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Wang Feng quietly looked at the ice lotus.

This temperature in this beast is low, and all surrounded by artificially manufactured icebergs, as well as various plants, but there is also a bright light source in the sky.

In addition to this greece, there are also a variety of dense ice plant souffles.

The energy is very pure, and there is no breath of other soul beasts, which is very suitable for the growth of ice plant.

Wang Feng looked at it, and there was some god in a time.

Until, a sound sounded:

"Is you going to bring a ice lotus? Which area of ​​you is?"

Wang Feng returned to God, turned it, looked at the owner of the voice, and his face was smiling.

There is not much surprised in the eyes, as if you have already known who come.

Instead, it is the owner of the sound - after seeing Wang Feng's positive, it took a long time.

"Xiaoxue, I haven't seen you for a long time." Wang Feng said with a smile.

Beautiful woman wearing a fire red dress, and the time is moist.

"Mom?" The teacher looked at the mother. As a month in today's human beings, the most powerful spiritual soul and the title of Douro, and the number of peaks that do not exceed the 100th level.

The mother of the Phoenix Phoenix has never exposed this expression.

The teacher knows that his mother is in the federal position in the martial arts, whether it is strength or qualifications, it is the top.

Especially the heroes in the war in the war in the war, and they were in the model of the gods.

It is the first year of the first part of the spirit.

From the note, the teacher did not know how strong his mother.

Such a strong mother, never thought that she would show this kind of emotion?

"Don't you?" Wang Feng looked at Ma Xiaoxao that had already said that he couldn't say something, and he had a helpless shook his head. ? "

The woman in front of me is Ma Xiaotao.

In the past, Wang Feng came out of the hill, creating the first batch of apprenticeships.

Wang Feng remembers very clearly, except for Ma Xiaotao, Huo Yuhao, Tang San's daughter Wang Dong, Yan Xia, and a bowl.

Their first demon soul beast is from Wang Feng personally selected.

Hundreds of years have passed, the World of Douro has increased significantly because of the energy of energy, and the potential of human life is greatly increased.

The upper limit increases, although there is no passage in the gods during that time, but those top souls, live for hundreds of years, are not a problem.

Other Wang Feng didn't know, but these apprentices, certainly impossible to hang it easily.

However, Wang Feng did not expect that it would be in this place and met Ma Xiaotao.

When Wang Feng asked Ma Hongjun in the dark devil.

Ma Xiaoao is indeed his descendants in his future generation.

Now that the two channels open, see the situation, the horse fatty side seems to have not been noticeable.

Wang Feng suddenly thought that according to the reason should not, Rong Rong and Zhu Qing were sent to the World of Douro to fight the magic day by Tang San and Xiao Dance.

Ma Fatzi and Dai Mu, they first wiped around humanity, and Rong Rong and Zhu Qing were looking for their own body of the world.

So, Ma Fatzi should have seen Ma Xiaoximao.

At this time, a few person in charge of the horse's peach, and a shocked look at it.

"Little peach predecessors, what is this?" A person in charge asked carefully.

They are the strong people who guarded here soul to cultivate the base, all the title of the 95th or more title and Douro.

But the strength and qualifications are obviously not enough to compare with Ma Xiaotao.

"Nothing ..." Ma Xiaoximao waved, wirate the tears of the mouth, and smiled on his face.

She looked at Wang Feng, whisper: "Teacher, I thought that I really dream, I didn't expect you to see you again. I won't cry!"

Wang Feng referred to the tears that Ma Xiaoxiang's eyes did not dry.

"Oh, the teacher, is the moisture here is too heavy, the dew of the condense!" Ma Xiaoxi said with a few pieces, and

The teacher is watching the brain question marks on the side.


This is my usual mother who usually be laughed, cold.

It was the high-cooler mother who lived for hundreds of years and was federated by the federality.

No, this is not true!

It is not just a teacher, and the four heads next to them are also seeing a face.


They caught keywords.

Where is the goddess of the goddess of the Phoenix?

Now this federal, who can be his goddess?

"You are gone!"

