. Over the years, he developed many new gods and cultivated many new generations of gods.

Otherwise, maybe the gods in the God Realm have a god status, maybe even more than a hundred gods are counted up to now.

Probably none, like first-degree gods, it is estimated that there are at most ten or twenty.

But it is still insufficient. The God Realm's system is backward, which will make this God Realm, which should actually be strong enough, look too weak.

You know, the number of gods is often related to the number of planes to which the gods belong.

The more gods, the more planes and worlds they control.

And the more plane worlds you control, the source of faith that feeds back to the gods will be transformed into god-level fairy spirits, making the gods stronger.

It is a virtuous circle in itself.

Wang Feng vaguely remembered that in the original work, the God Realm was not strong, and a turbulent flow of time and space in the universe could blow away the God Realm.

This may be the reason.

This was not because the God Realm itself was weak, but because it had not developed well.

Like the God Realm Committee, there are always only five, and there are only five God Kings.

Although these five God Kings were transformed by the origin of the God Realm Creation God, it seems that the God Realm can only have these five God Kings, so how can they become stronger?

The locations are locked.

Even if he had the qualifications of a god king, like Tang San, he inherited directly.This is all right, the former god king patted his butt and left.

Without a strong combat power, can such a god realm be weak?

From the number of Emperor Demon Army, we can see how strong the Dark Demon Realm has developed.

If it weren't for the God Realm's foundation, coupled with its powerful origin star core, the God Realm might have long since disappeared.

"Is it possible that the Diye Demon God fell into the Dark Demon Realm back then?" Wang Feng suddenly thought.


At that time, Diye Moshen was regarded as the first-level god of the God Realm.

It can be said that the upper limit has been reached.But obviously, he was not qualified to inherit the throne of the king.

Because there are only five.

But will he be convinced?You must know how the Dark Angel God was also transformed by the origin of the King of Origin Tribulation.

To put it bluntly, the Diye of the year should have inherited part of the strength of the Yuanjie God King, but he could not become the God King.Tower Novel

Will he stay in the God Realm willingly?

'It is estimated that many gods in the gods want to leave the gods. This may be the reason.The following can't get to the top, and the strength can't be improved, they can only travel the universe to find other great roads.'

From this, Wang Feng thought of many problems in the God Realm.

For a while, I was in a daze.

But many demon kings are anxious.

At this moment, a wild laughter suddenly sounded from the void:

"Diye, you are so familiar with this cemetery. You should know that you were buried here, right? Although the deity didn't know why you were resurrected from the dead, but unexpectedly, the deity found your demon body. This is interesting. , This shows that you really died back then, but how could you be resurrected? According to Tang San’s remarks, your soul has entered the origin star nucleus of the God Realm, and you should have erased your memory long ago, reincarnation, maybe become A beast in the mortal world has been born. What method did you use to resurrect?"

The words of the Demon God awakened Wang Feng.

The demon body of Diye Demon God?

"Look, look at your demon body, and see if you are the way you are? Familiar? Do you miss it? How does it feel to be attacked by your own demon body now?"

Following the voice of the Demon God Void.

Wang Feng saw an unusually shining divine body with seven pairs of broken black wings appearing in the distance.

Seeing this, Wang Feng's pupils shrank.

'Fuck, it's really the body of Diye Demon God!It really looks like it!'Wang Feng was really surprised.

The demon body of Diye Demon God in the distance was similar to his body and face, except that the whole body was buried under the ground all the year round, the skin was dull, there was no body, and the eyes had no brilliance because of the loss of the soul.

But vaguely, Wang Feng could feel a trace of connection in this demon body!

The other side just stood there, exuding an unparalleled, unparalleled breath that traverses the universe.

Diye Demon God had already become a Demon God, possessing a strength comparable to that of a God King. After being buried, this body is also a Demon!

I am afraid, it is one of the most powerful in the cemetery.

At this time, the overwhelming demon body began to rush towards Wang Feng frantically.


Wang Feng's eyes remain unchanged, the palm of the element is the origin, as if holding the sun, any close divine body will quickly melt into the smallest energy at a speed visible to the naked eye, dissipating the world.

This scene looks extremely strange.

But the elemental source consumes too much to use, and the recovery speed of divine power is difficult to keep up.In addition to the previous use of the Judgment Source, the consumption is also too large.

If this continues, I am afraid it will not last long.

If it's okay in the God Realm, Wang Feng can quickly absorb the spirit of the God Realm and barely persevere.

But the energy in this world is too messy and riot, and forcible absorption will not do any good.

It's a supplementary reply.

"You go first."

Wang Feng glanced at the thirty demon kings behind him, frowning, "Go back to the God Realm first, no need to be here. Take away the Silver Dragon King, and God King Tang San, just take advantage of it now! Tang San I must know the information of the origin star core, as long as he is there, I can find the real origin star core. Here, I have my own way!"

"Honorable!" The thirty demon kings immediately became agitated, one by one, as if they were beaten with blood, and they were unwilling to leave.

The old subordinates who can directly dedicate their faith as soon as they meet the Diye Demon God, their loyalty is not so high.

"Let's go!" Wang Feng yelled coldly, "You are here, there is no effect at all!"

Thirty demons immediately walked towards Tang San.


Tang San watched this scene and smiled, "Such a powerful demon body can directly break the rules and melt and decompose directly. This Diye Demon God seems to have become stronger."

He did not resist, but patted Xiao Wu on the shoulder, "Let's go, let these demons leave here first."

"Go? Is it so easy? Diye, you seem to be very strong now, but in fact you are only strong outside. The deity does not believe, your origin does not consume your divine power. The deity feels strange, if you are really so strong, just now You took the initiative instead of waiting for me to do it! Unfortunately, you just attacked to crack my demon origin. You want me to fear you preconceivedly, right? I thought you were stronger..."

"Actually, hahaha... I can see that you are very strong now. But I guess it will not be long before your resurrection, even if your strength becomes stronger, but you will never fully recover! The deity can see it, otherwise you can't be now. There is no power to fight back! With your original power, even these divine bodies can be easily broken down at will. It's amazing. Unfortunately, there are countless divine bodies in this place. I think you can break them down!"

Shang Mingyang deserves to be the Demon God of the Dark Demon Realm, his eyes are indeed very old.

After awakening the tomb of the blood of the gods buried, it instantly reacted.

What he said is indeed correct. Wang Feng is only more than ninety ranks, able to compete with the Demon God, but wants to directly rival the Demon God.

Especially the Demon God of this era is completely different from the previous ones.

The King of Gods thousands of years ago is different from the King of Gods now.

He is more than ninety levels, his foundation is too thin, it is impossible to have just passed the Demon God, he still has the Demon God who kills the spine.


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