You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!After the storm after the return of Yunhaiguan Emperor Ye Demon God, within a few days, a piece of news shocked the entire Dark Demon Realm like stars falling from the sky.

Yujiang Demon God, has fallen!

Since the new era, the first nine demon gods to fall!

Moreover, the cause of the fall is inseparable from Diye Demon God.

There are many opinions in the nine regions of the Dark Demon Realm, and there are countless speculations.

There are even those who have good things to call this the "Era of God's Fall", saying that the Dark Demon Realm has entered a new era.

Because since the beginning of the new era, the nine demon gods dedicated to killing gods can be called immortal existences.

After conquering countless wormholes, the nine demon gods who have gone through countless civilizations and battles with countless strong men in the universe did not die in the hands of the most powerful men in other worlds.

Instead, he mysteriously fell in the Dark Demon Realm.

Only a ray of demon soul remained, without a trace.

In the hearts of almost all soul demons in the Dark Demon Realm, the nine great demon gods are immortal.

The demise of Yujiang Demon God seems to vaguely symbolize something...

Qingyang Demon Realm.

Sky Demon Mountain Range.

The Qingyang Demon is the main land of the soul demon clan.

Soul demon is a name for the descendants of soul demon and beast, they belong to half demon and half demon.

Soul demon is a powerful life born in the dark demon world, capable of absorbing dark magic power.

With inherently powerful limbs and mental power, compared with other intelligent beings, it is highly adaptable to the dark demon energy.

The soul demon is different.

The spirit demon inherited the spirit of the spirit demon, possessed the limbs of the demon, and was innately psychic. Even in the demonic fetus, the spiritual power can be cultivated.

Compared with the soul demon, especially in terms of spiritual power, it is even stronger.

And the cultivation route of the soul demon is also different from the normal soul demon.

The spirit demon is psychic, extremely intelligent, good at communicating the changes in the dark demon world with spiritual power, and has a variety of abilities.

But there is no doubt that the strength of Qingyang Demon Territory can be ranked in the top five in the Demon Territory, which is naturally not covered.

The Sky Demon Mountain Range is the territory of the Dream Soul Demon clan in the Qingyang Demon Realm.

Dream spirit monster is a particularly special kind of spirit monster.

They are the void soul beasts of the ancient line of the Dark Demon Realm, Mengling.The half-empty and half-entity produced by combining with the soul demon.

The so-called half-virtual and half-real are creatures that are blurred during the day and become entities at night.

During the day, the spirit of the Dream Soul Demon is extremely powerful, imagining creatures, and possessing super-high immunity.

Below the devil, any physical attack that does not contain the original power can be directly immune.

Extremely tricky.

At night, when dark magic power surges, their bodies will become entities with all kinds of magical abilities.

At this moment, in a barren area in the Sky Demon Mountain Range.

In an abandoned ruin.

The ruins are ranked. The reality of the ranking is that this place was originally an abandoned wormhole. It was a one-way wormhole because it could not be passed through, so it was abandoned many years ago.

There is no caretaker.

At this moment, two tiny phantoms hopped up and down from a distance.

These are two young dream spirits.Odd Book Network

They are only about seventy or eighty centimeters in size. They look almost like humans, and although their bodies are imaginary, they are well-behaved and cute. They only have two fox ears beside their ears. There are still silvery white hairs behind.

"Gathering herbs, picking herbs~"

These two Dream Soul Demon rushed through the air lightly and completely, like ghosts that were erratic and improper, without even a hint of prestige.

"Brother, wait for me. There seems to be an abandoned dark passage ahead. You can be careful. We are in the spirit state now, and we will be sucked in if we are not careful."

Two dream spirit monsters could vaguely see, one male and one female.

It should be brother and sister.

Their skin is different from the red or blue-black of the normal soul demon, but silver.

This is the characteristic of Dream Soul Demon.

Similar in shape to the demon clan, but also has the characteristics of a soul demon.

"I see." The Menghundemon brother in front frowned, "Hurry up, I have to go to the school after taking the medicine. Today, Mr. Yun Luo is giving a lecture."

The sister Meng Hun Demon behind curled her lips, "Mr. Yun Luo doesn't sound good. I like Sister Yuling's lecture. By the way, how come we purchase more season bluegrass today?"

"I heard that it is from the soul demon holy city. The Qingluo Demon God has started to arrange the banquet in advance..." my brother replied, "This season's bluegrass is ground into powder. After several processes, it seems that it can become a kind of cumin. ''S sauce is the main meal used by the chef God of Qingluo this time."

"This season's bluegrass is only owned by our Sky Demon Mountain Range. This time the holy city has rarely purchased from our Dream Soul City, but it has paid a lot of resources. The Qingluo Demon is really good to our Dream Soul City."

The elder brother said with a look of longing, "If I can go to the holy city to see the Qingluo Demon God, even a glance... it will be worth my life."

"I heard that the Demon God Qingluo is very similar to the Demon..." My sister blinked her eyes and asked curiously, "Why do you think the Demon God Qingluo likes to pretend to be a demon? It's very discriminatory...really, because our dream soul demon and the demon clan are somewhat similar...really. But the Qingluo Demon God is dressed as a demon clan, and there are countless praises..."

"Of are still young and don't move." My brother snorted, "The Demon God, no matter what you dress up, you will get countless compliments. Of course, the Qingluo Demon God is different. The Qingluo Demon God is our Qingyang Demon Realm. The only demon god."

My sister stuck her tongue out, "You are only a few seconds older than me. I am ashamed to say that I am young! Humph!"

"A few seconds is big!" My brother said confidently.

As he said, his eyes lit up, and he flew forward, "Hey, there are a lot of bluegrass ahead, so many. Today’s task is completed, and the task for the next few days is also completed. This is worth a lot of magic. Yuan. Lanlan hurry up..."

Season blue grass is black.

Brother and sister had two dream spirit demons one after another, and immediately the ruins floated past.

"Wow, these season blue grasses are so thick and dark! This should have been mature for a long time?" My sister exclaimed.

The older brother looked over and was shocked, not surprised but rejoiced, "Yes, I have never seen this kind of season blue grass. It seems that we are going to send it this time! Hurry up! This grass must be uprooted, otherwise the fragrance will If it spills, the cumin produced will not be fragrant."


The two brothers and sisters immediately rushed over.

Grabbed a few quarter bluegrass and began to pull it up.

However, this season the bluegrass seemed to take a look at it, and the two little guys couldn't pull it out.

Knowing that the ground loosened slightly when the two guys were panting.

"Sister, you and I pull together. We are now in the spirit state, without much strength... But as long as the two forces work together, we can always pull out..."

So, the two little guys pulled out a quarter blue grass together.

Finally, when I was about to give up, the ground finally loosened.

When this season blue grass, as if implicated in this piece of ruins.

There was a rumbling noise.

"Quick! This place seems to be collapsing!" My brother subconsciously said.

at this time…


A somewhat bewildered voice sounded, and after a while, a humming voice came from the ruins, "Who is pulling the deity's hair? Let go!"

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