Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1427 God-given opportunity, Tianluo Mansion

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!Zhu Zhuqing was slightly silent.

Bibi Dong, what is his status in the Dark Demon Realm now?

Bibi Dong entered the Dark Demon Realm. At the beginning, in the God Realm, the Destroyer God King and the Evil God King prophesied that this would be the second Emperor Ye Demon God.

These years in the God Realm.

Bibi Dong conquered many worlds with tough methods.

The original Rakshasa god position has even changed. The origin of the Rakshasa, which symbolizes death and evil, has changed greatly in Bibi Dong's body.

No one in the gods knows the reason for this change.

They were all ascended into the God Realm together, even Tang San and the others didn't know.

And Zhu Zhuqing didn't know.

She only knew that Bibi Dong also had the two very peculiar exercises she cultivated.

Even the body is very unique, dust and dirt, and there is no obstacle to breaking the bottleneck of the god ring.

This shows that Wang Feng didn't favor one over the other at the beginning...just right.

Why does Bibi Dong have such a huge change?

Even if she can't break through to the realm of the god king, she can hardly regret the god king?

Changes are reflected in the ring of gods and origin.

Zhu Zhuqing and Bibi Dong have met more than once in the God Realm, and Bibi Dong is relatively familiar.

The origin of her god ring is to be stronger.Obviously, the cultivation method is the same, and he also has two origins, and both have cultivated to the first-level god.

How could there be a noticeable difference.

This is also a mystery in the God Realm.

Later, Bibi Dong took the lead to reach the bottleneck that had trapped the God Realm for countless years.

The pinnacle of the first-level gods cannot make progress.

At that time, it was the invasion of the Dark Demon, and Bibi Dong went to the Dark Demon.

Zhu Zhuqing knew that the prophecies of those gods would not be false.

Compared to the mild gods.

Perhaps the Dark Demon Realm is more suitable for gods like Bibi Dong.

Of course, there is another reason Bibi Dong came to the Dark Demon Realm to find her disciple Hu Liena.

Zhu Zhuqing, who came from Douluo World with Bibi Dong, knew that the two people had deep feelings.Compared with Bibi Dong's biological children, Qian Renxue may be even inferior.

They can understand this point.

Suddenly hearing these three words made them, the gods who have a special relationship with Bibi Dong, deeply moved.

"She is now...should be a demon god? I heard that many demon gods have been born in the dark demon world over the years. It seems that it is because of something called'killing the gods'. This kind of thing can help them reach the level of the demon god..."

Ma Hongjun whispered.

"If she becomes a demon god... that's right, she actually doesn't have much affection for the god realm, even if she becomes a demon god. She probably won't help the god realm... Moreover, even if she becomes a demon god, she only has certain words in the dark demon realm. Quan. The real decision-making power is the mysterious Hell on the top of the Dark Demon Realm."

Oscar shook his head.

The gods retracted their reverie.

"Speaking of which, how can I get into the soul demon?"

Immediately, they looked at this magnificent city, thinking about it all.

At this moment, the three-dimensional picture above the city wall suddenly disappeared, and then, there were soul words.

"Tianluo Mansion, now recruits old soul demons who have been to the God Realm, understand the customs of the God Realm, understand the God Realm context, know the God Realm's clothing style, and food culture. The treatment is preferential, everything is easy to say. If you let Qingluo Demon God Satisfied, promised all the resources needed for any three generations to kill the gods, the position of the upper soul demon, the holy magic ring, etc..."

Not just within the city walls.

Many soul demons even saw the inside of this city, and similar news appeared.

Even the god-killing terminal inside this city has released this news to all the soul demons who have the god-killing inside this city.Biquge Novel

"Tianluo Mansion, Qingluo Demon God?"

Zhu Zhuqing was stunned immediately.

"Why did the Demon God Qingluo look for the old soul demon who had been to the God Realm? Wouldn't she have guessed that these escaped gods would pretend to be soul demon and use this as a bait to catch us?"

The gods speculated in their hearts.

"It seems that this soul demon holy city can't stay any longer." The more they thought about it, the more they felt that it was possible.

At this moment, many spirit demons and spirit demons who received this news were whispering again.

"What does the Qingluo Demon God do with such news inexplicably? This treatment is a bit horrible! No matter how rich the Demon God is, he would not dare to play like this casually? I'm afraid there is something hidden?"

