Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1632 is right, it is him

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The sound of applause, like the Lord has fully admitted the same thing in Wang Feng.

But Wang Feng knew that this seems to be as simple as it is.

"Is there still?" After the drums, the lord is calm, but there is no confidence in the eyes.

"You still want to hear?" Wang Feng said, "Then I can't think so, I said, most of them?"

"What is it, isn't it?" The Lord smiled slightly, "You don't forget, your current situation."

Yes, now the situation.

Wang Feng silent for a moment, slowly said: "In fact, I have few places, and now I don't quite understand. After the emperor of the Emperor, you got the soul of Pangu ax, and some of the source of the emperor And give me one and give me. "

"I am curious, since you have the soul of the ancient ax, why not use it directly? Instead, you need to cultivate a piece of chess?"

"The identity of your dark magic world, you want to repair the evil spirits to repair the ancient ax, it should be much easier than me? In addition, what you give, except for the chaotic Yue Lian Wu Soul, other I can understand it. This mixed chaotic Qinglian Wuhun, how do you get? "

After entering the Magic Age, the dark devil is entered through the wormhole, and there are many worlds.

On the Sky Shengshi list, the dense numbers are unable to win.

Among them, there must be a world-crossed world, but they are different in the dark devil world.

However, the chaotic Qinglian's martial arts is different, which is a created Youth Lian, which is still not separated, is the world that has not yet formed.

The most fascinating that Wang Feng is confused, after the death of the Emperor, the soul of the Zhuxiang ax is obviously on the body of the, why don't she fix it?

I have to spend a turn, and cultivate what kind of chess pieces?

Unless, the Lord is not a system.

But if she is not, then the previous inferior is completely wrong, which is unlikely.

"Do you want to know?"

The Lord is in a light, "I can give you a little prompt, eternal."

Wang Feng brain is slightly flashing.

Eternal god.

When I got eternal god, I have spent the endless years in chaos before I have formed a ancestral world.

At that time, I realized the source of Hongmeng.

What is her meaning? Is it ... the chaotic world, originally the original world in Chaos Qinglian?

Thinking of this, Wang Feng breathed a breath.

Is it that the ancestral world should be born?



At that time, how can the world in the world may still be chaotic? Never!

"Since you can speculate on so much ... then let me talk about you."

The Lord stopped from half-air, and the tone is flat. "In your memory, whether it is the anx ax or chaotic green lotus, it has come from the flood world you are familiar with. The truth is that there are countless starts Before the wheel, the world was already in the universe, the sky, the saints were falling in the universe of the universe, and the emperor came to the dark devil world, he has been to countless worlds ... he is fortunate, and it has been the world of wild world. "

"The cosmic reincarnation, the world is annihilated, the myth you know in your memory is just a virtual and no chaos."

"The world is initially. Although the world has been shattered, but after countless start, slowly drafted into the initial chaotic state. The Emperor Devil is fortunate to get the soul of the ancient ax in the world. He If you are general, in the chaotic world survive, he has survived endless, but unfortunately, he did not break through himself, and did not study the power of the ancient ax of the panel. "

"It's not every chess, you have you are so lucky."

"Under the helplessness, he returned to the dark devil, and I will tell me."

The lords of the Lord, telling a pile to make Wang Fengxin's words.

The world is destroyed?


"After I arrived, the chaotic world was born in this Qinglian, but unfortunately, this Qinglian was just a deeteller. If you want to fix it, I don't know how much time I need, I naturally It is impossible to stay in the chaotic world for so long. "

"After I have taken away the soul of Qinglian, I know that this Qinglian has an endless potential. It will be born with this idea to make the second chess pieces."

"If you want to ask me, why don't I personally cultivate this Qinglian. The reason is very simple, this Qinglian, although it is the soul of the soul, but it is the universe to the treasure. It doesn't recognize me, I don't admit this soul. "

The Lord is in a light road, "as the soul of the ancient ax," did not admit that the emperor's God is generally, he is poor, and it will not be able to use the power of ancient ancient ax, and the repair is even more difficult. But then When he is my only hope. Because I know, the evil spirits of the ancient ax have been repaired, enough to open the will of the palace. "

Wang Feng watched slightly.

So according to the Lord.

Is there a chaotic green lotus and Pangu ax?


He is just a common person in the earth, but it is not the people of the world!

The earth is not a wild world, and the top is much more divided into parallel universe.

and many more…

According to the Lord of the Lord, what does I miss?

The Emperor's Devil is fortunate to have a soul of the ancient ax Wuhun ...

The Lord is a strong chaotic green lotus.

Although the Lord said, the Emperor Devil's life, and it could not use the power of ancient ancient ax.

That means that the Emperor Devil is the power to use the ancient ax, just is driving?

The Lord is at all, it is not available to use chaotic green lotus ...

Why is the emperor of the Emperor who are afraid of some micro-disc ancient ax?

"From the king of the king!"

Wang Feng spit out four words from the mouth.

"Yes. It is him."

The Lord is slightly nodded.

"You can naturally be involved with the world of wild world. But this source of robbery is the only family that survived after the world's world."

Wang Feng silently took a moment, gently said: "The avenue is fifty, Tian Yan forty-nine, people are one."

The His final achievement is that. "

"But people are in the world, maybe there is no one who will think that after the beginning of the universe, the family is surprised, becoming the only variable."

"After the death of the king, after the universe, it has become a universe life. The universe-class life, corresponding to the saints you know."

"Of course, different universe rules, hundreds of millions of different worlds, there is different understandings of this realm, and the realm is also big."

"Unfortunately, the source of the king is surprised, and finally became the universe life. But he wants to rebuild the flood, the origin of his comprehension, almost all to rebuild the floods."

When I said, Wang Feng is somewhat understanding.

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