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"Because, I learned that the Hell has gone to the Well of Reincarnation. She wants to control the Well of Reincarnation. Based on the Dark Demon Realm, she can comprehend the will of the universe by herself! Become a universe-level life. But it is too difficult. I want to realize it, at least She also needs a cosmic will as a reference. But she can’t get that ray of magic energy. The deity wants to get that ray of magic energy, and after comprehending it, share it with her. Help her understand, and then become a universe-level life..."

"But it's just a pawn in the end."

"Human, you are her pawn now... I hope you can do it yourself. If you can, the deity hopes..."

I paused here for a long time.

"You can fuck her."


Wang Feng: "..."

He probably understood the reason why the Demon God of Wild Sea said this.

He wanted to disrupt the game of Hades through his last struggle.

Let yourself be vigilant and aggressive towards Hell.

After reading it, Wang Feng remained silent for a long time.

With a light wave, the writing disappeared.

There was a slight wave in his heart, but Wang Feng calmed down quickly.

What the Demon God of Wild Sea said, whether true or false, can only represent the Demon God of Wild Sea.

The actual situation still needs Wang Feng to feel it himself.

"It's time to cultivate the soul."

Wang Feng said silently.

The magical thoughts of the Demon God of Wild Sea have been absorbed.

Next, I, Wang Feng, need to fully promote the exercise system that can cultivate the soul.

Looking at the boundless coast in the distance, and beyond, the Styx waterfall that connects with the heavens and the earth, Wang Feng plunged into the sea.

Luck exchanges Yuan Gong, frantically devours seawater, and transforms it into pure energy to supply Hongmeng origin and quickly deduced.

The dead sea, where Wang Feng stayed, slowly began to produce a small whirlpool.

Immediately afterwards, the vortex increased rapidly, but within a few days, the vortex gradually spread.

The sea water began to disappear as if it had evaporated.

And the progress of Hongmeng origin deduction is getting faster and faster.


It is the foundation of life and life.

Different lives have different souls.

Like a human race.

In different universes, human souls are different because of the different rules of heaven and earth.

Some human souls are divided into three souls of heaven, earth and human.Some human souls have three souls and seven souls.Some human souls have yin and yang points.

But the essence of the human soul is the same.

During the deduction, Wang Feng remembered the origin of Guiyuan.

The soul of a universe-level life is as magnificent as the nine-day galaxy.

So even if they disappear, their souls will only turn into countless tiny energy particles and never disappear.

"If you want to become a universe-level being, in addition to comprehending the will of the universe, the soul must also reach a higher realm."

"So, the end of the soul must be the reincarnation of the universe, the endless beginning."

It seems to be enlightened.

Segments of syllables are deduced from the origin of Hongmeng.

"Based on the first round of time, the cycle of the universe is the end, the soul is immortal... Even if the galaxy is shattered and the universe is annihilated, the soul is also immortal..."

Wang Feng opened his eyes on the seabed.

Time does not know how long has passed.

Maybe not long.

But the deduction of Hongmeng Origin finally came to fruition.

This system of soul cultivation has finally begun.

The completion of each system and supporting exercises must take a long time.

But with a beginning, it is enough for cultivation.

In the universe, based on the first round, that is, cosmic time, 129,600 years, there will be calamities in the universe.

It symbolizes that countless universe-level beings will go through a cycle. It is a symbol of death and the beginning of all things.

If you want to be eternal.

The soul must transcend this number.

Therefore, Wang Feng's soul cultivation does not absorb any soul energy.

He wants to absorb time.

Combine the soul with time, immortal in the annihilation of the universe.

This is the only way that Hongmeng Origin deduced that the soul can reach and even transcend the universe-level life he knows.

The first round is the soul.

Such a soul, once cultivated successfully, is very powerful.

However, the difficulty is not generally high.

Time is the law.

It is the law of the world, the law of the universe, and even more the will of the universe.

Wanting to absorb time to cultivate the soul, Wang Feng felt that Hongmeng originated it, fearing that it was not something normal people could cultivate.

But then I thought, how can I know if I don't try?

Although it is still incomplete, it might not be impossible to try.

This is the first round of the soul. The first level is to let the soul flow with time, and then enter the long river of time, to determine the essence of time and use it to strengthen the soul.

Every world has a basic time law.

And this world also has.

Hongmeng Origin has already performed the first level, so Wang Feng plans to give it a try, and use this world as an experiment.

Wang Feng stopped the movement of Yuan Yuan Gong, and the huge vortex in the sea began to disappear slowly.

He flew into the air, immersed in his soul, and tried to let the soul enter the time of this world based on the syllables of the exercises deduced by the origin of Hongmeng.

But this is too difficult.

no idea.

After thinking about it, Wang Feng seemed to have thought of something, and he began to recall the bits and pieces of his arrival in this world.


Wang Feng felt that the world seemed to have changed.

Countless pictures began to be combined in his soul.

From the beginning of entering this world, encountering the first soul demon until now.

Countless pictures, like a puzzle, merge into a long river.

But this long river is incomplete.

It's like a map of the world, only a few maps are pasted up, and all other places are blank.

Looking at this long river, there is only an endless distance and an endless blank space, and the picture I encountered in this long river is not worth mentioning.

The strange thing is that this long river is still flowing, every second, there are countless dark pictures, flowing at the bottom of the river.

But can't see any.

"This is a time gap, I see the flow of time in this world!"

Wang Feng was shocked.

Because he had the ancestral realm, he knew the operation of the world.

As the soul plunged into this long river, Wang Feng only felt the incomparably powerful mysterious power, which involved his soul, as if to tear.

"The exercises that Hongmeng Yuanyuan puts forward are still powerful. I didn't expect to be able to realize the flow of time in the world so quickly, right... Could it be because of my soul?"

Wang Feng's heart moved.

"No matter what, try to absorb the time of this world first. Just as the soul is immersed in this long river of time, it feels that there are countless causal forces involved in itself... This is really not something ordinary people can cultivate... Karma has been tempered, it will be contaminated with countless causes and effects."

The time in this world is constructed from the experience of countless lives.

He absorbed this time into his soul, which was equivalent to turning all these countless life experiences into his own use.

So as to make the soul stronger.

Imagine that a world, even a certain ball in Wang Feng's previous life, has billions of people.

If the experience of billions of people’s lives are integrated into the soul, the soul does not know how much pressure it will endure.

But in the same way, once it survives, the soul will definitely reach a terrifying level...

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