At this time, Ma Xiaotao seems to have reacted, and the other person in charge change, faint, "I am enough here. I will look at the ice lotus ..."

The four responsible people opened their mouths, and I would like to ask more, but I still left.

"Mom, I have to go?" Miss teacher pulled the dress of Lamaya.

"Um ..." Ma Xiaoxiang stunned.

"Is this your child?" Wang Feng glanced at the teacher, slightly frowned, "How to watch it is not like, there seems to be no blood. But ... her martial arts, seems to be you, it seems to have happened. Mutations."

"You ... how do you see my martial arts? I obviously didn't reveal the martial arts in front of anyone ..." However, the teacher immediately made a confusion of Wang Feng, full of eyes.

"No, no." Ma Xiaotao hurriedly explained that there was a very urgent tone. "Miss teacher is not my child ... wrong, she is not my biological child, I have adopted."

"Adoption?" Wang Feng nodded, sure, "I thought you have become home. This for a few hundred years, if you are home, there are son grandson. Not so small."

"You said who is small!" Looking at Wang Feng in a full face, "I am twenty-year old this year! I am not a little bit, I am a very powerful spiritual teacher. ! "

If the words, Ma Xiaoxiang immediately glanced at the teacher, and the masters didn't dare to talk, only dare to smash the little mouth, I don't know what to whispering whispered.

"Master, this is the teacher of my mother." Ma Xiaoximao said with goodness, "he ..."

Speaking of this, Ma Xiaoyao suddenly stopped.

I didn't know what to say in a time.

He is the ancestor of the Soul Soul, or even the ancient existence of 10,000 years ago.

Just, Wang Feng is currently appearance, and there is a significant difference in the year.

Even the statues built in major cities are also the appearance of Wang Feng in the body, walking on the mainland.

And this body and the original point, although the similarity is high, but it is not that.

As with your child, she won't believe it.

Moreover, the teacher looks like it, and it seems that I don't like to expose the identity. This will lead to many troubles.

"He is a mother you like?" The teacher looked at the mother and did not speak, and she had a word.

Anyway, she looks like it feels like.

How is this sentence, let the horse's peach body tremble, the face is immediately red. "Your child!" Ma Xiaoximi took a slap in the palm of the teacher, anger, "Is it too easy to be too loose to you? What is wrong with your mouth!"

Two hands of the teacher hurt immediately grabbed the ass pier and snorted.

Wang Feng watched slightly.

A child can't see a child, but Wang Feng is not a fool.

The expression of Ma Xiaoximao is obviously the inner secret being poked.

', shouldn't ... this has been hundreds of years. 'Sigh in the heart of Wang Feng.

His heart is a lot, I walked out of the hill in the past, and I stayed in the World of Douro in the world for more than one or two years.

I don't know, I am also fans a few children.

Wang Feng's heart knows, but he didn't have much mood at that time, in the face of this kind of simple emotion, later left the gods, this thought that their secret love should be lost over time.

However ... look at the situation, not too wonderful.

It is no wonder that the vinegar is so big, so dissatisfied.

She obviously obey her own, after returning to the World, I got a trip, I found a lot of clues ...

"Children's words and no way." Wang Feng smiled and said to the teacher. "I am your mother's original teacher. You don't think too much. And, you have been in the past for so many years, your mother should always meet What is better than me? "

"How could ..." The teacher didn't talk, Ma Xiao peca will disappear down.

After saying, Ma Xiaoxiang face is a hot, rushing: "Teacher, don't say smile, don't say that it will be a hundred years, even if you have a thousand years, it is impossible to have a teacher you can." "

On the side of the teacher, it seems that my mother is really for forgetting her teacher, can this?

It is Wang Feng that Wang Feng thought about it, serious contemplations: "It is really unlikely."

Master: "..."

She looked slightly, looked at Wang Feng.

Ma Xiaoximi smiled: "Teacher, you are still in the year, modestly is installed."

"So ..." Wang Feng looked at Ma Xiaoxi.

It is self-evident.

