Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1434 Red Nightmare

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The moment the banner appeared, the three forces below immediately stopped moving.

Immediately afterwards, there was trembling.

Especially the Mansion of Ten Thousand Beasts.

Because above the banner, the head of a soul demon hung.

The owner of this head is the palace owner of the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Mansion, Yu Xuan Ming.

A strong man close to the level of the devil.

In an instant, the many demon monarchs in the Ten Thousand Beast Demon House were the most obvious, all trembling all over, not even daring to move the slightest.


The banner flashed light and shadow, and the three magic shadows stood alone.

These three spirit demons wore bright blue armors, two females and one male. They were burly tall, and their bodies were as vast as a river of blood and energy. If the holy demon ring appeared on their bodies, they were the strongest among the strong.

"Yu Xuanming has been shot to death by my lord, and the Ten Thousand Beast Demon Palace is dead. You have only two choices, life or death.

The head's gaze is red with faint blood, and it penetrates the three forces below like a laser, "Blood Shadow Demon Gate, Sword Demon Mansion, both of you, if you want to keep a trace of inheritance, please stop here now, I, Shi Yu The Red Nightmare of the crowd can guarantee that you two forces will keep a trace of incense."

His tone was cold, as if he had no emotion at all.

A half-moon-shaped round blade emerged from the back of his body, hanging in the void.

As if building a spiritual network, blocking the surroundings.

All three generations and below of the killing of gods are invalid, as if they have been crushed.

Four generations to kill God!

This god-killing spine turned into a round blade is the four generations of god-killing!

Hearing this demon who claimed to be Scarlet Nightmare uttered wild words, the three forces below did not dare to say a word of bullshit.

Wang Feng on the other side was also stunned.


Wang Feng frowned slightly, "Is this a subordinate of Qingluo Demon God?"

"This is the ten imperial congregations of the Qingluo Demon God, and the ten most powerful demon masters under the Qingluo Demon God. Not only subordinates, but also guards and attendants. They are famous in the Dark Demon Realm."

Ba Xia Demon Lord explained, "I just didn’t expect Qingluo Demon God to send out ten imperial congregations to greet the exalted. There are only ten ten imperial congregants of Qingluo Demon God, but each has the potential and qualification to become a demon god. She rarely calls the confidant of the Demon God Qingluo. Because these ten have extremely important affairs. Generally, they don't easily appear in the ordinary world."

"But, as long as it appears, it must be a bloody storm. It seems that the Demon God Qingluo has cleared the obstacles on the road for the deity... It is really sweet."

"The demon god's method is usually the thunder coming, and there is no chance to breathe. This ten thousand beast demon mansion is destroyed day and night, for the Qingluo demon god, it is just a blink of an eye."

Ba Xia sighed with emotion, "The Qingluo Demon God’s intentions for the Lord have been for so many years, and it is estimated that there has not been any change... Otherwise, the ten imperial congregations will not be sent to clear the obstacles on the way for the Lord and welcome him personally. Lord."

Hearing what Ba Xia said, Wang Feng felt unhappy and worried.

There is an inexplicable ominous premonition.

at the same time.

Many demon kings below are ashamed.

Regardless of them, there is also a demon master.

But between the demon master and the demon master, there is also a difference of tens of thousands of miles.

Let's put it this way, the gap between the front and back of the Demon Lord's realm is even greater than the one-hundred-level gap in Douluo World.

Not to mention other things, just a four-generation god-killing, even the most common and low-level four-generation god-killing, is dozens of times stronger than any three-generation god-killing.

The resource gap among these is an astronomical number.

Each of the nine demon gods in the Dark Demon Realm is not only powerful in its own right, but also possesses an extremely large power.Worry-free Literature Network

Between the splashes of blood and light, those demon kings didn't even have the courage to fight the three ten imperial congregations.

Even the Demon Lord was silent and his face was ashamed.

There are three demon masters who do not believe in evil and directly initiate the killing of gods and attack the three ten imperial congregations.

The other two have not taken action yet, just the man standing in the void, the round blade of the killing of gods flying, and after more than ten moves with the three demon masters who are not afraid of death, the space is shaking, the mountains and rivers are hanging upside down. .But only after a while, he was beheaded.

In the end, a sacred spine was recovered, and the devil soul flew to the end.

Wang Feng felt it.

This Ten Yuzhong named Scarlet Nightmare, his methods are different from the cultivation system of the Dark Demon Realm.

He does not have a magic ring, but the energy fluctuations on his body are extremely strong, and the round blade in the action exudes a destructive ability to tear everything.

More like the top powerhouses in other worlds.

Or, his cultivation route does not belong to the Dark Demon Realm.

In terms of size, it looks like a soul demon.

"This should be the origin of the Blade Destruction from the Saint Cloud Civilization. This Red Nightmare is also known as the Red Nightmare Demon Blade among the ten imperial congregations. The Saint Cloud Civilization is a martial arts civilization that advocates the cultivation of one's own flesh."

Ba Xia seemed to see Diye's doubts, and explained, "Your Excellency, you should be clear that there are many wormholes in the Dark Demon Realm at the moment, and many of them are more powerful. The Dark Demon Realm advocates absorbing the other's high-quality ingredients and fusing the Dark Demon Realm's Magic weapons, but they have taken a different training route. Instead of just relying on the holy magic ring."

"Whether it is the god ring of the gods or the holy demon ring, the requirements are relatively high. Some are very strong in themselves, but the requirements are not high, and the cultivation route is not complicated, which has become the choice of many souls. The route that is not suitable for the soul demon's true body can be screened out, and there are a lot of the rest in the Dark Demon Realm. But no matter which route, as long as it is matched with Killing God, the strength will be improved by flying."

Wang Feng nodded slightly.

This makes sense.

It stands to reason that the Dark Demon Realm is connected to so many worlds, and there will always be some soul demon embarking on other cultivation routes.

Not long after, the demon kings of the three forces below have all been turned into a piece of debris.

This is the devil's method...

The Scarlet Nightmare also said that he would leave his blood.This is actually an unwritten rule of the Dark Demon Realm.

No matter what kind of fight, as long as it is an internal fight, then it must not be completely eliminated.

Because the bloodline is too important for the soul demon.

Once extinct, even the lowest bloodline will be the greatest loss to the Dark Demon Realm.

Because the bloodlines of the lowest level are all ancient demon bloodlines that can grow into the highest level.

With this unwritten rule, most of the forces, even the Devil Gods, would not be able to kill a single force.

At most, there are only one or two offspring left.

Let it continue to thrive and pass on the blood.

Wang Feng felt that this rule was a little cerebral palsy, but after thinking about it, he found that the emotions of the soul demon are different from those of human beings.

Can not be the same.

With the three forces below, even the corner of Wang Feng's clothes was wiped out.

The three ten imperial congregants immediately flew towards Wang Feng.

The headed Scarlet Nightmare was expressionless, and under the cyan helmet, he did not seem to have any expression.

"The Lord told me to wait and come here to greet you. So as not to delay the itinerary of the younger generation."

Red Nightmare said calmly, without any gesture, "Most of the forces that have been directed at you all the way have been eliminated by us. The rest are afraid to do it directly. As long as the devil does not take action, I will protect you from the three ten imperial congregants. Come to Tianluo Mansion without hindrance."

"These two are Purple Nightmare and Blue Nightmare, one of the ten imperial congregations."

These two are women. Because they are wearing armor, they can only see the sturdy body, not the specific appearance.

The same goes for Red Nightmare.

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