Check in from Douluo

Chapter 1657 Xue Emperor woke up

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Flat sound, slightly sound.

Qing Qing slammed.

For example, dreaming, look at the body above the lotus.


Really moved!

I saw the owner's body stood up and gently twisted a few times, it seems to be adapted.

Subsequently, it falls on yourself!


Is the owner's eyes!

Familiar attention!

"Why, don't you know?"

Wang Feng left torsion, the right twist, always feel a little uncomfortable, I don't know if it is touched.

He is a three-clear, cultivated into three souls, one of which has been going to the god.

The soul is not moving, in the dark devil world.

The last soul is returned to the body and return to the World of Douro.

Because it is carried out, so on the same time, the soul of the gods should also meet with the moon.

"The body is still the most comfortable."

The body has a chaotic green forest, and it is different from the anthrace of the Pan.

This mixed chaotic Qinglian Wuhun has been cultivated in the World of Douro's world.

Otherwise, he can't rely on chaotic green lotus and the god king of the time.

Only because he is too weak, the chaotic Qinglian's true soul is completed, but it is too weak and small to play the potential of chaotic green lotus.

Different now.

As long as he is the soul, it is also cultivated to become the beginning of the round, and even temporarily has a temporary amount of chaos.

Then the role of chaotic green lotus is not generally big for his current help.

Think of this, Wang Feng took the stage to go to the Qingqing.

"How can I change it? However, there is a lot of beautiful."

Wang Feng touched the head of Qingqing.

"Wow ~!"

Qing Qing reaction, a rush in Wang Feng, east touches the wealthy, after a long time, Wang Wang looked at Wang Feng, "The master, it is really you. You are really dead! I really didn't lie to us ... "

Wang Feng glanced at her. "How can you hang it like this master? Is it a ancestral? If you are worried, what about them?"

"Are you talking about otakasia? They cultivated in this world." Qing Qing wiped tears, and the face began to show shallow smiles. "The east's mother took us. Yes, the master mother Going out, it seems to be the magic day, come ... "

"Are they not playing?" Wang Feng thought about asking.

"Hey ... Just come in, the two owners and an angel called Tian Xun Wang should be played, but the main mother is blocked." Qing Qing said.

Tian Xian Wang?

Wang Fengyi.


Isn't that a thousand snow?

She has come back?

Wang Feng heart slammed.

She is now an angel neoon of Tian Xiu ... Now come back ...


This is Wang Feng did not expect.

It turned out.

But now ... it is also a good thing.

Wang Feng closed, faintly open:

", come out!"

The voice falls, the ancestral world is shocked!

Next moment, the Danna figure appeared in front of Wang Feng.

"Master, I have been waiting for you." Yan Meng smashed in front of Wang Feng, respectfully said, "I know, even if the owner self-posing, it will not die easily."

Wang Feng did not open his eyes.

He has been in the soul of the world, and he has known the cause of the matter.

Although the dream is created by the Lord, it is actually not as simple as it is.

She itself is a ancestral world, which is the heritage of the world of wild world.

In fact, it is not yet been manufactured in advance, but it is only combined with eternal .

Instead, at the moment Wang Feng opened the chaotic world, it really produced.

The reason why Qi Qingxi did was actually simple.

She wants to participate in the reconstruction of the flood world, so they will consume such strong gas, collect countless materials, build eternal gods, and make the dream of the world, ensure that the chaotic world is open, there is such a heavens to assist yourself.

This is the bureau of Yan Qing.

Of course, it is a good bureau.

Designed for Wang Feng.

The premise is that Wang Feng can go to the scene.

And the fact that Wang Feng is also hoped and has come to this step.

Even in the chaotic world, I also realized the crucial Hongmeng.

"Master, how do you plan to do now?" .

She can't understand this master.

From the beginning of the dark devil, she feels that this owner is hard to figure out.

However, from the moment of eternal temple, cleavage chaos.

Wei Meng knows that he will be the only God who can make this world.

Even if the owner is self-explosion, he also knows that the owner must not die.

He will definitely come back.

"I need to control the long-term long river of the ancestors, and cultivate my soul into the source of the source and cultivate my soul."

Wang Feng pointed to the eyebrows of Yan Meng.

If explained, it is too complicated.

But the soul passes, but can save all the difficulties of all the difficulties in an instant.

Let the other party's goals, and experience.

"Ah ... this ... this is not good." Yan Meng is awkward, "I am just the heaven, cultivate this with the owner ..."

"Oh?" Wang Feng seems to laugh at the , "When the time in the eternal temple was just awake, he seduce my dream, and he would say this ashamed, are you teasing me?" "

At that time, the dream of the dream, the style into bones, charming Tiancheng, the favorite is to seduce him the owner.

"At that time, it was a few times." "At that time, it was better to understand the master. By adapting to your identity, because in my memory," it is already about some of the personality of the owner. The Lord is injected with it, saying that you are a very good man. For the kind of beautiful, a very good woman's resistance is very low. "

"So I just do it ..."

Wang Feng is full of black lines.

This guy, what sets it to her.

I said that the fire is so abnormal at the time.


Wang Feng immediately parked the words of Yan Meng and continue to say.

Then I looked like a young and blue.

"It's just a non-speaking!" Wang Feng big sleeves, "How can I be in that kind of person? Start, don't waste time. Snow should still resist the magic day."

"That ..." "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ""

"No need!" Wang Feng is angry with her, "I will inject into the information about me in your brain, all delete!"

: "But those who are binding with my memory, if you want to delete, my memory will delete."

"Forget it." Wang Feng put his hand.

The dream smiled.

On the side of the Qingqing Zhang, I want to say anything, but still stop.

"What's wrong, Qingqing?" Wang Feng asked.

"Nothing." Qing Qing shook his head.

Wang Feng smashed the eyebrows: "What is going on, just say."

Qing Qing wants to think, some are hesitant, but it is soft: "Snow Emperor woke up."

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