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Wang Feng sighed with emotion.

It's a sigh that the God Realm has still been standing still.

"Who created this God Killing in the first place?" Wang Feng asked a question.

"This... creation is impossible." Baxia Demon said helplessly, "Because the killing of gods is related to the secrets of the dark demon world, and we know only a little. What is certain is that the killing of gods is the civilization of Hell's synthesis of multiple worlds. Let a group of think tanks under her research and develop. The chief distribution is naturally the Hell Lord."

Oh, that's amazing.

Wang Feng said in his heart.

Completely integrate God-killing into one's own cultivation system to break through the shackles.

The idea is novel, and the ability to change the entire Dark Demon Realm is truly powerful.

"Oh, sir, the three generations of the killing of gods by Venerable Wenkong seem to be much stronger. This demon monk already has seven magic rings, and each magic ring means that there are at least hundreds of millions of lives, saved by this demon monk. It turns into a demon. And the Six Dao Buddha Demon Sect controls at least seven planes of Buddha and Demon Great Kingdoms, and the most famous [Buddha Demon Sutra] is supreme magic, and this sect is shameless."

Demon Ba Xia's expression suddenly became serious.

He only heard a clear sorrow in the air.

In the boundless light and shadow, the figure wrapped in the silver battle armor was suddenly directly bombed into the clouds.

"It seems to be the breath of a devil." Wang Feng was shocked in spirit.

He couldn't even feel the breath of Ling Keyu.


Fuck, is this too fast?

Although Ling Keyu has no grudges with Wang Feng himself, he is not a lover.

It was just the love debt left by Diye Demon God before.

It doesn't matter whether he is still or not, because the Diye Demon God used to be arrogant and arrogant and didn't put all the lives of the Dark Demon Realm in his eyes.

Although it seemed that there were a lot of love debts, most of them were actually Diye Demon God without any emotional leaks.

Moreover, it is different from the God Realm.

Gods are generally more difficult to kill in the God Realm because the rules of the God Realm are more perfect and orthodox.

But the Dark Demon Realm is different. The energy and regular structure of the Dark Demon Realm make it extremely likely that even the Demon God will fall.

This means that the fight in the Dark Demon Realm is very fierce.

"It's not dead, but it's almost there... It's the breath of a demon god. It seems that the Sumi demon monk of the Six Dao Buddha Demon Sect has entered the Demon God Realm."

Ba Xia said.

"What's wrong with entering? He doesn't seem to be there?" Wang Feng frowned slightly, with a very bad tone. "This Ling Keyu also had some experience with the deity back then, although the deity has no feelings for her, he dare to be. Playing these in the face of the deity? It seems that the deity has not come back these years, and these old dogs of the demon gods have forgotten the majesty of the deity!"

Demon Ba Xia said in his heart that the lord had no affection for Ling Ke Yu, but when he saw Ling Ke Yu defeated by Wen Kong Demon Monk, Xiang Xiaoyu died, he still felt a little bit of compassion in his heart.The elder is still that elder, but it’s a pity...

"It's the killing of the gods. In the three generations of the killing of the gods of the Wenkong demon monk, a ray of magical thought was implanted by the demon monk Xumi. With this ray of magical thought, the demon monk Xumi can attack from thousands of miles away. And the power will not drop much, it is very powerful. This is the natural inheritance procedure of the killing of the gods. Therefore, once there is a strong demon in the family sect demon mansion, it means that there is a hole card."

Ba Xia Demon Lord whispered, "And the inspiration for this inheritance program, I heard that it came from the cultivating plane that you conquered back then."

"Do you still remember how you got hurt in the first place? With the strength of those immortal cultivators, even the most powerful dispersal of immortals could not hurt you at all, but in the last battle at that time, there was a sect that suddenly From a higher world, called the place called the "Xianjie". An existence of the immortal emperor level was summoned. You fought with that immortal emperor, and you were barely defeated before you were seriously injured. And that sect The door is the inheritance that the immortal emperor left in that world." Fei Lu Novels

"Only at a critical moment, the formation will be activated inside the sect, summoning the immortal emperor to descend and face the crisis. And that formation is actually a kind of inheritance procedure, a ray of spiritual thought left by the immortal emperor. Later, The Hell’s side went to explore this world. It should have studied this kind of inheritance array, and then carved it into the killing of gods, and then had this kind of inheritance procedure."

After listening to Wang Feng, he was shocked again.

He just heard from Ba Xia Demon Lord that, in the world of a cultivator, the Devil God could be seriously injured, and he felt very strange.

Although the immortal cultivator is powerful, it is impossible for him to be stronger than Diye Demon God's combat power.

It turns out that the immortal emperor made the shot, then you understand.

"Since the demon gods have taken action, the deity can't die without saving. Although the spirit of Ling Keyu is gone, the demon soul is still there."

Wang Feng's tone was cold.

The creatures of the Dark Demon Realm possess demon souls.

Contrary to the human soul, the soul demon possesses the demon soul, and the demon soul has the spirit that dominates the consciousness of life.

People have three souls and seven souls.

But the soul demon is different, the soul demon only has four souls and eight souls.

Soul demons have more souls and souls than humans, and souls are inherently stronger than humans.

Naturally, reincarnation and turning around are easier than humans.

The Dark Demon Realm has a complete system of reincarnation.

To be precise, the stronger the world, the more perfect the reincarnation system.

Because in a world where there is no reincarnation system, life cannot be continued forever.

Life cannot be continued, so how to progress and become stronger?

Ling Keyu was only shot out of the demon soul form, without the dark magic fluctuations, unable to perceive it.

But the existence of the demon soul means that the legacy of the ancient demon is still there. With the strength of their family, it is not difficult to regenerate in a short time.

"It seems that the news of Diye Demon God's return is false."

The Wenkong demon monk stood in mid-air, and his whole body was burning with layers of black flames. There was a blood-colored leaf on his forehead. The robe seemed to be infested with blood. It was unusually bright. The deity turned into a long whip, like a soul-bound lock, linked With another killing God.

That God Killing is an illusory shadow floating in the center, really Lingkeyu.

"Ling Keyu, you see, Senior Sumi of my sect has already taken action. It is a pity that you have been obsessed with Diye Demon God for so many years, and have not been resurrected. Otherwise, with Di Ye Demon God’s temperament, how could he be like this? Watching?"

The demon monk Wen Kong looked disappointed, "After all, there was an old demon god who appeared. I thought I could have a long really disappoints the poor monk."

Ling Keyu's demon soul looked cold.

In the dark world, death is the norm.

It's normal to say you die.

Even the ancient magic is the same.

The Dark Demon Realm has annexed and conquered too many worlds over the years, and has absorbed many civilizations of the world, resulting in daily changes in the Dark Demon Realm.

As the best ancient demon of the Lingke family, although it has come from the old age.

But Ling Keyu, as an ancestor-level existence in the family, had no fear of death for her.

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