Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1562 Bibi Dong's Action

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The entire Dark Demon Realm was shocked.

"First demons, first demons...Matian strategy...If this is the case, then who is the universe-level being that came just now?"

Such an idea emerged in the minds of countless soul demons and many demons.

This self-registered first demon is more terrifying than the one who just appeared.

"Motiance... old man, is it really him?"

The flaming smoke in Beiti Demon Territory asked in shock, "Who is the universe-level being just now?"

The decayed devil stared at the sky blankly.

He couldn't see the shadow of the first demon.

But the voice in the soul told him, yes.

Motian strategy.

In the history of the Dark Demon Realm, countless great existences with heavy pen and ink were left behind.

After leaving, the Dark Demon Realm never came back.

Become a universe-level life, transcend the big world, the supreme beings that only play games in the universe, the big world that can be seen, and more.

Moreover, for him, the two eras of the Dark Demon Realm seemed to have passed hundreds of thousands of years, but in the universe, time was only a drop in the ocean.

It's fleeting.

For cosmic-level beings, it's even more a matter of talking and laughing.

Not paying attention to the Dark Demon Realm, it is normal.

"I don't know." The mortal demon god's eyes contained hopeful gazes, looking at the sky, "Just now, it may be another cosmic-level being descended. However, their methods are very similar."

The situation at this time is the devil, and it is difficult to understand.

The first demons came, and the goal seemed clear.

Just to find a Demon God of the Desolate Sea who got devilish energy.

But how can we still use the arrival of the great world as a means of deterrence?

"That's it!"

Suddenly, above the lofty nine heavens, a vast voice came again.

Seems to understand the cause and effect.

A strong gray-black light shot down from above the clouds and landed in the Jingtian Palace in the central demon domain.

"Above the devil, come see me quickly!"

At the same time, a voice resounded in the minds of countless soul demons.

Jingtian Palace.

When the light fell, countless energy factors shook the void, converging into a mysterious shadow.

He was wrapped in a black shadow.

From a distance, I can see a figure, and from a distance, it looks like a black hole, and I can keep my eyes in the demon shadow.

"You are the master of the bright side of the Dark Demon Realm now?"

The ancient words like the echo of the abyss sounded from this dark shadow, "Yes, this kind of seedlings can be produced in the Dark Demon Realm, it is really good. Although the route of killing the gods has changed the original trajectory of the Dark Demon Realm, it is less than ten thousand. Years of age, if this step can be achieved, in the future it is possible to surpass the shackles of the Dark Demon Realm."

Bibi Dong was frightened, but his face was like a Pinghu, calm.

"You don’t have to pretend to be so peaceful. Even if your Hell is here and seeing me, it’s hard to keep calm. Besides, for me, even this thought can easily detect the expressions and expressions in your heart. mood."

Bibi Dong glanced at each other with the other demon masters.


Many demon masters, headed by the flowerless demon master, knelt down on the ground, trembling all over and dared not speak.

Bibi Dong thought for a while, and knelt down.Worry-free Novel Network

At any rate, the other party is also the first demon of the Dark Demon Realm, and it is also an ancient historical soul demon. It is the Hell that admires this first demon in his heart.

With ancient etiquette, a certain degree of friendship can be expressed.

Otherwise, she didn't know if the first demon would do anything to them.

After all, if you want to destroy them, it doesn't seem to be very difficult.

The key is…

"Are you here just for that ray of devilish energy?" Bibi Dong said in a low voice and directly asked.

As the other party said, as long as he wants to, his inner look and emotions can basically be easily known.

So, just ask the questions in your mind directly.

"Of course. It's just that, it seems that the Desolate Sea Demon God who gained the devilish energy disappeared?"

Mo Tiance's voice did not fluctuate.

The Flowerless Demon Lord glanced at Bibi Dong, and wanted to tell the story.

Bibi Dong gave the Flowerless Demon Lord a look and said that he personally said:

"It's like this..."

It was of great importance at this time, and it might also be related to Wang Wu's life.

So tell the matter one to one.

Of course, in the narration, Bibi Dong played up the Demon God of the Wild Sea.

"That ray of devilish energy is hidden at the bottom of the Tianming River. You left it at the beginning. But there are countless demons in the Tianming River, and the water of the Tianming River also contains the power of the sky. Back then, you suppressed the Tianming River, Tianming The ghosts of the river never harass the world. It’s just that after you left the Styx, our dark demon world has never seen a great existence like you..."

"Heh... There are hundreds of thousands of ghosts and demons in the Styx. When I left that year, I warned them not to disturb the order of the Dark Demon Realm. But the demons are all unruly generations, or disturbances are also normal. And I let them suppress That ray of demon energy is at the bottom of the Heavenly Styx River, only to be taken by the soul demon."

Mo Tiance didn't have any doubts about Bibi Dong's words.

"But how terrible is the Sky Styx?" Bibi Dong reluctantly shook his head. "Since the Middle Ages, the greatest hell can only cross the Sky Styx, but cannot sink to the bottom of the river, and it is impossible to obtain demonic energy."

"Hahaha... Is it so easy to get the opportunity I left?" Mo Tiance seemed quite proud of this.

Of course.

For so many years, Tian Styx has been a hurdle that the Dark Demon Realm cannot overcome at all.

For example, the nine great demon gods all know that there are great opportunities and devilish energy left by the first demon.

Still able to break through the shackles of the devil.

However, no soul demon can sink into the bottom of the river and survive safely.

Demon God is no exception.

"Speaking of which, I am a little curious, how did this Desolate Sea Demon God get this devilish energy of the deity?"

Mo Tiance's tone was a little more confused.

Probably, he also didn't believe that the magic energy he left behind could be obtained...

Obviously the conditions are so harsh.

Either there is a shot of the same level, otherwise it is impossible to obtain the devil energy of the Tian Sty River.

Hearing this, all the demon masters present were embarrassed.

It turned out that this big man also felt that there was no soul demon in the dark demon world that could obtain demon energy.

Why are you staying?

However, Bibi Dong smiled slightly and said:

"This matter is a long story. A few days ago, a strong human came from the Dark Demon Realm, named Wang Feng. He entered our Dark Demon Realm under the guise of the Emperor Ye Demon God, and has repeatedly done several earth-shattering things. ."

"Human powerhouse? Let's just say, although I can spy your soul and learn everything, listening to stories is also my interest."

Mo Tiance seemed to be a little bit interested.

"This human expert, Wang Feng, with the strength of less than the four holy magic rings, first entered the wormhole and slashed the devil gods, and then accidentally entered the remains of the universe-level life of the Tuyudark Demon Realm, and obtained the universe-level. The sacred artifact." Bibi Dong knew that at this time, he must not lie.

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