Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1603 So much nonsense

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Fox Hill Island.

It is very famous in this area.

It is mainly famous among the souls of these monsters.

Wang Feng had never heard of it before coming.

Because this area is relatively far away from the human area where Murou is located.

And the angels on Tianxin Island didn't bother to go to other areas, let alone where these monsters were.

The Red Fox Venerable in the mouth of the Golden Light Leopard's influence is only within this range.

In the long line in front of him, human souls account for only a very small number.

It must have been around here too, and after hearing about this, they lined up one after another and wanted to visit the Red Fox Venerable.

It is interesting to hear what Golden Light Leibao said.

This Red Fox Venerable had obviously been in this world for a long time.

It's been a long time to be so low-key, it shouldn't be.

After thinking about it a little bit, Wang Feng felt that it is possible that the news that the little leopard said was heard from the past.

"There are many beast souls."

Wang Feng looked at the long line and wondered whether he should just hack the island with an axe.

"Of course, more and more beasts are dying these days."

Golden Light Leibao said, "If you want to line up, it will take at least two days to get your turn."

"However, I think there should be a shortcut."

Wang Feng said with a serious face.

"What shortcut?"

Golden Light Leibao was taken aback, "I have been here for a while, so why don't I know any shortcuts?"

Wang Feng walked towards the three-headed black snake.

This three-headed black snake is quite large, seven or eight meters tall. From a distance, it looks like a mirage in its soul, terrifying and terrifying. It is estimated that it was not a good product during his lifetime.

Wang Feng took a vigorous step and stood directly behind the three-headed black snake, and then said to the three-headed black snake in front:

"The little snake in front, go aside, you jumped in line!"

This operation seemed to have been similar, and the Golden Light Leopard who looked behind took a breath of air and screamed in his heart.

The three dragons and snakes in front turned around and watched for a long time, then lowered their heads, only to realize that it was a human being talking to him, and then froze for a while.

The other monsters in the back and forth also froze for a long time, and then burst into a strange laughter.

"Human, are you talking to me?" The three dragon snakes looked at Wang Feng with some uncertainty.

"Otherwise, you jumped in the line, and hurry to the back." Wang Feng waved his hand.

"..." The Three Dragons and Snakes still felt a little unbelievable.

Even if a human soul came to their monster beast's area, he dared to be so arrogant, he would see it for the first time.

The first time I encountered this situation, it was so sudden and so sudden that the three dragons and snakes didn't know how to answer each other for a while.

After thinking about it, it feels like a direct fight.

Three Dragons and Snakes nodded, thinking this method was good.

Just thought about it.

I saw that human hand suddenly pulled out an ordinary-looking axe.

Then he cut the back of the axe directly.


The three dragons and snakes instinctively felt a powerful force, and blasted from the axe.

It feels like the soul has been knocked over by the whole world. The huge soul form is directly blasted into a stream of light on the spot, flying to the distance, turning into a spot of light.


Wang Feng said something, then looked at the monster in front, and continued: "You, jump in the queue. Either go to the back or..."

Wang Feng grabbed the axe in his hand.

The monster in front was a dragon elephant with double wings. Hearing Wang Feng's words, it showed that it could only see three dragon snakes in an arc. One clever, hurriedly gave way.

"Still a big boss!" The Golden Light Leibao came back to his senses, and hurriedly followed him. "The ruthless man who can fight the strongest existence among the spirit demons is really amazing!"

Wang Feng unimpeded all the way, walked up to the front of the Fox Hill Island.

He thought that the three-headed dragon snake's approach was great.

Anything in front of me is jumping in line.

The Golden Light Leopard at the back stretched his chest and abdomen, followed Wang Feng arrogantly, and proceeded towards Fox Hill Island unobstructed.

I also encountered a few hard stubbles halfway through.

However, in the eyes of the Golden Light Leibao, this human fellow was too strong, and no monster beast could go through two rounds with the axe in his hand.

Basically, they were shot flying.

"Obviously, the souls can see the weak group, but they are so strong. The world of the strong is really not what I can imagine."

The Golden Light Leibao held Wang Feng's thigh peacefully, feeling refreshed, and sighed again and again.

Not long.

Huqiu Island is already near.

This team is almost at an end.

"Human, don't be too arrogant."

Finally, a monster can't stand it anymore.

This is a golden-eyed tiger beast, its appearance does not seem very special.

But there was awe in the eyes of the surrounding monsters.

"This is one of the three beast emperors on our side, the Big Yan Golden Tiger emperor. Fellow, this team, can't intervene!"

The golden light leopard followed behind Wang Feng and reminded in a low voice, "It was a god-like existence before it was alive. We must know that among our soul beasts, there is no soul beast that can become a god."

Wang Feng smiled and looked at the golden tiger emperor and said: "You just say let it not?"

After saying it, he raised the axe slightly.

"You!" The Golden Tiger Emperor Dayan suffocated his breath, turned sideways a little, and said in a arrogant tone: "If you want to pass it, you can pass it. There is so much nonsense."

"..." Golden Light Leibao.

He just watched the fellow swaying past.

Brain full of question marks.

No, it's one of the three beast kings anyway, here, except for the Red Fox Venerable, there is the strongest existence.

Who dares to take off the edge?

did not expect…

Wang Feng touched the Pangu axe in his hand.

As the repair progress gradually accelerated, the pressure this axe brought to these souls increased day by day.

Even if you don't do it, just holding it in your hand can already make these souls feel a threat of death.

Although the Great Yan Golden Tiger Emperor had a very arrogant and arrogant tone, it was obvious that it was precisely because he was very strong during his lifetime that he could even feel the momentum of the Pangu Axe.

"My fellow, it's amazing. Even the Golden Tiger Emperor is scared." The Golden Light Leibao still followed Wang Feng's back. Sorry."

"That's not true." Wang Feng shook his head.

"Then what are you doing on Huqiu Island?" Golden Light Leibao wondered, "You have offended many monsters this time."

Wang Feng slapped Pangu axe.

At this time, it also reached the end of the team.

Just call for the shore of Fox Hill Island.

In front of it was a vertical staircase, and on the staircase was a monster beast who was famously waiting for the Red Fox Venerable to meet.

Each one looked excited.

Soon, a monster beast came down from the top step.

Their expressions are either gratified, angry, sad, disappointed, or unwilling.

Thousands of emotions seem to be seen from these monsters.

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