Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1462 Great chance!

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!The Tianming River is too long and too wide, and there are too many demons inside. The demons who attacked Wang Feng may account for less than one thousandth of the entire Tianming River.

Therefore, most of the demons are extremely confused.

To be precise, they were sucked here somehow.

Who am I, where am I?

"Heavenly River...this god forbidden space is beeping..." Wang Feng was agitated.

On this day, the Styx was directly sucked into the forbidden space of the gods, which meant that he controlled all of the river.

No, to be precise, it is not completely controlled.

But for Wang Feng, it was of great use.

And the demons inside, no matter how powerful they were, they couldn't escape this divine forbidden space.

Let alone cause harm to Wang Feng.

"Although I don't know what memory the Red God Tianhu has washed away from me... but it seems, it's worth it?"

Wang Feng thought in his heart, "When I dock with the ontology, the memory will be restored. Isn't this just a divine forbidden space for white prostitution? Blood is earned."

Thinking of this, Wang Feng suddenly felt happy.

However, Wang Feng felt that even though the interior of this divine forbidden space was unfolded by himself, after inhaling this day of Styx, there was a swelling feeling between the eyebrows.

I am afraid that Styx has also caused some influence on the interior of this divine forbidden space, causing some discomfort to the owner of the divine forbidden space.

But it's just discomfort.

"If I encounter those demon gods who can't beat them in the future, even if they won't stand and let me inhale the forbidden space, but I get angry, and I will untie the forbidden space directly, and a river of heaven will directly control it. This is the Hell Lord. Can't stop it..."

Wang Feng thought.

The Demon God is not a fixed thing like Tian Styx, standing here to be sucked into the divine forbidden space.

Wang Feng estimated that as soon as this divine forbidden space appeared, those demon gods would definitely avoid it for the first time.

There is no such thing as letting oneself directly suck the devil into it.

But as long as he was sucked into the forbidden space, without Wang Feng's order, he would never be able to get out.

"This day, the Styx River, especially the Styx water, should still be of great use... This river water contains the karma of endless life. If I can slowly absorb and swallow these karma with the source of devouring, it will become endless. Belief, the cultivation base will be improved very quickly, and there will be no obstacles from the god ring. Because swallowing the origin can directly condense these causal aspirations into the god ring."

Wang Feng thought of it when he used the Devouring Origin to absorb the Styx water.

It's just that the body can't bear it.

So it is difficult to do.

But now that there is a forbidden space as a transit point, it is much easier.

Thinking of this, Wang Feng couldn't help sighing, and he didn't know if it was right or wrong to meet the Red God Sky Fox.

This divine forbidden space is indeed very useful for him.

Especially with the current Sixth Devouring Origin.

Wang Feng felt that this divine forbidden space should have other names, which is probably not an ordinary treasure.

"This time the danger is turned into a blessing. If there is no encounter with Chihau, I am afraid it will not happen at all..."

Wang Feng thought in his heart.

Everything is causal, one drink and one peck, it is the cause and effect that he can't jump out of the universe.

"Heaven Styx has passed, and then it should be unimpeded."

Tianminghe is the most difficult place to get to the Holy City of Soul Demon.

Because it is distributed in the boundaries of the Qingyang Demon Realm, this river surrounds the Soul Demon Holy City on three sides.

Only one side is exposed.

Before, Wang Feng's route from Yunhaiguan in the Yuanhai Demon Territory was the only best route to reach the Qingyang Demon Territory without crossing the Tianming River.

It's just that now it's a different story, it is obviously impossible for Wang Feng to go to the Soul Demon Holy City from the previous route.

Otherwise, I'm afraid I don't know how long it will take.

Sweeping his eyes, Wang Feng saw the red ferryman.

'I don't know the strength of this guy right now. I guess the strength should be very strong...and he doesn't seem to be a demon...

Wang Feng thought.

Thinking of this, Wang Feng slowly fell, and sighed towards the red ferryman, "This day Styx is indeed extraordinary, as you say." PhD Novel Network

The ferry was silent.

More than extraordinary?

He is here to practice himself by taking advantage of the Heavenly Styx River.

"It's just that, in order to cross the river, the deity can only reluctantly accept it." Wang Feng said that I didn't mean it, "However, you don't have to thank me."

"?" I still want to thank you?The ferry was taken aback.

"Look, you borrowed the Tian Sty River to experience tens of thousands of years, which is equivalent to being trapped by the Tian Sty River for tens of thousands of years." Wang Feng smiled slightly, "The deity absorbs the Tian Sty River, and you won't use it here in the future. It's a ferry. Doesn't it amount to relief."

Hearing this, the ferryman squeezed the pole.

There was an anger in my heart.

After a few years in Styx, my experience will be complete and I will be able to break through the realm immediately.

As a result, you have sucked the Sky Styx now?

There is not a drop of river water left.

I'm still short of these few years. Wouldn't it be impossible to achieve Consummation forever?

Looking at the human smile, the ferryman had the urge to slap the latter in the air.

Imagine forgetting.

Not worth it.

"Time is also fate."

The ferryman groaned and looked at Wang Feng, suddenly realizing in his heart.

He will be able to break through to a higher level in a few years.

But he had already expected that he would be fate.

After meeting the opponent, he thought that his disaster should be how to help the other party to cross the Styx.

Now I understand that this last catastrophe is not how to help the other party get through.

It's how the Sky Styx disappeared, how he fulfilled his mind.

"You can absorb the Styx, which proves that Styx has a great chance for you...I can't force it."

The ferryman screamed.

In an instant, scarlet clouds in the sky pierced the sky, and the earth shook the mountains, as if the whole world was shaking.

"You are right."

The ferryman screamed again, "I have experienced this for tens of thousands of years, and I have been trapped by the Styx for tens of thousands of years. It is time to leave... A step in the gods, like a moat, this step, perhaps after all, I have to rely on myself Ever."

In the words, his red dress was flying, but his hat did not change at all.

Suddenly, Wang Feng felt a terrifying energy rushing into the sky, erupting from him.

The energy was surging, enough to cover the earth, and gave Wang Feng an illusion that he could be comparable to Tianminghe.

With such a powerful aura, Wang Feng was the first encounter other than the phantom of the Scarlet God Sky Fox.

"It's time to leave this Dark Demon Realm... I have stayed for tens of thousands of years, and I don't know how long it has passed over there..."

The small boat at the ferryman's feet changed suddenly and turned into an ancient armor that flew down on him.

The oar in his hand also turned into a pitch-black wrist knife, attached to his arm, exuding a fierce breath.

His breath was like the rebirth of a monstrous demon god, Wang Feng felt that this guy's breath was even more demon god than demon god.

The strength of the opponent should be almost the same as the Demon God.It also belongs to the top one.

"This wrist knife, how familiar..."

Wang Feng glanced, "And the style of this armor..."

After thinking about it, Wang Feng still asked, "I said, what's your name?"

The ferryman lifted the hat, revealing a domineering face, blood-red hair, dancing with the wind.

"Mozun, Chonglou! Boy, goodbye!"

When the voice fell, he turned into a ray of blood and disappeared into the void.

"..." Wang Feng grew his mouth and looked at this person.

Countless fog grass in my heart.

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