Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1476 Zhu Zhuqing's Plan

You can search for "Starting from Douluo to search for novels (" in Baidu to find the latest chapters!"It is the Lord Hell who obtained the eighteen-day magical method of the demon soul's external soul transformation from a cosmic ruin." The Qingluo demon said in a low voice, "With the strength not weaker than the body, the soul can construct a void mind and descend. In other regions, even the demon gods cannot distinguish the authenticity. This ancient method of the demon is extremely harsh in cultivation. In my impression, only the Hades will be. Since she passed it to the demon, it is estimated that she may really be the successor of the Jingtian Palace... "

"Isn't that the clone?" Wang Feng shook his head.

I'm familiar with this.

What kind of ancient magic of the eighteen days, can one Qi transform Sanqing powerful?

"It's not a simple clone, but a soul clone." Qingluo Demon God explained, "Exactly the same soul, even the origin can be reproduced directly, so the Demon God also feels it. This is the most terrifying. Because it is constructed by the soul. Void thoughts, he can disappear and appear at any time. But he has the strength not weaker than the body."

"You can abandon the body at any time, and the soul travels through the void and descends to other areas. It is more terrifying than the projection of the devil's mind."

After listening to the Qingluo Demon God, Wang Feng thought for a while, and it sounded not so good.

However, this is not so good compared to the one-gas-to-three-cleansing he cultivated.

But if compared with others, it is certainly not so powerful.

"These gods..." Qingluo Demon God looked at Wang Feng.

"Ahem..." Wang Feng waved his hand, "These gods are my best friend Wang Feng's friends. I have already said. Let them go and let them return to the God Realm. Now the God Realm has changed greatly. A few of them won't play a big role."

The Demon God Qingluo was slightly silent.

"Divine War, did you not participate?" Wang Feng looked at Qingluo Demon God, "Since you did not participate, the victory and defeat of Divine War has nothing to do with you. These gods cannot talk about much hatred with you. They Here, I guess I just want to hide and find a chance to escape."

"Okay." The Demon God Qingluo nodded slightly, "It's just that these gods should not be able to return to the God Realm now. Yunguan Customs is located in the Yuanhai Demon Realm. What the Heavenly Demon Lord said just now is not a lie, and Cang Qing also senses other The army of the Demon Territory is close to the Qingyang Demon Territory. Among them, there is the Demon Army of the Abyss Demon Territory. It is not realistic to want to go to Yun Customs now."


"It's my God-killing."

Wang Feng was silent.

"You deal with them yourself." The Demon God Qingluo glanced at Oscar's few people, then turned and left, "After processing, come to me. I have important things to discuss with you."

'These demons... are just looking for death.'

Wang Feng shook his head and looked at Oscar.

"You guys... um..." Wang Feng thought for a while, "Let's stay in this spirit demon holy city, the other demon realms are more dangerous right now, when the deity solves the other demon gods, you are going to the Yunguan Customs and returning to the gods. You are Wang Feng's friends, this deity will not embarrass you. In the Soul Demon Holy City, you are safe."

The Oscars were silent.

Probably what happened right now was somewhat unexpected.

"Brother Feng... didn't he come with you?" At this moment, Ma Hongjun couldn't help scratching his head and asked, "What about others?"

"Is he..." Wang Feng thought for a while, "He is going to do a big thing for the deity now. As long as this big thing is done, all the demon gods who come to besiege Qingyang Demon Realm at this time will suffer."

"You trust him so much?" Oscar asked in surprise.

The Devil God has a big tone, but this is also a legend.

It is a legend in the God Realm, and a legend in the Dark Demon Realm.

Speaking of this kind of words, there must be confidence.

This kind of important matter is entrusted to Brother Feng. It seems that Diye Demon God trusts Brother Feng.

As expected of Brother Feng, Oscar thought to everyone.

"That's natural." Wang Feng said lightly, "When he was in the Douluo World, the deity had been paying attention to him for a long time. He also inherited part of the strength of the deity. If you are familiar with his dark angel martial soul, you will definitely be able to see it. Come out the one or two with the original power of the deity."

Oscar nodded.This is indeed.

But I didn't expect that not only did this Diye Demon God not fall, he was still lurking in the Douluo World?

Afterwards, Wang Feng glanced at these people.

Dai Mubai, Oscar, Ma Hongjun, and their partners, oh, Dai Mubai's partner should be in the God Realm.

