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Wang Feng waited in silence.

The Red God Sky Fox, Wang Feng has only seen the red hills of the Qingyang Demon Realm in the Dark Demon Realm once.

But it will never be forgotten.

From the look and breath, Wang Feng felt it when he saw the red fox venerable first glance.

It’s not wrong to feel the same.

It is a clan of the Red God Sky Fox.

However, it was somewhat different from the phantom that appeared in front of Wang Feng in Chi Hill at that time.

This Red Fox Venerable should only be a member of this race.

And the figure in the Red Hill should be the highest of the Red God Sky Fox, a universe-level being.

As for why this Red Fox Venerable appeared in this world, Wang Feng didn't know.

He only remembered that the Crimson God Sky Fox clan was hiding their identity in the Dark Demon Realm and staying for a while, during this period of time, it was not impossible for some clan members to die and then enter this Soul Realm.

"So what?" Wang Feng looked at it and asked.

"You have a love thread on your body, it is the red-colored Tibetan blue, if the shadow appears. It means that the owner of this love thread is our family of the Red God and the Heavenly Fox. The red-colored Tibetan blue love thread is one of the eight great afflictions of infatuation. Because of the color It is the red-blue love silk itself, and it is also called the red-blue boundlessness."

The Red Fox Venerable said slowly, "This kind of love is only available to the Red God Sky Fox clan. Because my clan Fox Saint has mastered the yin and yang will, the incomplete will, although it gives my clan a variety of powerful abilities, it is positive It is because the yin and yang will is too large, even the fox saint of our race cannot fully obtain the full yin and yang will. Therefore, it is precisely because of this that the use of the causal origin of the love thread derived from this yin and yang will will cause our race's life to be cursed. "

"A kind of charm."

The Red Fox Venerable's tone was a little sad.

"It's the infatuation that is one of the eight great sufferings you are talking about?" Wang Feng frowned, "What is so powerful about this curse?"

"The so-called endless, that is, there is no end." Red Fox said, "With this kind of curse, once my clan's life develops love, it will only end up with a life of infatuation, but without any results. There is no end. In you This thread of love of yours, if the shadow appears, it is obvious that my clan Fox Saint discovered this and wants to cut this thread of love from you. But obviously it did not succeed."

After the red fox said, his voice became a little bitter.

Probably maybe it has a similar experience, and it looks very lost.

"Then your Crimson God and Sky Fox clan is" Wang Feng didn't quite believe the other party's words, "It's just annoying to be cursed. He's also infatuated with boundlessness, dignified universe-level beings, and can't even understand the cause and effect of this curse. open."

"You don't understand." The Red Fox shook his head, "This is not pure cause and effect, but a curse of the will of the universe. This curse will not disappear even if the soul is reincarnated. The will of the universe is the supreme power that can control the universe. There is a great risk in mastering this kind of power. Our love curse is pretty good, at least it can be avoided. Most of the race life in the universe, once contaminated with the curse of the cosmic will, will end most of the game It is a direct genocide."

"The kind that can't even be found in the dust, is directly obliterated and disappeared from the universe. It seems that it has never appeared before."

It makes sense.

"I don't really believe this."

Wang Feng shook his head.

This love silk should refer to Hu Liena.

Because she was the only one who became the Red God Sky Fox.

"When I go out, I will find the owner of this love silk, and tie her to me." Wang Feng said with a smile, "I want to see what your so-called love spell will look like."

"She won't die." said the Red Fox Venerable, "but the cause and effect in the universe will interfere with you and him. You can't tie her to you unless you are the only one in your heart and you can become a universe-level being. Control the will of the entire universe. The curse of love silk on you will naturally disappear."

"But this possibility is too low." Red Fox Venerable shook his head, "So the life of my clan is generally not emotional. I think this love thread on you should be due to some chance, and the red gods. The fox clan was predestined, and later became the red god and sky fox clan, and he was burdened with this kind of curse."

The Red Fox Venerable said so.

Wang Feng understands now, why did the Red God Tianhu of Chi Hill delete the memories of other women in his mind.

Only Hu Liena's.

"So, this is what you said about my love and robbery?" Wang Feng did not intend to continue discussing this with the other party.

