Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1620 Go to the Sea of ​​Soul Washing

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"Angels are really perfect." Mu Rou suddenly sighed, "Look at their souls, they are all dead. Each of them looks so beautiful and has such a perfect body. It's like a goddess."

"I don't know how many times the Angel Nebula civilization level is than our Blue Star." Shang Jun said seriously, "With highly developed genetic technology, their appearance is naturally much more perfect than our human appearance."

"Furthermore, the strength is strong, the strength is strong or weak, and it does not look at the appearance. Look at these holy priests, they are as thin as wood, and their souls are not weak.

With that, Shang Jun pointed to a group of holy priests next to him.

The one led by the holy priest is very old, is for the elderly, is indeed skinny, holding a staff condensed with soul energy.

Hearing this was just an awkward smile.

"Hey... I think it's so normal." Mu Rou glanced at these magicians unceremoniously, "We only spent a few months now, and it seems that we are about to catch up with them."

"That's because the Seven Emotions Immortal Soul Record given to us by our predecessors is too powerful." Shang Jun showed some respect. "Our aptitude is actually good, but it is not only that we cultivate very fast, but the soul and courage among us human beings. Human beings with a slightly special soul can cultivate very quickly. If the immortal cultivators on Yunlai Island are still there, it is impossible for them to cultivate so fast for us."

"Although it is still weak compared to those demon souls."

"Otherwise, I don't know where Senior Wang is now?" Mu Rou looked into the distance.

After a while, Angel Leng led many angels and fell around them.

Barely greeted a few words.

"I will send someone to pick up the group of warriors and monsters, wait a moment, and set off as soon as they arrive."

The angel looked at everyone coldly, his eyes stopped for a moment on Mu and Shangjun and the others around him, and frowned slightly, "Are you Blue Star humans? I remember your Blue Star humans, except for those super fighters. Weak? Can you represent the human beings of Blue Star?"

"What are you doing..." Mu Rou was taken aback and said immediately, "You angel, don't look down on people. What happened to the humans of Blue Star? I know you must have died in the Battle of the Galaxy. You have no good impressions of us Blue Star humans. But we It's different now!"

The angel sneered coldly, and was too lazy to speak, "As you, since it can represent the Blue Star human beings, then after passing the Styx Falls, don't hide behind us and shiver."

"You!" Mu Rou was about to get angry when she was held back by Shang Jun and her other companions.

"It's not necessary. The Seven Emotions Immortal Soul Record has Seven Emotions and Hope Soul Art... It can make the feeling of the emotional fluctuation of the soul very strong. Didn't you realize that although the angel is very aggressive, it doesn't mean anything to us. Feeling sick?" Shang Jun's eyes flickered.

Mu Rou scratched her head, as if something rang out, she couldn't help but smile: "Oh, too, I forgot."

Shang Jun gave her a helpless look.

This guy's head is like a tendon.

It looks ordinary.

But by the way, she practiced Seven Love Immortal Soul Record faster than herself.

Really... foolish people are foolish.

This Seven Emotions Immortal Soul Record is a complete set of classics on soul cultivation.

Among them, the Seven Emotions Soul Refining Art is a method of soul cultivation, and there are many other functions, such as soul attack, or spiritual perception, or spiritual restraint, etc., many secret methods are introduced.

It is the secret code of soul training passed down by the orthodox fairy.

But Shang Jun felt that this was definitely not the original set of Seven Love Immortal Soul Record, which the senior said had been improved.

It's not exactly the seven love fairy soul records handed down by those immortal cultivators on Yunlai Island.

It seems to be very suitable for them to practice, and a lot of notes have been added for human understanding.

It can be said that the difficulty of cultivation is greatly reduced, and the speed and effect of cultivation are obviously different.

"That angel!" Mu Rou shouted, "Have you met another person named Wang Aotian on Tianxin Island?"

"What the hell?" The angel turned around and glanced at her, frowning: "Do you think that the island where our angel is on can allow humans to come in? No!"

"That's weird." Mu Rou couldn't figure it out and sighed.

"Don't worry, I will meet you by chance." Shang Jun patted Mu Rou on the shoulder, "Senior should have been there, but they may not meet these angels head-on."

Mu Rou nodded.

after awhile.

Angel Leng suddenly looked at a red figure in the distance:

"What a powerful soul aura, the Red Fox Venerable on the Monster Beast is really different. I don't know what powerful beings in the universe are. The soul fluctuates so strongly."

Venerable Red Fox took three beast souls and dozens of beasts and landed here.

Angel Mo cautiously brought these monsters in front.

"The captain is here," Angel Mo said in a low voice.

The angel coldly nodded and walked over.

After a while.

Successive angels brought different humans from afar to this place.

But for a moment, a group of people gathered in a dense crowd.

"The angel is cold, long time no see."

The representative of the warriors, Yu Wushen, representing dozens of human warriors, also came here.

"Yingjia Yu..."

A little smile appeared on Angel Leng's face, "I didn't expect you to be there. Good, great. Um... this monster beside you?"

"He..." Wu Wushen glanced at the Great Yan Golden Tiger Emperor next to him, "Is it my soul mate?"

The angel Leng showed an incredible expression and looked at him in shock.

"You, one person, one beast... life and race are different, how to be a partner... is really incredible."

"What do you say, this angel?" The Golden Tiger Emperor Dayan stared at the angel dissatisfiedly, "What happened to humans and beasts? I heard that your angels have a high level of civilization, and what genetic technology do you have, and you can be asexual. How about breeding?"

The angel Leng Meiyu raised his eyebrows and glanced at Yu Wu Shen, but he didn't refute the rare thing.

"Let's go." The angel looked coldly at the many human souls gathered.

The souls gathered here, although they are separate camps, they also defend each other.

The cold voice of the angel seemed to have pressed the countdown to the attack for them.

The mighty human race rushes towards the Styx waterfall ahead...


Soon after.

A figure jumped out from the sea, like a rushing star, emitting a dazzling light.

As the light drew closer, I could only see the silver-like light pattern flowing throughout the body of this figure.

Under the rendering of this silver light pattern, the body of the soul is like an unmistakable Shen Bi, with a mysterious charm flowing in it.

The figure flew to the sky.

In the eyes of those souls, countless pointers are reflected, converging into countless pictures, flashing one by one.

"The soul of the first round is finished."

Wang Feng exhaled softly, "My soul at the moment has detached from the soul form of most normal life in the universe. Conventional means can no longer wipe out my soul. Even if the universe-level life takes action, my soul only needs If you can escape into time, you will be able to escape easily without exploding like before."

Absorbed the countless essence of time in this world.

Wang Feng didn't know the magical usefulness of his first round of time soul. After all, it was the time soul system that he had just promoted and was successfully cultivated by himself.No matter how successful the deduction is, it still needs to be explored...

Wang Feng's eyes moved slightly:

"Go to the Sea of ​​Souls first, oh wait... I didn't expect to have already gone..."

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