Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1452: You Are Overcast?

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"The Dark Demon Realm has gone through countless wars, except for the divine wars launched externally. Within us, there are countless wars. What you may know best, and the clearest thing should be the "Nine Realms Turmoil" of the year, and the "Emperor Star" War' and the'Magic Revolution'. These wars are all-round, covering every piece of land in all Demon Realms."

"Among them, naturally also includes Chi hills."

The back above the throne, in a mechanical tone, tells an ancient history.

"Unfortunately, no matter what kind of war it is, it will disappear as long as it spreads to the red hills. It is unknown and terrible. Even the demon god does not know exactly what is hidden inside, so naturally he won't be too concerned about it. For so many years in the Dark Demon Realm, there are so many soul demon who don't know the heights of the sky and earth, want to find out, but unfortunately, they went in, came out, and then died. It seems that nothing happened."

"Who ever suspected that when the Red God Sky Fox came to Qingyang Realm back then, it was either a refuge or an inheritance heir. The Qingyang Realm back then had not yet undergone the integration of the nine realms. Qingping was very peaceful, unlike what it is now It's a dangerous place."

Listening to the back of the throne, Yu Xiaoxiao and Yu Jianxin talked quietly, but they looked at each other, and finally saw a little more fear in their eyes.

"What happened later? Did the red god Tianhu leave?" Yu Xiaoxiao asked in a low voice.

"Some demon gods said it had left, and some demon gods said it did not. Later, the soul demon clan of the ancient times, there was a red hill soul demon. From the outside, the red hill was really a cemetery, but As for what's inside. None of these demons are willing to go."

"Because the devil, inside, will fall."

Upon hearing this, Yu Xiaoxiao shuddered.

"That Di Ye Demon God him?" Yu Xiaoxiao asked in fright.

"Why, you two are really worried about Diye? Two little guys, yes, they are already in the show."

The back of the throne seems to be small.

"Dare not. It's just that you...are you not worried?" Yu Xiaoxiao asked in a low voice.

"What are you worried about?" The throne's back smiled, "It's not Diye who went to Chiqiu, but his friend Wang Feng, who is not dead. What does it have to do with him?"



Chi hills.

Wang Feng was panting, slightly embarrassed.

To be reasonable, these ancient spirit monsters were a bit strong.

Their bodies are very special, and they are extremely immune to the power of the original law.

Regardless of whether Wang Feng is trying to judge the origin, he can only cause slight damage to him.

Moreover, the strength of the physical body is also extremely terrifying, even comparable to oneself who has an immortal origin.

The weird patterns on their bodies are like some kind of powerful energy circuits. Wang Feng can't feel the strong breath, but can keep their bodies in a consistent posture.

The most frightening thing is that their spirit seems to be in a state of nothingness.

No self-consciousness, but only aimed at Wang Feng and launched a crazy attack.

The lack of self-awareness means that they have no soul, or that they are more like a symbol, a symbol similar to God-killing intelligence.

And the magical intelligence of Killing God was born in the dark demon world in modern times.

How do these beings do it?


A violent explosion broke out in the air, and several ancient spirit monsters were blasted out like a cannon.

Smashed to the ground.

"Kill me!"

Wang Feng's skin is red all over, and his strength has been used to the extreme.

The only thing that these ancient spirit demon can illuminate as damage is pure power.

Spiritual immunity means that Wang Feng's many methods have no effect on this ancient spirit demon.

Can only rely on the flesh

Moreover, the most troublesome thing was that Wang Feng felt that he couldn't feel the body in this peculiar space.

That is to borrow the power of ontology.

This is what surprised Wang Feng the most.

It can only be explained that the spatial prohibition level of the layout of this space is extremely high.

It was so high that it was enough to invalidate the uncompleted one gasification and three cleansing.

But the battle has been for a while, even with strength, Wang Feng has no way to blast all these ancient spirit monsters into scum.Tsinghua Novel

Instead, it was myself, somewhat exhausted.

Since coming to the God Realm, and then to the Dark Demon Realm.

Wang Feng had no other choice but to be used by the opponent to take advantage of the land when he was fighting the Demon God.

Right now, this is the second time this has happened.

"What the hell are these ancient spirit monsters...who made them?"

Wang Feng cursed and looked at the giant spirit monsters that crawled out of the ground quickly.

This oil and salt do not enter, even the original source can carry out a certain degree of immunity.

How to play this?

"Is it possible that those demon gods didn't let me fall, but it was this weird place that made this clone of me just gone?"

Wang Feng knew how to fight like this.

It must be oneself to lose.

Thinking of this, Wang Feng couldn't help thinking again.

Who is the benefactor of that dream soul demon clan?

Who brought me here?

This shows that it is yin me!

Thinking of this, Wang Feng was shocked.

Could it be that they are in danger?

Wang Feng didn't think that Bibi Dong and the others would harm themselves somehow.

And it was Bibi Dong and the others who used the portrait of the symbol to lead them.But they won't harm themselves, it's only possible that they are also in danger?

Used by other people, and then lead yourself to come here, in order to deal with yourself?

But my identity in the Dark Demon Realm, especially Wang Feng, has never been in the future before, and there is no enemy at all...

Who will deal with himself somehow?

Such contradictions shocked Wang Feng's heart.

"No... I have to figure it out."

Wang Feng quickly calmed down and continued to observe these ancient spirit demons.

Their power seems to be endless, and even the source can be immune to a certain degree, and the flesh is immortal. How awesome are the soul demon of the ancient times?

How did it become extinct?

Devil gods cannot achieve this degree of immunity.

"Those symbol do they look strange..."

Wang Feng frowned slightly, as if seeing something vaguely.

At first, Wang Feng thought that the symbol pattern on their bodies should be a kind of energy return.

Because when they move, those rune lines will light up.

But now I look closely...

"How do you combine the order in which these rune patterns are lit, it looks like a word?"

Suddenly, Wang Feng's eyes widened slightly.

Thinking of this, Wang Feng quickly scanned all the ancient spirit demons.

There are sixty or seventy people.

However, only when certain ancient spirit monsters acted, the rune patterns on their bodies would light up slightly in a different order.

If you don't detect it carefully, you can't find any clues.

"The words combined with these bright lines... seem to be words in the Douluo World... Could it be that Bibi Dong and the others..."

After some avoidance, Wang Feng finally saw it.

He combined the sequence of these rune patterns from these ancient spirit monsters, according to each ancient spirit monster, and finally formed a few words...

"Is that you? Wang Feng, if you can read this sentence, you should be very distressed now?"

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