"There is a hidden story about a fart, I got the latest rumors from Yuanhai, a news that shocked the Dark Demon Realm! Didn't the previous brother say that he saw many well-known demon ships and went to Yun Customs? You know Why? Because...Emperor! Yeah! Devil! God! He! He's back!!"





"Could it be true?"

A series of shocking spirit fluctuations were transmitted among the many soul demons.

"Fuck, it's no wonder! Qingluo Demon God was the most obsessed with Emperor Ye Demon God... These two grandpas of my grandfather's grandfather said that they wanted to see them together. Unfortunately, his old man passed away long ago. I haven't seen it..."

"The Devil God Diye was native to the God Realm back then. Although he joined our Dark Demon Realm, in those days, countless outstanding female soul demons in the Dark Demon Realm were obsessed with them, but they could not get any response from the God Realm. I'm all guessing that Diye Demon God is from the God Realm after all, and many concepts, such as aesthetics...may be inclined to the Goddess on the God Realm...what he likes is from the God Realm..."

"It is said that it was rumored that Diye Demon God went to the God Realm alone because the person he loved was in the God Realm..."

"Why did I hear that it seems that Diye Demon God can’t stand the eating style of our dark demon world? I heard that Diye Demon God has very few hobbies, but he is a glutton. That’s why I want to enjoy it in the God Realm. Fan, the result..."

"Brother, your version is not right..."

"There were too many versions of Diye Demon God who went to the God Realm alone. I have a basis for this. However, in other words, Qingluo Demon God recruited this kind of soul demon, must it be to welcome Diye Demon God? I want to keep Diye Demon God. Next? So, this time the Diye Demon God is real? After all, even the Qingluo Demon God does this, so I guess it must have received definite news."

Obviously, this soul demon holy city, because of the news of Qingluo Demon God, is boiling.

Even the Demon God has moved, which definitely means that the Qingluo Demon God has received the exact news of the return of the Diye Demon God.

In addition, the previous movement of the Demon God's return was too bizarre, which made countless souls in the Dark Demon Realm be puzzled.

Zhu Zhuqing, who had learned the ancient magic words of the Dark Demon Realm, clearly heard these whispers clearly.

Ma Hongjun even grabbed a few spirit demons, inserted the topic abruptly, and asked.

"In that case, the news of the Qingluo Demon God is not at all because he wants to fish for us escaped gods... but for the Diye Demon God? Diye Demon God... What era is this demon god? The corpses, aren’t they all buried in the God Burying Blood Tomb in Xuyuan Kong?

All this, Zhu Zhuqing and the others have too many doubts.

But right now, this is a very good opportunity, but also very dangerous.

Because of the need to face the devil.

"If we want to become the top of the Dark Demon Realm, we will definitely come into contact with the Demon God..." Zhu Zhuqing was extremely calm, feeling that this seemed like a good opportunity.

They all know that they want to mix in the Dark Demon Realm.

Well, first of all, you have to have God Killing.

But the killing of gods was too difficult to obtain, and it was not something that ordinary spirit demons could obtain.

"My source of illusion, maybe it's time to get in touch with the devil..." At this moment, Zhu Zhuqing suddenly felt a little trembling in her soul. A strange feeling made her very sure of her judgment at this time. "Perhaps, the devil may not be able to See through us! This is an opportunity! If I can obtain the God Killing of the Dark Demon Realm, I may not be able to break through to a higher realm..."

"That's easy to say, let's set off for Tianluo Mansion! Unexpectedly, we will encounter such a good opportunity... I feel like God is helping me!"

Dai Mubai waved a big hand, "Xiao Ao, if that Diye Demon God is really a glutton, if you come to the Qingyang Demon Realm, you can play your role at that time. By the way, get closer to this Diye Demon God and take a look at him. Who is it..."

"no problem!"

They stared at each other and walked towards the inside of this holy city.

at the same time.

Wang Feng, who is far away in Yunhai Customs, has just finished talking with the three ancestors of Ziling and the Yu brothers and sisters of Jubaoyan. He has not rested in Yunhai. After a while, he received from Qingyang Demon. Message from the terminal of Killing God.

"It really is the Demon God of Qingluo... It seems that this is not a day yet. The first Demon God you came back to was really discovered. She invited you to the Demon God of Qingyang. If you don't go, she said she will come to you personally... "

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