Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1400 Is he handsome now?

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!One sentence stunned Wang Feng.

What do these mean?

In my life, is it possible that my uncle still has a previous life?

The look in Xi Yue's eyes that seemed to know everything surprised Wang Feng.

Wait, that's not right!

Wang Feng's thoughts turned. Although there was a terrible wave in his heart, his face was like a windless lake without a trace.

"My life?"

He said calmly.

"That's right." Xiyue nodded and shook her eyebrows, "In the previous life, you bet with me that you could come here again. And this time, you will take away the source of creation, change the gods, and change everything. But the premise Yes, you have to start from scratch."

Wang Feng was shocked.

What Xiyue said, could it be that her previous life was... the God King of Origin Tribulation?


'The origin of the God of Origin Tribulation was transformed into the origin of the sixteen ways, and in the seven-in-one pattern, they formed Diye and another Guangming God.How is it possible to reincarnate and come to earth?This doesn't make sense.'

Wang Feng smelled a trace of conspiracy.

Because of these words, Xiyue had a lot of appetite in Wang Feng's heart.

In terms of momentum, it seemed to have been crushed again.

"Really?" Wang Feng pretended to be surprised, "Then can I ask a question?"

Hearing that, although Xi Yue did not smile on her face, she had a certain degree of certainty in her eyes. It seemed that Wang Feng would ask something.

"What's the problem?" Xi Yue said lightly.

"My previous life..." Wang Feng paused, "Is he handsome now?"

"..." Xi Yue.

Xiyue's expression was dumbfounded, as if Wang Feng's words were also a bit dry.

It's even a bit blocked.

What is the problem?

Xiyue had thought that Wang Feng would ask various questions, but this... was beyond imagination.

"If it doesn't, it must not be my previous life." Wang Feng said confidently and confidently.

"..." Xi Yue.

"You..." Xiyue was silent for a long time before she spoke again, "Could it be that you just ask this?"

"Otherwise?" Wang Feng smiled and said, "As for other things, if I made a bet with you in my previous life, then you can find my previous life. What does it have to do with me?"

Xiyue moved her crystal-like lips, and she was choked.

The change in aura between the two, especially the initiative, seems to have returned to Wang Feng's side.Global Novel

Seeing this, Xi Yue sighed and said: "You are indeed getting better. Then I won't guess with you anymore. You are the reincarnation of the God King Yuanjie. When you came, you saw Star Soul Road, and you knew that Yuan Yuan In order to change the God Realm, Jie Shen Wang also came to me. I told him that he had changed the God Realm too much, and the God of Creation had long included him in the category of...forbidding life. Moreover, he was outside the territory. Life was not born in the God Realm and was not recognized by the God Source of Creation."

"At the same time, the rules of the God Realm cannot be changed by gaining the Abyss of Creation. It is not as simple as imagined. Although the God King Origin Jie was strong enough at the time, there are too many restrictions for the God of Creation because of him. , He will start over again, cleanse everything in his soul, be born in the god realm, and become stronger again to obtain the source of creation."

Having said this, Xiyue paused, and slowly said, "So, I made a bet with you at the time. If he can start all over again, come to the God Realm, and come to this place, it will become even more so than before. Strong, I will give you the source of the creation of God. So, he relieved his body weight and cultivated. The power of his cultivation fell to the gods and turned into other beings, but his soul flew into the universe to be reborn. He was not a life in the gods, I This sea of ​​reincarnation cannot make him reincarnated and rebuilt."

Wang Feng heard the words and thought for a long time.

If this is the case, it can be said that after Yuan Jie entered the Star Soul Road at the time, there was no change in the God Realm, but it was directly disintegrated.

It's just that Wang Feng faintly felt that there was a problem.

"No..." Wang Feng frowned, "Since his soul flies into the universe to be reborn, how can you be sure that he is me?"

"Because your soul does not belong to the God Realm. It comes from another world." Xi Yue said slowly, "The God Realm is under my control, and any intelligent life's birth is recorded here. Since the source The King of Jie Shen said that he would come back, so the only possibility is you."

"Why can't it be Tang San?" Wang Feng asked.

"Tang San..." A strange smile appeared on Xi Yue's face, "He was an accident, do you know why his soul only slowed you half a beat to come to this world? Even, the crossing position is almost the same as you? Are they all in that small village?"

"Is it possible that my soul crossed? It caused certain reactions in Douluo World, and caused Tang San's soul who jumped to cross the cliff?"

Wang Feng said.

"You can understand it this way." Xiyue nodded slightly, "Your soul crossed into the Douluo world and was reborn, causing the ripples of my sea of ​​reincarnation. At the same time, the location where your soul crossed is the Douluo world..."

Xiyue looked around this golden ocean, pointed to a certain place, and said lightly, "That's it, when your soul entered the Douluo world, there was a fault in this location, which not only caused my idea, the fault It will also affect the reincarnation of other worlds. As a result, other souls will have an accident and enter the reincarnation sea of ​​the gods."

"Your soul can be the first to come, which means that only you are likely to be the God King of Origin Tribulation. And you have inherited the power of the God King of Origin Tribulation. You were in the illusion of the Angel God, and you know why he would help You have a hand? The seven sources of light that he controls? Do you think he is optimistic about you? That's not it. And because he knows that only the true King of Origin Jie can comprehend those seven sources!"

"Angel god, but the life transformed by the original power of the Origin Tribulation God King is extremely sensitive to the Origin Tribulation God King."

"There is also Diye Demon God, you can know why Diye Demon God will arrange for countless years to allow you to enter this place again. It is because he has been waiting for the return of Yuanjie God King. So that the reincarnation of Yuanjie God King will enter this place again. , You have inherited the power of the King of Origin Tribulation, in order to touch his demon body to this place. And the Demon God, not only inherited part of the original power of the King of Origin Tribulation, but also inherited the temperament carried by this original power. He actually represents another side of the God King Yuanjie that was unknown to the gods."

"Wisdom, ambition, arrogance, arrogance."

After listening, Wang Feng felt that he couldn't believe it anymore.

'Is it true that I am the reincarnation of King Yuanjie?'Wang Feng thought.

Xi Yue's remarks were really convincing.

Even the details, such as Diye Demon God's words that sounded in Wang Feng's mind, almost matched them.

Because according to what Xi Yue said, then the words of Diye Demon God could make sense.

But is it really?

For a while, Wang Feng fell into a deep thought.

He vaguely knew that Xiyue told him these goals.

It's definitely not a good thing.

You know, Wang Feng came to God Realm just to find some confidantes and make sure they are all right.

As a result, it turned out that he was going to change the rules of the God Realm.

Wang Feng felt that Xiyue had hidden some things and didn't say to herself.

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