And this woman who caused the premonition of the former anagram resonance...

Who is she?

Wang Feng looked at the woman and couldn't help asking: "By the way, this is?"

This question stunned the Oscars.

"Huh?" Ma Hongjun said with a smile, "Diye Demon God, Brother Feng asked you to save us, didn't you tell us how many of us? Shouldn't it... If you didn't recognize us, you wouldn't save us. No, Feng Ge didn't tell you Zhuqing? Our Seventh Sister of Shrek?"

"Isn't this possible?" Several people also laughed.

I feel that the problem of Diye Demon God is unnecessary.

'Oops... I don't seem to remember.The Shrek Seven Devils, they are together, logically I should know.'

Wang Feng's heart jumped suddenly.

Knowing that the identity of this woman must be part of the memory erased by that figure.

However, why does the figure erase her identity memory?

Wang Feng couldn't understand.

Can't be my confidante, right?

Impossible, I am a dedicated man... Wang Feng feels that he must return to the Douluo world as soon as possible to connect with the ontology.

'What should I say, know?If they knew, they asked back, but I couldn't answer. Wouldn't it be revealing then?'Starting point in Chinese

Wang Feng pondered for a few seconds.

At this moment, the woman seemed to see something, her cold face showed a slight smile, "Diye Demon God, who did Wang Feng mention to you?"

"This..." Wang Feng's heart shuddered.

This woman's smile made him very familiar.

"You all mentioned it."

Wang Feng said.

"Oh? In what capacity did you mention it?" Zhu Zhuqing asked.

"This, of course, is a friend!" Wang Feng replied with a panacea.

"Just friends?" Zhu Zhuqing stared at the Devil God in front of him.

"Otherwise?" Wang Feng felt something was wrong.

It is killing intent.

There was murder in the woman's eyes.

Moreover, it was not for himself, the Diye Demon God.

It was for Wang Feng.

what happened?

'Could it be...'

Wang Feng breathed.

'Am I a scumbag too?'Wang Feng issued a question mark in his heart.

The other people were shocked when they heard this.

"Sister Zhuqing, your Wang Feng is really scumbag." Shen Lingqi chuckled softly, "It seems that he has been in the Douluo world for ten thousand years and has forgotten you."

Wang Feng's heart beat.

Oops, it really is.

"Fuck... So I really am a scumbag?'Wang Feng scolded himself secretly.

Diye, sorry for hurting the friendly army by mistake.I hope you are in the Spirit of Heaven, don't blame me for calling you a scumbag.

But looking at the face and figure of the woman in front of him, Wang Feng thought for a while.

It’s not bad to be a scumbag...

"He is not scumbag." Zhu Zhuqing said softly.

This made Wang Feng's heart warm.

It seems that the memory that has been erased, is it possible that I scumbed the memories of other girls?

It turned out that the figure erased these memories of mine.

However, looking at the woman in front of him, Wang Feng sighed that he was still very good.

Look, I can still speak for myself.

"After all, we are just friends. Who knows for whom he came to the Dark Demon Realm for?"

Zhu Zhuqing's tone was still soft.

There was a gloomy breath all over his body.

Wang Feng heard something wrong.

This is the rhythm to go crazy, not speaking for yourself at all!

"It must be for Seventh Sister, after all, Rongrong is in the God Realm." Ma Hongjun hurriedly smiled.

"It's okay, when I see him, it's fine to ask in person." Zhu Zhuqing smiled.

When the others saw this smile, their backs were slightly cold.

"Is it possible to ask? He is so scumbag... so smart, it is definitely impossible to talk about other women in front of you. 80% of them are the Dark Demon Realm who came to you for your sake." Shen Lingqi said carefully.

"???" Wang Feng.

Am I so scumbag?

"Why not?"

Zhu Zhuqing slowly said, "I can use the essence of the illusion to transform into the appearance of other people without asking directly. When that happens, I will try one by one to see who he sees at first sight. The happiest thing. I know exactly what he is. Who came to the Dark Demon Realm for whom."

The jealous woman is really cruel.

Everyone was shocked.

A cold sweat was flowing in Wang Feng's heart.

"It's a good risk. Fortunately, I know the exam questions in advance... It is said that her origin can be transformed into other appearances, and it is extremely difficult to find... Regardless of him, as long as I am happiest to see her, it will do.'

Wang Feng cried out for thrills, and secretly rejoiced...

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