Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1437 He can't protect it, I can protect it!

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Interesting, the dignified emperor, the Demon God, was unruly and rebellious back then. I didn't expect to have learned to escape after tens of thousands of years? Could it be that these tens of thousands of years have made you, the lonely demon god, also changed a little?"

Yujiang Demon murmured to himself, "Just, do you think such a tiny wormhole can stump the deity? They are all old friends, why do you need to meet and run? Qingluo wants to use my hand to test you. I want to know what. Then, did the God King Yuan Jie really appear? You can get an answer from my old friend. Otherwise, wouldn't you be a waste of life when you come back this time?"

After saying that, the Yujiang Demon God waved his hand at the many demon ships suddenly, "Stay here, any life that dares to approach or escape, directly kill!"

"Diye, we haven't seen each other for so many years, it's time for us to relive the past!"

Yujiang Demon God murmured the last word, and then disappeared in place.

In the next moment, he had changed into a black-haired human with a seemingly ordinary appearance and body, and immediately entered the wormhole.

the other side.

The three Ten Yuzhong who left did not go far.

"Strange. The Lord clearly missed the Diye Demon God, and he was ready. He also bought the style of God Realm costumes that Diye Demon God liked the most back then, and prepared a large number of God Realm delicacies. Just for peace. When the Diye Demon God met, they all prepared so well. Why did you give this order?"

Purple Nightmare and Qing Nightmare are very puzzled, "With the strength of the Demon God of the Frontiers, the Demon Gods of the old era are simply impossible to be opponents. Is it possible that the Diye Demon God did not react for a while and called the Lord's nickname? Lord...I’m not such a devil with a small belly...I remember my grandma’s grandmother said that the Lord also recruited a batch of soul servants for the Diye Demon... Uh..."

"Look, it should be the cruiser of the Yujiang Demon God. Good guy, with such a big momentum, this..."

At this time, even Red Nightmare was secretly shocked.

"This Yujiang Demon God has even dispatched the Demon God Fleet. I am afraid it is not for fun, right? This is to kill Diye directly here without leaving a chance! How can the Demon God of the old age be able to carry this? living?"

The three Ten Yu all looked at each other, and they were a little shocked for a while.

They originally thought that the Demon God of Yujiang would take the action personally, count down the old grievances of the year, and fight the Demon God of Diye.

Although Diye Demon God is the Demon God of the old age, it will not be the opponent of Yujiang Demon God.

But the Demon God is the Demon God after all, and it is impossible to be directly destroyed by the Yujiang Demon God.

The final result is a high probability of defeat.

"No, this matter has to be reported to the Lord quickly...otherwise something will happen..."


When Wang Feng woke up, his ears were full of roaring sounds.

As if on the battlefield.

The wormhole crossing is no stranger to Wang Feng.

The channel opened up by the system was actually a special wormhole.It's just not the same.

When the body gathered again, Wang Feng suddenly woke up.

Suddenly opening his eyes, there are mottled space cracks all around.

And the place where he is is is the clouds and the sky.

"this is…"

Wang Feng's figure paused abruptly, looking around, a bit of shock in his eyes.

He is in midair.

Judging by the energy, the energy intensity of the plane linked by the micro-wormholes is generally not very high.

It also belongs to that kind of small plane.

The small plane is probably a similar plane like the Douluo Continent, perhaps even lower.

Below, is a city.

But the style is the kind of ancient city.

Moreover, it was very similar to the ancient city in Wang Feng's previous life.

"This is... the blue star? The ancient blue star parallel to time and space?"

Wang Feng's mind was slightly shaken.

In the city below, it seems that most of them are biwa and vermicular eaves, with bright yellow palaces and avenues crisscrossing the terraces.


Wang Feng turned his eyes and looked to the other side suddenly.

In the sky, there is a spaceship standing, no, it should be said that Xianzhou is more suitable.

That is the shape of a ship, but it does fly in the sky. The shape is magnificent and exudes extremely powerful energy fluctuations.

There was a warrior in ancient armor standing on this immortal boat, but each one could fly in midair.

"What plane is this?"

Wang Feng was surprised.

The city below is already filled with smoke.

The atmosphere of war spread in the sky.

Only on the immortal boat that covers the sky, a few big characters are particularly clear.

"Burning Sun."

At this moment, Wang Feng saw a figure that was finally familiar.

"Fuck? What is that, Monkey King?" Shuwu Novel Network

In mid-air, a light and shadow flashed away, and was blasted to a mountain next to the city.

