Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1467 Fate

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!When Wang Feng walked over, the elder of Dream Soul City was desperately planning to leave.

Turning around, he saw a familiar figure.

Frozen for a moment.

"It's you?"

He froze for a long time and looked at Wang Feng.

He vaguely remembered that this strong human who was closely related to Diye Demon God appeared in Dream Soul City, and then went to the red hills of the Sky Demon Mountain Range inexplicably.Then there is no news.

He appeared here, indicating that Diye Demon God should also come to the Soul Demon Holy City.

This means that it is very possible that the Demon God Qingluo will hold a banquet in advance.

The heart sank slightly, but they couldn't get the season blue grass now.

"Why are you in Jubaoyan Chamber of Commerce?"

Wang Feng asked calmly, "Didn't you find the season blue grass for the mission that night?"

It's strange to say that these dream spirit demon haven't found Ji Lancao, what's the point of coming to the spirit demon holy city?

Also came to the Jubaoyan Chamber of Commerce to look for.

The Dream Soul City also has a branch of Jubaoyan.

There is absolutely nothing to do with it.

Wang Feng was slightly puzzled.

Hearing this, the old man sighed: "I found it, and lost more than a dozen of my clan Dream Soul Demon... It's just that some accident happened on the way."

"Snatched? Or lost again?"

Wang Feng was surprised.

This Dream Soul Demon is really enough.

"That's not..." The old man shook his head.

"It's Tian Minghe!" Menglan pursed her lips and glanced at Wang Feng, as if she felt that the one in front of her was a little different from what she had seen before.

"What does it have to do with Tian Minghe? Uh...could it be..." Wang Feng thought for a while, as if thinking of something.

"When we crossed the Styx River before, we were about to reach the shore. Who knew that Styx suddenly changed that day..."

Mengshan spread his hands, "The river is surging, and even the ferryman who crossed us across the river did not respond. We were almost shaken into the surging river. Fortunately, the ferryman stabilised the boat in time and barely We crossed the river. But then we found that several magic elements that stored the season blue grass had fallen into the Heavenly Styx River."

Speaking of this, Mengshan and several Dream Soul Demons complained angrily.

"You guys, what can you complain about? The Styx disappeared that day. If you can cross the river safely and save a little life, it is already so lucky."

On the side, the Jubaoyan Chamber of Commerce, who was annoyed by the elders of the Dream Soul Demon, sneered, "Although there are very few people crossing the river, there will always be some courageous people who want to try it. This day, Styx. That day, the Styx disappeared, and a lot of soul demons were directly buried in it, unfortunately."

Upon hearing this, several Dream Soul Demon were silent.

Wang Feng said in his heart, after doing it for a long time, it turned out that this matter still has something to do with me?

'This Dreaming Soul Demon is really fateful with himself.'

Wang Feng thought for a moment and said, "The Jubaoyan Chamber of Commerce here doesn't have any season blue grass?"

The service demon glanced up and down Wang Feng and said politely, “It’s impossible. The magic grass of Jilancao has very low effect, and it only grows in the Sky Demon Mountain Range. That place is dangerous, and ordinary soul demon will also Going forward, the resource gathering ability of that area is very low. The goods circulated by our Treasure Rock Chamber of Commerce, the lowest grade, are at least the magic grass of the grade. The kind of magic grass that can be attributed to mortal herbs, we Treasure Rock The Chamber of Commerce will not collect."

"Otherwise, Tianluo Mansion will not hand over the task to the Menghun clan in the Sky Demon Mountain Range to collect it. We have already collected it by the Treasure Gathering Rock Chamber of Commerce."

After speaking, the demon said again: "Not to mention the season blue grass, the goods circulation of our soul demon holy city leads to many worlds. Tianluo Mansion needs cumin made from season blue grass and various raw materials, Tianluo Mansion had long ordered us to collect treasures from the Jubaoyan Chamber of Commerce. Therefore, even if we had it, it would have been given to Tianluo Mansion."

"Your Dream Soul Demon Clan didn't complete the task. That's your own business. It's useless to find our Jubaoyan Chamber of Commerce now."

"Oh?" When Wang Feng heard this, he suddenly asked, "In other words, do you have items from other worlds?'

"That's nature." The demon said proudly, "We not only spread all over the Dark Demon Realm, but also all the planes ruled by the Dark Demon Realm, and the planes that have not yet ruled and established a certain relationship. Treasure Gathering Rock Chamber of Commerce. Naturally, we also have items from other planes. We not only trade with the native soul demons in the Dark Demon Realm, but also with the lives of various races on other planes."

Wang Feng's heart moved slightly.

I haven't understood this treasure rock chamber of commerce in detail before.

It sounds interesting now.

"What you need, you can talk and listen."

The devil has a strong business ability, and regardless of Wang Feng’s identity, he directly asked, “Yes, we can definitely get it from the Jubaoyan Chamber of Commerce. No, even if we turn over our Jubaoyan Chamber of Commerce, we can’t find it. ."

Wang Feng smiled and shook his head.

If he needs anything, just find Yu Xiaoxiao and them directly.

"When will you go on business?"

Wang Feng looked at Elder Dream Soul Demon.

"The latest is tomorrow. If Ji Lancao is not handed over to the Shrek chef tomorrow, Tianluo Palace will determine that our Dream Soul Demon Clan has not completed the task."

The elder sighed, "Now depending on the situation, it is definitely not done."

Wang Feng thought for a while and said: "Old man, since you understand my identity, then I can help you with this matter. In this way, you can go back to Dream City tomorrow, and I will help you deliver this season of bluegrass."

"Are you willing to help us?" The elder was taken aback first, then said excitedly.

"It's just that." Wang Feng said.

"But, where did you get Season Lancao?" The elder smiled bitterly.

"You don't have to worry about that. Besides, even if you can't take it out, it's not easy to protect you as the deity?"

Wang Feng waved his hand, "How did you handover with the chef?"

The elder hesitated and took out a token to Wang Feng and said, "This is the token of my Dream Soul Demon clan, as long as you hold this thing to hand over to the Shrek chef."

Wang Feng put away the token and nodded, "I see, let's go. Keep your Dream Soul Demon clan safe."

After all, Wang Feng walked towards the highest level of the building.

Encountering these dream spirit monsters was unexpected.

However, I also took advantage of this opportunity to meet a chef named Shrek for a while.

See what is going on.

Of course, you can't use the identity of Diye Demon God, this is easy to cause the other party's alert.

The identity of a clone is not very good, because the identity of the other party has not been confirmed.

But as long as it is tested, it should be easy to test out.

Go to the top level, directly reveal your identity, and let the highest person in charge of the Jubaoyan Chamber of Commerce directly connect to Yu Xiaoxiao.

Then asked about the Tianminghe.

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