Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1557 Nine Reincarnations, Splitting Out of the Underworld

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Wang Feng looked at Bibi Dong, "Don't worry, I will find Xiaoxue."

After thinking about it, Wang Feng walked to the side of this heavenly demon, and hugged each other indifferently.

"I never disliked what you were like." Wang Feng smiled.

"Qi." Bibi Dong whispered.

She lowered her head slightly, closed her eyes, and her body changed suddenly.

Wang Feng was stunned for a while.

Then he watched Bibi Dong, the Heavenly Demon Venerable slowly change, and finally became her original appearance.

Wearing a black and noble costume, she is tall and graceful, with exquisite features and picturesque features. There is a majestic air between her brows, which is no different from her soul.

'Women can really deceive people.'Wang Feng secretly said in his heart.

Where do you need any conditions, it is probably you who forced Na Ni Ni to say that to lie to me.

At this moment, Bibi Dong lowered his head slightly.

Wang Feng only felt a flash of moisture on his face, and Bibi Dong's figure flashed and disappeared in the distance.

"Send me back to the Dark Demon Realm!" A slightly angry voice, mixed with a bit of shyness.

Wang Feng touched his cheek and coughed a few times: "Okay, I will send you away."

Wang Feng waved his hand, a ray of light flashed, and the space tore apart, wrapping Bibi Dong in the distance, disappearing.

I could only hear a faint voice:

"Don't come to me! Unless... you found Xiaoxue!"


Oh, even if I went to you directly and ran to your bed, would you still refuse?

Wang Feng said in his heart, he understood Bibi Dong's current thoughts a little bit.

It's nothing more than the relationship between the three people.

'You have become a god for so many years, and you have become a demon god, can you not be free and easy?'Wang Feng said in his heart.

He shook his head, and temporarily moved away the distracting thoughts in his mind.

He turned around, looked at the Kuroshio in the distance, and took a deep breath.

"Master, are you planning to start? The slave family will cooperate with you what you plan to do."

Yan Mengyao appeared in midair, looking at Wang Feng with excitement, "You can do it whatever you want."

Wang Feng glared at her.

The spirit of this instrument really makes every sentence crooked.

That's right, next, he intends to use the Kuroshio to establish the most core reincarnation for the ancestral world.

"These void beings, they are the void beings produced by the hundreds of millions of soul factors scattered throughout the universe after the death of those universe-level beings, combined with the chaotic energy of countless chaotic worlds."

Wang Feng looked at the Kuroshio, "They can't give birth to consciousness, but if they have the ancestral realm with reincarnation, they can put all these emptied lives into the reincarnation, allowing the ancestral realm to produce the powerful life at the beginning of this place."

The chaos before the ancestral world does not want to be like those in the myths and legends in Wang Feng's previous lives. In the chaos, powerful creatures are born.

No, after the world is first opened, it is possible to slowly give birth to creatures. This requires countless years of birth in the world.

But if the ancestors had reincarnation, and then put these void lives into reincarnation, the first powerful innate creatures could be born in this world.

Moreover, their souls also have the soul factor of cosmic life, which means that they will be extremely powerful!

The ancestral world is closely related to him now. The stronger the ancestral world, the stronger Wang Feng will be.

"But how should reincarnation be established?" Yan Mengyao pondered, "Reincarnation involves the core and most important rules of the world. There are many differences in reincarnation in each world. It is even more difficult to establish it truly. There is not even a detailed path. Especially the reincarnation in the big world is more difficult to establish."

Wang Feng frowned slightly, he suddenly remembered the myths and legends of his previous life.Jiujiu Chinese

It seems that it fits the ancestral world.

"First divide the boundary. That is the reincarnation..."

Wang Feng groaned, "Nature cannot be equated with the ordinary world. A small world has been created in the ancestral realm, and it is called the netherworld. When the energy in the dark tide is introduced into this realm, my devouring source can only use these energy Sucked out, but cannot be stored in one's own body. It happens to be stored in this realm, dedicated to locking the soul."


Wang Feng glanced at the void beings, "These void beings are themselves a kind of spirit body, which is far stronger than the real demon soul. This energy that has the power of six or seven of the chaotic energy has many magical abilities. Yes. The soul itself has a great strengthening effect, but it will lose consciousness. Oh, interesting, it can be used for reincarnation."

"Open up a small world?" Yan Mengyao thought for a while, "Master, I can't do this. The ancestral world is very powerful, and as a heavenly way, I can't open up a world casually."

"I can do it."

Wang Feng said lightly.

"What about after the development?"

"Establish the Nine Realms of Reincarnation." Wang Feng said slowly, "divide the creatures in this world into nine different types."

"The nine ways?" Yan Mengyao listened carefully.

These nine ways mean that the master will create nine different lives.

"Shen Dao, Ghost Dao, Monster Beast Dao, Shura Dao, Human Dao, Spirit Dao, Yin-Yang Dao, and the last... Heavenly Dao."

Hearing this, Yan Mengyao pondered for a while, and had a concept in his mind.

There are actually nine different races.


Yan Mengyao continued to ask, "What do these nine ways represent?"

"If this is to be explained in detail, I am afraid that it will not be finished."

Wang Feng thought about it, "Because in addition to the Nine Realms of Reincarnation and the Underworld, I also plan to open up a few special worlds from the Ancestral Realm for other purposes, but at the moment, the Nine Realms of Reincarnation of the Underworld is more important."

"How to split?"

"Of course it is the origin of Hongmeng." Wang Feng smiled slightly. "The Pangu axe has been recorded in the origin of Hongmeng. It is not difficult for me to call it out and use it to open up the ancestral world. It just takes a little time. But the ancestral world's The time rule is set by you, and it is not fully formed at the moment, so don’t worry."

As a nascent world, the ancestral world has very complicated rules and cannot be formed in a short time.

Normally, it will take countless years of precipitation to slowly stabilize.

It doesn't matter how long Wang Feng stays in the Ancestral Realm right now.

Just like the original chaos, there is almost no change in the outside world.

It's just that the ancestral world is also a nascent world anyway, and you can clearly feel the passage of time, but it will be very slow.

Thinking of this, Wang Feng did not hesitate to spread his palm lightly, and the triangular model symbolizing the origin of Hongmeng appeared in the air.

The Pangu axe in the original model lit up slightly.

In an instant, the original model revolved frantically, driving countless energies between heaven and earth to form a terrifying torrent.

An ancient axe, with a rough shape, appeared in Wang Feng's hands.

It looks like an axe used by an ordinary woodcutter to cut trees.

But there is a charm of breaking the wasteland.

'After all, it is the Pangu axe created by the original simulation, with charm but no real feeling.'

Wang Feng shook his head in his heart, because the origin of Hongmeng was too strong, otherwise he could reproduce the real Pangu axe perfectly.

Even, comparable to the real Pangu axe.

Of course, it will take some time.

Or, Wang Feng got the real Pangu axe... But if there is a real Pangu axe instead of Wuhun, there is no need to simulate it with the original source.

Thinking of this, Wang Feng looked at the black tide ahead and flew to the clouds of the nine heavens, splitting downward with an axe...

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