Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1653 is a full

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The same timeline.

Almost when Wang Feng's soul is went to condense the flesh.

Douro world.

The blue sky is filled with a colorful light. From time to time, it will break out under the clouds, and the power of Xuanzhi and Xuan.

Zhuzhu looks at the sky, and it is slightly frowned.

"The World of Douro, far more than we imagined ... there is much better."

She said with Ning Rongrong and the water.

"Yeah, I didn't want to play channels for so long, and this world has happened so much."

Ning Rongrong somewhat silent with every corner of the line of sight.

Their location is a starry forest.

This has had a number of countless memories.

"I don't know if the godroom is okay?"

The water is smashed, looking at these two special gods in the gods, "Why do the little dance sister send us to the World, will the magicity come true?"

Xiao Dance let them, and Dai Mu Bai, Oscar, etc., together with the world of Douro.

Several people are divided into different teams, and go to the various positions of the World of Douro, first prepare it.

First God down, for the World of Douro, but a small impact.

Nowadays, the world has a large change, but they have led the legend in the mainland, become a sacred sacred sacred, and commemorate statues are still there.

After listening to this, Ning Rong was honored and said: "If you dare, I must make this magic day to even unload eight pieces! I dare to let Wang Feng self-explosion ... ... , nothing What do you run to the dark devil ... What is the woman is so good? "

From a fierce, the more it is, the more you cry.

"He went to the dark devil, not just because of a woman." Zhu Zhuqing took the shoulder of Tong Rong Rong.

After all, although they used to be an enemy, they have already turned into the allies in the gods, and the relationship is not general.

"What can I still be because of his nature? Is it necessary to improve us?" Ning Rong said, "Can it be cultivated in the goddess?"

"Different." Zhu Zhuqing shook his head and recalling the experience in the dark devil.

"Hey. I will see his body, I have to see Wang Fengzhen." Ning Rong said.

Water ice did not dare to speak.

The heart is only squatting, Rong Rong sister is god, but it is still this character.

May be the reason for your lover.

Lover ... um.

Water ice looks at the hills in the distance, saying it, I haven't seen him for a long time.

Three people went to Shenshan, but found that the mountains were empty, and they had already broken.

Liao no people.

"It seems that the Shenshan seal is broken. His body should be taken away." Zhu Zhuqing Say, "When he said in the dark devil, he told me that he cultivated a kind of magic. Can avatar become a few people, And have powerful strength. The emperor of the Dark Devils, the emperor of the Dark Devil, is his extraordinarily dress. "

"Well?" Ning Rongrong seems to have heard what you have.

The ice is also stunned.

"That said ... I first came to our goddess, the goddess, is Wang Feng himself?" Water ice screamed.

Zhu Zhu clearly nodded, Wang Fengdu said these things.

However, she is already in the dark devil.

"Bastard!" Ning Rong gave the teeth, "I can't think that the emperor is not right, it is evil, even my don't tell! The old lady is really white for so many years! Live your self-explosion!"

Zhu Zhu Qing said a few words in Ning Rong Rong.

Ning Rong Rong's cheeks are red, snort, not more.

Water ice is a bit curious, I don't know what Zhu Zhuqing said, it seems to hear.

"His body should only be on the woman."

Ning Rongrong, "Or either in the northern place, where the place is very special. Either, that is, the woman takes away. Hidden in a place, the magic day, if the magic, if you go to the gods, affirmed Will come to the World. Even the land of the north is the Internet. "

"Let's go to the north of the north. So many younger brother, I have to help him protect a few, if you are gone, he will be very sad."

Water is nodded, Rong Rongjie is the knife mouth tangering heart.

Three people have a stream of streams, towards the place of the north.

With their speed, almost a moment, I have already arrived at the north.

"The change here is the smallest."

The World of Douro has changed the world, it is this extremely north.

The ice is covered, the iceberg is like dust.

The life of the soul beast, full of all the best.

Ning Rongrong as a water god, water is the source of Wan, and feels the most clear.

She wanted to cover the north of the north.

"The World of Douro is really good."

Ning Rong Rong said, "Zhongbei's land, there is a cultivation base specializing in the soul of the soul, including a lot of soul guided technology, used in the soul of the north, and cubs Where is the era, where is human beings dare to build a base in such a dangerous soul beast? "

He changed the entire Douro world.

"Sensing?" Zhu Zhuqing asked.

"I can't feel." Ning Rong Rong shook his head, "although the soul beast, the strongest one, not here. Affirmation is taken away in advance."

"It should be taken away by her." Zhu Zhuqing thought.

"What is the place left?" Ningrong searched a place in the brain, and said with Zhu Zhuqing, and said: "Haichen Island?"

Yes, that is the sea island.

"I think, can we find the soul of the two most north of the soul?" The water ice is proposing. "After all, the Qing Di, they are the hegemony of the Nibei, they left, these Will you know? "

"Hey, it seems to be. What are we guess?" Ning Rongrong stunned, this is reacted.

She took the shoulder of the water: "Ice sister, you can really machine."

The ice is a bit awkward smile. It is obviously that Rong Rong sister, you are so worried, even these most basic methods are ignored ...

The water ice communicates with the soul of this place, she is the ice.

In the north, almost all soul beasts have natural affinity and quickly explore the news.

"What is the situation?" Asked Ning Rongrong.

"The Qing Dynasty is really gone, I am leaving with a woman." Shui Ice said, "But there is a place, they don't know. However, after leaving, they said, another woman came over. "

Speaking of this, the water is supplemented: "An angel."

"Angel? Is her? Is she not leaving the god?" Ning Rong Rong and Zhu Zhuqing glared at the eyes, and the eyes were more dignified.

This is good, all of them all.

Is it not a network?

"I am bored, it is hard to come down, and I am in the first place!"

Ning Rongrong drums, "I can't find a body! That thousands of snow still ran back! It's hard to make your body unloaded eight pieces, are we in a piece of keeping?"

Water ice is laughing, but I want to ask if I really unload eight pieces, I have no qualification to keep one piece ...

"First go to Haichen Island to see, now the World of Douro, has been unified in the mainland. If there is any news, the seven seven of them should have news." Zhu Zhuqing said.

The three people didn't stop the sea.

However, today's Haichen Island has long been there.

It also made a soul guided city by the Wuhun Federation.

When I arrived, I found a very interesting picture.

A huge aircraft that floats floating in half, showing a sword shape, looks extremely gorgeous.

There is no such a huge aircraft in the world and the World.

And in the center of the sword, there is a throne.

A blonde woman, the high seat is above the throne, so that the two lang legs, the look is very unlearable to look at the following Nethe island.

And the people surrounded by people surrounded.

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