"No." The Red Fox pointed at Wang Feng, "It's another one."

"Oh?" Wang Feng was stunned.

"A catastrophe is a catastrophe." The red fox said, "If you count them down, there are only four love threads, big and small, that are really condensed."

"Only four?" Wang Feng counted, and said in his heart, is it wrong, are there so few?

"Yes." Venerable Red Fox nodded, "Generally, those who have reached your level, like those demon gods, have a lot of emotions entwined. However, most of them are very subtle, illusory, and not solid enough. There are often endless numbers of cosmic life with round life span, most of which can entangle the whole body."

"Even the really solid ones, there are at least hundreds of them. Solid emotions belong to the kind that both sides are strong and emotionally stable. However, there are some exceptions. Some strong people don't have a single emotion. But that is extremely Few, there are so few in the universe."

Oh, then, I am not strong yet?

Wang Feng coughed a few times, and he felt that there were already quite a few.

There are always six in total.

"You have only four solid love threads, but... there are still a lot of semi-imaginary love threads. Semi-imaginary love threads mean emotional instability or other obstacles. Some of them exude very special Breath, their strength status may be very high. And..."

The Red Fox Zun frowned slightly, and probably found something peculiar, "Two of the love threads... actually have the same meaning, indicating that they should be... relatives..."

It just gave Wang Feng a surprised look.

Wang Feng coughed repeatedly.

"You don't need to mind." The Red Fox Venerable said calmly, "I have seen seven or eight love threads with parents and children of the same origin, you are nothing..."

"..." Wang Feng was stunned for a while, and he couldn't help but yelled out a long-lost damn in his heart.

"Your love tribulation happened on one of them." The Red Fox Venerable pointed to the position of Wang Feng's neck. "This love thread looks very thick and bright red, but it has created a phantom, entwined. On your neck. This is a backlash, which means you may die in her hands."

"This is the love robbery I can see." The red fox frowned slightly, "Moreover, I can't solve it. I can't help you."

Wang Feng thought for a few seconds.

If what this red fox said is true.

So, does it mean that he will die at the hands of Bibi Dong and Qian Renxue?

This is obviously impossible.

Neither of them could be here, let alone kill themselves.

Wang Feng felt unbelievable.

"You don't believe it?"

Venerable Red Fox seemed to have guessed what Wang Feng was thinking, "Is it impossible?"

It laughed and said: "In fact, when love robbery happens, people who should do it will not believe it. Because they will not believe that their loved ones will kill themselves. Therefore, they will say For the robbery."

"It's an inevitable disaster."

This sentence makes sense.

"Anyway, seeing you, a red god, heavenly fox, will be considered to have solved the long-term doubts in my heart. Thank you for telling me this. It's just..."

Wang Feng waved his hand and said, "I don't believe in love, but I think I can solve love. The same is true of the love curse you mentioned."

Venerable Red Fox smiled.

It has heard many such things.

But what about it.

Can it change eventually?

It looked at the sky and said nothing for a long time.

"Speaking of which, I'm very curious. How could your red god Tianhu be in this place?"

Wang Feng finally brought the topic back to the Red Fox Venerable.

"Because, love spell."

The red fox spit out four words.

Wang Feng glanced at it more.

"I want to ask, can I see the emotions on my body?" Wang Feng asked suddenly.

"Yes, I can help you open the'love eyes' for a while."

Venerable Red Fox returned to his senses, knotted his hands, tore off a hair on his face, his eyes exuded a red glow.

The hair slowly disappeared in its hands, and a strange light condensed on its fingertips.

"This is my clan's secret technique: the eye of fate, the display is not limited to the body or the soul. It can help you open your eyes for a moment, and you can briefly see some reincarnation causality related to marriage. But it can only last for a quarter of an hour, if it is long Over time, you will also be cursed by touching the karma of this kind of affection related to the will of the universe."

"A quarter of an hour is enough." Wang Feng nodded.

Venerable Red Fox pointed the light from his fingertips at Wang Feng's eyes and tapped.

In an instant, Wang Feng only felt a little burning in his eyes, and a strange feeling in the dark.

Open your eyes again, the world has not changed.

Immediately, his gaze fell on the Red Fox Venerable.

