Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1474 What is left of Diye Demon God? Real or fake?

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"Who are you?" Qing Luo Demon looked at his opponent with solemn expression.

'Cang Qing, what level of original power did he just use?Can it be analyzed?'

'It is the powerful source of specializing in demons, and the rules I rewritten will not be affected.It means that the origin level of this level is very high and should be comparable to your Qingyang Demon Radiance Origin.It is estimated that you have to use at least 90% of your strength, or kill the gods to enable the overload mode to cause substantial damage.However, the current vice courtyard and the holy city may be destroyed.Or I rewrite the space and directly enter another barren world.But this will cause spatial fluctuations on the side of the holy city, and there is a high probability that a spatial gap will occur.'

Her intelligent life of killing God is named Cangqing.Hearing the words of Killing God, the Demon God Qingluo was silent.

When the devil fought against each other, it was rare that he would directly open a big move.

Often, once you touch it, you basically understand it.

Before the Wujiang Demon God was killed by Wang Feng with an axe, it was purely overcast.

"I really don't believe it."

The Demon God Qingluo took a deep breath and shook his palm.

In an instant, a cyan radiance rose from her body, just like the rising sun.

The magic sickle in her hand bloomed endlessly.

All things are quickly annihilated in this brilliance.

Even the space collapses layer by layer.

"See if you can take another move!"

The Demon God Qingluo yelled, "Zhanyang Meteorite!"

This is obviously not a single trick.

This terrible brilliance directly covers any life except Diye Demon God beside her.

The flash of brilliance hides thousands of arcs, enough to split the stars and earth.

If this trick is placed in the starry sky of the universe, I am afraid it can easily cut several planets.

Like the Douluo world, it is estimated that even the remaining light can't bear it, it will collapse and die.

The battle of the devil is too terrifying.

Wang Feng sighed and said slowly:

"Qing Wanli, but I haven't seen it for more than 40,000 years. I didn't expect you to be unclear about the true and false."

"I dare to shoot against the deity."

The moment the voice fell.

A flash of flame burst out from Wang Feng's body.

Several dark lights and shadows appeared from behind Wang Feng. He, who had been integrated with the spirit of martial arts, had changed into the demeanor of Diye under the slight adjustment of the elemental origin.

However, there was still a clear difference from the Diye Demon God opposite.

The body is stalwart and the magic flame is overwhelming.

This is the form of Wang Feng at this time.


Seeing the endless brilliance hit, Wang Feng seemed to be holding a black hole in his palm, bursting out a violent original light, and all the brilliance was sucked into it.

There is no need for one move, nor does the devil need to stick to one move.

With Devouring Origin in hand, Wang Feng can suck as he wants.

Although that day, Styx Wang Feng couldn't suck cleanly by devouring the origin.

But Qingluo Demon God's only trick, Wang Feng can swallow cleanly.

Mainly, his demon body can also bear it.

Like the sun falling into a black hole, the brilliance disappeared in an instant.

Only this courtyard has become a ruin.

If Wang Feng had swallowed a little slower just now, it is estimated that the rest of the buildings around the vice yard, including Tianluo Mansion, would have been reduced to ruins.

However, the Demon God Qingluo was kind to the attendants in her house, and he had already dispelled everything before he did it.

After a while.

so easy.

The Demon God Qingluo looked at the demon shadow in front of him a little sluggishly.

The Oscar gods on the side were also shocked.

'Fuck, there are two Diye Demon Gods in this special?Wait, this Dream Soul Demon is actually Diye Demon God?I go…'

'How can Diye Demon God pretend to be a Dream Soul Demon... Yes, I said he seems to be defending us. If he is Diye Demon God, he must be Feng Ge's friend.'

'A few of us in the Dark Demon Realm are still thinking about mixing into the dark devil realm high-level people. I didn't expect that Brother Feng has already gotten into the relationship with the Demon God... By the way, has he left the world of Douluo?'

For a while, Oscar and others, who were in a trance, suddenly woke up.

Some excited, and some rejoicing, began to use spirit to transmit sound.

'Diye Demon God... Could it be that Wang Feng also gave him the former puzzle?Or, what deal did Wang Feng make with this demon god...'

But Zhu Zhuqing thought of more.

If the opponent is Diye Demon God, then the hunch just now...

Before practicing anagrams, there was this kind of premonition between each other, which was more like a kind of prediction.There is no special connection.

It would not be surprising if Wang Feng passed it to others.

It's just that the comprehension of the former anagram is extremely difficult.

'If this is the case, it makes sense...'

Zhu Zhuqing felt that he should figure it out.