It swiped at extreme speed, but Wang Feng looked very carefully.

Sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, chain-linked gold armor, galloping purple gold crown, and lotus roots step by step.Especially that golden hoop, looks very familiar.

"Wait, Lieyang..."

Wang Feng's pupils shrunk slightly, as if thinking of something, "Is that Xianzhou the Lieyang Heavenly Dao? This is the ancient blue star?"

Wang Feng vaguely understood where he seemed to be.

He looked around and saw many cracks in space, enough to prove the extent of the battle traces here.

At the same time, a familiar voice finally came in midair:

"Monkey King, the Blue Star civilization is so low-level, only our Lieyang Heavenly Dao can protect it from the interference of the universe. Do you think we want to invade you and go to a Blue Star? How ridiculous! I advise you not to know good or bad !"

This voice did not come from Xianzhou Zhi.

But from the other side.

Wang Feng forgot the past.

That is a fairy house.

Standing above the clouds, in the misty clouds, only a few big characters at the front of this fairy house can be seen: Yunxiao Tianting.

Countless warriors wearing bright silver armors are solemn and regular, above the clouds and mist of the fairy palace.

As the third party, Wang Feng saw clearly at this moment.

"This planet does not need your protection, it is enough to have me."

On the other side, on the broken mountain peak, the familiar figure exuded arrogant arrogance, holding a long stick to the sky, looking coldly at the fairy palace heaven in the clouds.

Wang Feng was silent for a moment.

Although everything was sorted out in an instant, this too abrupt scene made Wang Feng a little bit unrecovered.

The occurrence of wormholes is often not without a reason.

Many high-intensity energy collisions are likely to produce spatial shocks, thereby creating wormholes.

There are also certain planes that are born with wormholes, which is not normal.

Obviously, because of the battle between the two sides, countless space cracks have been created, which have evolved into miniature wormholes.

It was directly connected to the dark demon world, and it was a relatively sudden link.Therefore, the borderless Demon Realm did not feel it.

'What's so special, the Yujiang Demon God was involved in another battle before it was settled...'

Wang Feng felt that he had entered the wormhole this time, and he did not know whether it was a wise choice or a stupid choice.

But if it comes, it's settled.

Wang Feng knows the story.

Wang Feng had seen this anime in his previous life.To put it simply, it was a civilization called Lieyang Heavenly Dao that invaded the Blue Star at that time.

Claiming to be heaven, nature, this civilization is very advanced.For this kind of era similar to the ancient blue star, and even in the feudal society, it is already high.

When it was an ancient blue star, there was only one capable of fighting.

This is the Monkey King, a super soldier from the land of China with a powerful genetic sequence.

It is not in the traditional sense that the Western Heavenly Sutra-learning battle defeated the Buddha Sun Wukong.

Of course, relying on only one soldier cannot match the entire civilization.

"I remember, in the original... well, it seems that there is not much introduction to this plot... but it should be Sun Wukong who won?"

Wang Feng pondered, "If this is the case, then there is nothing wrong with me, right? By the way, the vitality here is extremely strong, and the spiritual energy is very strong... It is a pity that it is too weak, not to mention technology, even the most basic There is no way of cultivation."

"However, it is precisely because of such a low-level civilization that spiritual beliefs will come sooner..."

Vaguely, Wang Feng probably thought of something.

Just thinking.

At this time, I saw that Monkey King turned into a light and shadow and rushed into the heaven of clouds.

In an instant, the clouds and mist turned and the energy burst, the fairy mansion seemed to be shaken, and countless soldiers were blasted down the sky by the golden cudgel.

It fell to the ground, and every time it fell, the ground seemed to vibrate.

However, after a while, a figure suddenly appeared in the fairy mansion.

As the hot light flickered, two different lights and shadows were intertwined in the sky. After a while, the figure of Monkey King flew out again.

"Monkey King, this seat keeps your hands on you again and again. If you don’t know what is good or bad. Even if I don’t kill you, the lives of the millions of people in the city below are not guaranteed. Listen to the deity, you can’t protect this one. Planet!"

Seeing this scene, Wang Feng was taken aback, and thought to himself, how could Monkey King fail.

Who is this person...Well, I think about it, shouldn't it be Pan Zhen from Lieyang Heavenly Dao?The patron saint of Lieyang Star.

It is also a god of the universe with upright children and eight classics.

It's just...

Thinking of this, Wang Feng's figure changed, and immediately flew into the void, shouting loudly in his mouth:

"He can't protect it, I can protect it!"

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