As the Red Fox Venerable said, it does have a love thread on its body, but that kind of dark love thread.

Very weird.

Immediately, Wang Feng's gaze fell on himself.

He did see four condensed love threads, through these four love threads, he knew who they represented.

In addition to this, there are several other love threads that are not solid, but still tightly wrapped around the body.

The one that the Red Fox Venerable said was a phantom of love on the neck, which was very special.

"Hongmeng origin!"

Seeing the real situation, Wang Feng immediately used Hongmeng Origin to conduct deduction and analysis.

Countless possibilities passed through Wang Feng's mind.

Finally locked one.

He understood the consequences, but did not know the cause.

After a quarter of an hour, the burning sensation in his eyes disappeared, and when he opened his eyes again, he could no longer see any emotions.

"That's it." Wang Feng closed his eyes.

The strength of Hongmeng origin lies here.

As long as you know the information, you can perform deduction and analysis.

"What origin did you seem to use just now?" Venerable Red Fox looked at Wang Feng with a look of surprise, "This origin even affects the cause and effect of affection... the affection within you has changed..."

"How is this possible…"

It seemed to see an impossible change.

His complexion changed like a roller coaster.

From calm to shock, to disbelief.

"What's the change?" Wang Feng asked with great interest.

Venerable Red Fox was silent for a long time, rubbing his eyes, and then whispered: "There is a fault in the illusory love thread around your neck, which means there is a ray of life."

"Impossible, you are not an ordinary being..." Venerable Red Fox murmured, "If you want to change your love, at least the universe-level beings must use the cosmic will to change. But just..."

Only a quarter of an hour, the love robbery changed.

A ray of life, this is the power to change the cause and effect of the universe!

Only the universe-level beings who control the will of the universe can do it.

Even if he is just a soul.

The difficulty of change is much smaller, but the four words cosmic will alone set the threshold to death.

"Okay, we're almost done talking. It's time to let the demon god out."

Wang Feng said with a smile.

Venerable Red Fox nodded, and glanced at Wang Feng up and down. He couldn't help but said that he was indeed the person chosen by the Fox Saint, really extraordinary.

She walked under the tree.

A palm is printed on this tree trunk.

A huge light mark gradually rose from under the tree, and then split.

The Ziying Town Soul Tree shrank suddenly, and then quickly divided into two sections.

A huge magic shadow squeezed out from the cracked center.

It is the magical thought of the Demon God of Wild Sea.

As soon as the Demon Shadow came out, compared to the previous two times, it was not so arrogant.

Instead, his face was calm.

He even sat cross-legged in the air, looking at Wang Feng below with indifferent expression.

The look in his eyes is the kind of waiting that seems to know what kind of end he will face.

I just didn't speak directly: Come on, some kind of cut me, I don't care.

"Why, don't you plan to struggle this time?"

Wang Feng squinted his eyes and looked at the magical thought of the Demon God of Wild Sea.

There are six places in total.

This is already the fourth place.

This means that the Demon God of the Wild Sea only has two magic thoughts left.

He is getting closer and closer to the true disappearance.

"Human, since you can hear the words of this red god Tianhu, you can also use the power of the source to change the cause and effect in the universe. Why not count it, how important is the secret in the deity's mouth? What?"

The Demon God of Wild Sea smiled slightly, "There are only three demon thoughts left in the deity, and this one is probably gone, only two demon thoughts are left. How about a bet?"

"What bet?" Wang Feng said.

"I bet you won't cut off the last demon thought of this deity." The Demon God of Wild Sea vowed to say.

Wang Feng didn't even shake him.

It smashed directly with an axe.

The earth-shattering light of the axe flashed and disappeared, and this magical thought turned into a huge soul energy, which was swallowed by Hongmeng Origin and injected into Pangu Axe.

"What a fool, why should I bet with you?" Wang Feng shook his head.

"You swallow the devil soul of the demon god, most of the demon gods in the dark demon world are very cunning and insidious..." the red fox admonished, "I stay here for a long time, this desolate sea demon god will confuse me with various means almost every moment.

"I almost didn't hold it back several times. It's better to be careful if you are entangled in the love of my fellow citizens."

Wang Feng nodded slightly, but he was always paying attention...

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