Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1644 Do you have so confident?

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"So, are you helping?" Tang San understood the meaning of the silver and moon.

"Nonsense, don't it?" Silver Moon lazy sweeped Wang Chengyi, "Yes, the evil dragon in it? He is born, he did not respond?"


Tang San Shen's moment.

The evil dragon said in the silver moon, which is dragon evil, is Feng Ge's soul of the soul of the Douro World, and later bring the gods.

Before the ban, the gods were blind because of the cause of the gods.

The inside seals a certain era of the gods, countless gods, once the evils come out, the gods will never yet.

At that time, Feng Ge should be in the dark devil.

Later, the dragon evil cultivated in the gods, I entered this banned domain, because he was originally dragon gods to be cultivated by a cultivation of evil spirits. In order to prevent sealing, it is simply directly entering this banned domain, and you want to swallow these evil thinking.

Then, until now, there is no movement, and the seal of the ban is no longer loose.

"There is no." Tang San shake his head.

"It is a pity." Silver Moon thought, "If the evil dragon is really able to absorb the endless evil spirits of the banned domain, the strength should be unhappy with you, or even beyond it is not impossible. "

Tang smiled in three .

This is not impossible.

After all, this banned domain gods, the seal is the evil thoughts arising from the inner heart of the year, if it is really absorbed, I don't know what the height will be reached.

But, I don't know what kind of life will become.

That dragon, will it be a dragon? Tang San said doubt.

"Then, this Shen Wang Tang San, is there a breath of Wang Feng in the gods?" Yinyue asked again.

Just asked, I looked at the expression of Tang San, swinging the hand, "Forget it, see you, it must be no induction."

Tang San:"……"

As the king of the god, he can induce it for any changes in the god.

He thought about it, said: "The gods, there is a place, I can't induce."


"Ren to the sea."

Silver moon is slightly sinking.

This is the most mysterious place in the god.

Tang San should not be normal.

At this time, the Silver Dragon King suddenly looked at the distance.

Where, a black arc is broken, and the colorful sparkling god cloud.

In an instant, Tang San only feels that he feels a huge pressure that cannot be resistant. He is horrified to look at the distance, and two words are squeezed in the mouth:



The gods and rounds back to the sea.

The golden round is sea, and the year is constant.

The sparkling sea, no wave, but it seems to reflect the reincarnation in the world.


The moon is like a shocking, moving in the sea face like a flipping.

For example, the white jade beard is only a piece of ripple, and there is only her world in this world, the scenery is unlimited, but no one appreciates.

It's so tired, she stopped, the simple white dress took a perfect contour with her suddenly.

"The magic is called ... Your side, isn't there yet?"

She is slightly frowning, seems to have a bit concern, "this magic day, or the magic, not only come to the gods, but also went to the World of Douro, it seems to be a big idea, to give you this guy."

"This guy can cultivate the universe life, but also has a universe will be willing to have a universe. It is true that you have cultivated a monster."

Shi Yue shook his head, "Dou Luo channel opened, means that the sixth shackles on the gate of the Ziqi Gong should have been opened by Wang Feng? However, even if Wang Feng can break all the shackles, it may not be able to defeat Today's magic day ... "

"After all, it is still fruitful, fate and difficult."

She sighed and looked at the round and suddenly appeared.

I know that the magic day has come to the god.

It's not fast, it's not slow.

It's coming, the people who are uniform, he can't be a net, slow, producing other variables are also more troubles to him.

At the bottom of the gods pass.

The magic day came, it must be confirmed that Wang Feng must went to the soul domain of the dark devil, broke the rest of the rest of the rest of the year.

At the beginning, in order to guide Wang Feng to the dark devil world, after the God war, the channel of the World and the gods was sealed in those shackles.

It is probably being scared by the magic, and Yan Qing has had to do this level of insurance, so that Wang Feng can go smoothly to the dark devil, and break the shackles.

The moon palm is slightly rolled, and a golden chess piece is licking, and the piece of the black spot in the round sea.

Swut of boundless ripples.

But soon, the chess pieces were swallowed down by the black.

She shook her head.

Waiting to the gods fall, the magic day should tear the virtual airspace, come here.

At that time, she also fired.

Thinking of this, there will be many urgents in the hearts of the moon.

"They are now, should you still have a few shackles? At that time, the three shackles of the magic day broke in the soul world ..."

Yue Yue discovery time may not be very enough, "The remaining six shackles are finished, even if Wang Feng has the universe of the universe, but after all, his soul is also very fragile ... this is afraid I don't know how long ..."

But the magic day has actually acts.

"With the heart of the magic, he grabs the loved ones of Wang Feng, and then kills directly in the dark devil. So the soul of his loved ones will appear in the soul of the dark devil, when Wang Feng wants to know, I am afraid that it will be uncontrolled. Where can I get the remaining shackles? "

The more I want to think it is terrible.

Moreover, if the magic day, if it is slowly killed, a kill. This way Wang Feng is more impossible to have been in the soul of the soul, and you will definitely ask to let him go out.

It can easily force Wang Feng from the soul.

Thinking of this, Yue Yue is a sharpness.

That place in the soul industry, very special, the Zhen Hui Palace is unfounded, the surface is suppressed, and it is actually to prevent the idea of ​​returning the other cosmic level life.

The magic day is the same as the universe-level life, but if he wants to break away from the universe, it can go to the soul world, but will be repaired.

This is not just that he can afford it in the universe life.

Thinking about a long time, the mood of the moon began to gradually bother.

Just then, a voice suddenly sounded:

"You are so confident to me?"

This sound is a bit familiar.

I don't want to think about it, I know who is.

She tested, I saw a movie, and suddenly she slowed down from the back of the sea.

It is Wang Feng!

"How come you come here?" She asked under her consciousness, "I am wrong, is it to let you come here?"

The wheel back to the well and the back of the sea belong to the other side of the cosmic reincarnation.

Can come here, only maybe can do.

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