He turned his gaze to the Diye Demon God beside Qingluo Demon God.

'But this Diye Demon God, it seems that he has also practiced the former word puzzle... This is strange... No, since they all practiced, then it means that they have something to do with Wang Feng... all of them may be true.The difference is that the attitude is different, one wants us to die, the other wants to protect us.'

Zhu Zhuqing frowned slightly.

So, who is this fake Diye demon god?Biqugek

This courage is not small.

Pretending to be Diye Demon God, even Qingluo Demon God was fooled.

At this moment, they were awakened, but the Qingluo Demon God beside them was a little confused.

"you you…"

The magic sickle in Qingluo Demon God's hand almost didn't hold it.

She subconsciously looked at the Diye Demon God beside her.

Hmm, it's still there, I didn't dream.

Two Devil Gods?

No, one of them is true.

Wang Feng directly revealed his identity.

Because if we really want to continue fighting, we won't say the outcome.

He may not be able to keep them Oscar.

"you guys…"

Qingluo Demon God looked at the Diye Demon God that the Dream Soul Demon had become.

Although there is a big gap with the demon god in the impression, it is obviously unwise to judge a demon god from the physical body.

Because the shape can be changed.

For the existence of the demon god, the form of life is like clothes.

The Diye Demon God beside her seemed a little surprised, looking at Wang Feng, perhaps he didn't expect it.

"Qing Wanli, so many years have passed, even if you become a demon god, you still have an exclusive god killer, and your strength is so advanced, you still don't look very smart."

Wang Feng snorted coldly, with his momentum added, he was extremely majestic.

Demon God Qingluo opened his mouth, and didn't know what to say for a while.

"Why am I not smart?" Qingluo Demon God retorted angrily.

She looked at Diye Demon God next to her, and slowly said, "I invited Diye to the appointment because Diye Demon God left something with me. This thing is of great importance. It was when he left that year when he told me If he comes back from the God Realm, return this thing to him."

"He will never reveal this to outsiders."

"It doesn't matter who is true or who is false. But as long as it is the real Diye Demon God, then you will definitely know what this thing is..."

The Demon God Qingluo slowly looked at the Demon God next to him, "Just right, I don't have you yet."

Heard this.

Wang Feng's heart moved slightly.

When Qingluo Demon God asked Ten Yuzhong to send him, he did say this.

In addition, I found the Pangu axe pattern left by the Devil God Diye and a few uncovering words in the reserve of Yunhai Customs.

It shows that Diye Demon God may have left other messages in other places.

What is being announced.

Then, it is indeed possible that certain things have been left behind by the Demon God Qingluo.

'But I don't know...'

Wang Feng secretly said.

So who knows...Wang Feng is not the real Diye Demon God.

How could it be so clear.

If you guessed it.

'Perhaps it is related to Pan Gu Axe?Wait, it's not necessarily a thing... How could Diye Demon God hand over important things to a soul demon... and can predictably know that he himself will come back?Shit, it is impossible for Diye Demon God to know that he will come back.Therefore, it is impossible to retrieve it.And the Demon God Qingluo was infatuated with Di Ye, could it be...'

Wang Feng was shocked.

"Which one of you will come first?"

There was a bit of expectation hidden in the eyes of Qingluo Demon God, looking at the two Diye Demon Gods.

"The deity never trusts any soul demon."

Just listen to the Diye Demon God lightly saying, "Qingluo, you are lying, the deity did not leave anything beside you at the beginning. Therefore, there is no such thing!"

As soon as the words came out, the Demon God Qingluo was slightly startled, a trace of loss flashed in his eyes.

After a long silence, she said nothing but a cold snort.

It seems to have heralded the result.

The Oscar gods watched this scene and couldn't help but secretly said in their hearts.

This must be fake, right?

"What about you?" Qingluo Demon God looked at Wang Feng.

"This deity did place an important thing with you at the beginning." Wang Feng's voice suddenly became low.

"Do you know what it is?" Qingluo Demon God asked.

Oscars were also listening.

Wang Feng looked at the Demon God Qingluo, his eyes were slightly vicissitudes, and his low voice seemed to be back tens of thousands of years ago:

"It's a promise. You are Qing Wanli's heart!"

The moment the voice fell.

Qingluo Demon God's body trembled, and there were some tears in his eyes.

Upon hearing this, the Oscar gods cried out in exclamation.

Only Zhu Zhuqing heard this tone, vaguely familiar.

"This familiar tone... Why does it look like Wang Feng..." Zhu Zhuqing snorted in his heart.

"It's really a gathering of things... If Rongrong is here, I guess it's not a good thing to scold this Devil God..."

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