Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1402 The Vigilance Of The Demon God

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!In the void of the void, the tomb of the gods is buried.

The Demon God looked at the spot where the beam of light disappeared with a gloomy expression.

Even if the ass thinks, the Demon God also knows that it must be Diye going to the other way of the beam of light through some kind of passage.

And the origin star core must be there.

'What happened just now?It seems that the demon body of Diye Demon God has undergone an abnormal change.Damn, what the hell did Diye do in this place?He has been dead for so many years, is it possible that he can still expect what will happen after countless years?'

The Demon God became more and more angry.

He looked at Tang San.There are also the remaining thirty demon kings, whose angry expressions indicate that he does not have much patience at this time.

That's the origin star core!

"Tang San! What happened just now? Didn't you say that you need to sacrifice a powerful god to open the channel to the origin star core? You lied to the deity?"

The Demon God slowly flew in front of Tang San with a cold expression, "This deity cannot kill you here now, but it doesn't mean that it cannot deal with your wife and unborn child!"

He had a deep killing intent in his eyes.

The body of the god king has the rules of the gods.Immortal in God Realm.

If you want to kill Tang San, unless you can break the rules of the God Realm, or you can get the origin star core, you can fundamentally disintegrate the life of the God King.

However, he is the god of devils, the supreme demon god of the dark demon world, and some are methods.

"Three brothers!" Xiao Wu said with a grin, and suddenly said with a grin, "Since this demon god is so curious, why should third brother tell him exactly what it is?"

Tang San looked at the disappeared sky with some deep meaning in his eyes, and then smiled:

"Shang Mingyang, I lied to you just now."

Hearing this, the God of Death raised his eyebrows.

Immediately afterwards, I heard Tang San continue to say:

"Most of them are true. The key is that the conditions for opening the passage are actually a bit more difficult. It requires a god-king body, buried here, and the soul returns to its origin, to truly open the passage. Otherwise, everything It's all useless work."

Hearing this, the Demon God was so cunning that he immediately understood the situation just now.

"You mean, it was Diye's demon body just now and opened the passage? No, Diye has been dead for so many years, and the soul is supposed to be gone. How could it be possible to open the passage... Wait, you mean, The soul of the Demon God Diye has not completely disappeared, but has always been left in that demon body!"

The eyes of the Demon God suddenly widened.

"Yes." Tang San said lightly, "You are in the game. Diye is a member of my god realm. Although only the god king knows this news. But he himself is extremely rebellious in the god realm, and I don't know where he learned it. This news. So when he fell in the God Realm, he was planning to use his own imminent fall, leaving the remnant soul in the demon body, allowing him to return after countless years, or the descendants who inherited his power, Open the channel. Enter the Star Soul Road and find the origin star core." The Eighth Book Bar

"Interestingly speaking, if you don't use your original power to awaken his demon body. The remnant soul of his demon body may not wake up. There is only one possibility that a ray of remnant soul can remain to this day. Most of the time. Sleeping, sleeping unconsciously."

Speaking of this, Tang San looked at the Demon God, with a sneer on his face, "It's pitiful to see that you worked so hard, but you just made a dowry for others. What's more pitiful is the Diye Demon God who has been dead for countless years. , To play."

The ridicule and mockery on Tang San's face did not anger the Demon God.

Although the Demon God was very angry and unhappy, he would no longer be easily irritated after countless years.

In fact, this is indeed the case.

Wang Feng may not be able to find the demon body that awakens the Devil God, even if he finds it, he may not be able to awaken the remnant soul in the demon body because his strength is not enough.

However, the remnant soul in the Diye Demon God was awakened by the Demon God with the origin of the demon, thus sensing the existence of Wang Feng.

"What a emperor." The Demon God suffocated for a long time before he said fiercely.

Suddenly, he looked at Tang San, his expression calmed down, and said indifferently, "The Devil God Diye died in the void of the void, and you god kings buried him here. There shouldn't be the kind of passage just now, right? Now it has happened. This shows that those of you gods were also deceived by the Devil God? Your gods are indeed a bunch of idiots."

"Sorry, I was not a god king back then, nor did I participate in that kind of war." Tang San smiled slightly, "so it was the other god kings who were deceived back then, and it has nothing to do with me."

Not at all stimulated by the words of the Demon God.

Xiao Wu poked Tang San.

Third brother's face has become much thicker over the years.

"Really?" The God of Sorrow raised his eyelids slightly, "It's very strange, the Demon God deceived you, and now he has found the origin star core alone. As the God King of the God Realm Committee, you don't seem to be nervous at all? Although Ye and the deity are fighting internally, they are both in the Dark Demon Realm. He gets the Origin Star Core, and your God Realm will suffer the first one. Maybe you don't need to be pressed back into the Dark Demon Realm."

Tang San smiled when he heard the words, and said, "What can I worry about? Do you know what the origin star core is? It is the creation god source of the god realm. You have a similar existence in the dark devil realm? Although our god realm has changed over the years It’s a lot weaker, and the Source of Creation God is also a lot weaker, but if you think that a demon god can control it, it’s too ridiculous, let alone the demon god, even if you go to the demon god, you will end up There is only one dead word!"

Based on the information Tang San got, he didn't have any adulteration in this sentence.

"Diye Demon God has planned for so many years, so what about that place? In the end, it is not a bamboo basket. I tell you the truth, you want to get the source of creation, unless your strength can surpass your dark The ceiling of the demon world is beyond your own world. Otherwise, it is impossible."

Having said that, Tang San sneered coldly.

The Demon God felt that what the other party said was true.

If this is the case, it is good news and bad news.

Fortunately, it is impossible for Diye to obtain the origin star core, so it can be regarded as a major worry.

The bad news is that he can't get the original star core, so it's a pity that he can't win the favor of Hell when returning to the Dark Demon Realm.

"I don't believe it." The Demon God sneered, "What if Diye, this bastard thing, is this the spy of your God Realm in our Dark Demon Realm? Anyway, only your God Realm God knows what they want to do. It’s up to you to open your mouth. The deity can’t confirm that it was the drama you deliberately acted just now? Also, the diye came as if I wanted you, maybe you’ve already secretly used the song?"

"If you don't vent your hatred today, the deity will not leave the Dark Demon Realm."

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