"I ... I ... I am ok." Ma Xiaoximao said that he lowered his head, and he took the ice. After a while, he smiled and smiled. "Teacher, you can listen to this child. How can I like you? "

"Oh." The teacher whispered, "With my name, it turned out to be this, I said how many of my mother will take this name."

Miss teacher, isn't it to miss the teacher?

Bullying a child doesn't understand it?

"Try. Let's talk about it." Wang Feng pointed to the ice lotus, "I want to take this ice lotus."

Ma Xiaoao remembered this, Pensive film: "Yes, but this ice laser is special, it is a strong person in a soul beast in the north, which is very strong, than our federal The strongest people have to be strong. Maybe rain will have a battle force. "

"Yu Hao is so powerful?" Wang Feng was surprised.

Snow Emperor is so long, with his blood, so long cultivation, it may be a lot more than that of the silver king.

But the second-third level of the gods could not be the opponent of Snow Emperor, and even the first level or even may not be able to play.

Oh, wait. Huo Yuhao is the protagonist of the World of Douro, although it became his apprentice, changed the original trajectory.

But it is necessary to have a feeling in the back, I am afraid it is now a true god.

"Nothing." Wang Feng shook his head, "this ice lotus should be that she is specially placed here, waiting for me to let her bloom."

"?" Ma Xiaotao looked at Wang Feng.

She thought about it, it seems to understand what.

The few masses of the land of the Nibei, it seems that the teachers have been the younger brother.

"Teacher ... What is the relationship between you and the soul beast?" Ma Xiaoxiang asked carefully.

Listening to the side ear of the side, in the eyes, it seems particularly interested in this gossip.

Wang Feng smiled and said: "It is your teacher."

"..." Ma Xiaoximi.

She is stupid on the spot.

The teacher is also a big mouth.

At the same time, Wang Feng refers to a bomb, and a little will condense into Guanghua, and go to the ice lotus.

Normal situation, it is a need for essence to activate this ice.

However, Wang Feng's current body and strength have long been the original, and his hard-squeezed power is enough to let the world of Douro's world.

He has already stepped into the universe life threshold for half a foot, which has been strong.

You know, this body, and the bordering of the gods just cultivated, all the same ability, regardless of each other.

That is the flesh of the fetus to condense through the heavenly will of the moon, and this is the body, also has the will of the fetus in the flesh.

It is barely to achieve the body of the universe.


Therefore, Wang Feng is naturally impossible to make it with blood, only use the power, simulate the energy fluctuations of blood.

Even if it is just such a little power.

Some of the sputum, in an instant, let all the souls of the whole sainer, grow crazy, and greatly open.

The newborn is not a few months of the plants, most of them are still in the state of tender buds, almost between the blink of an eye, growing up to thousands of years.

That kind of scene is like the land of the land, suddenly the aura recovery.

Originally a broad breast field, between the first instance, even the top cover was broken.

The young tendo sounds of all kinds of branches, from the mouth of all kinds of plants, and crowded by Wang Feng.

"Oh ... no, it's too strong. There is no three souls, you can't fully control the current power."

Wang Feng helpless shook his head, some distressed.

After returning to the World, his power has been growing. In the past few hundred years of conjunctive beliefs are not a small number.

Wang Feng is now thinking, he is awarded the world, and the energy of the whole world will be rapidly enhanced. Even more than a few days.

It can truly put the entire Douro world, strengthen the world's origins, and even directly create a heavenly cycle belonging to the World of Douro.

Open up countless derived small worlds, etc.

However, Wang Feng has been in the power of these beliefs, and it is intended to develop a ancestral world. Naturally, it will not be used to strengthen the World of Douro.

Moreover, this world is steadily rising, but also forms a sound order, does not need Wang Feng to re-break the whole world. More than one.

However, Ma Xiaoao on the side is completely standing.

This scene, she can't do it.

Today's Douro world is not simple.

Even, she saw very clearly. It's just a good light of the teacher who is out of the teacher, it is easy to make the whole saucer, the soul of the beast, and evolution ...

It's like a miracle!

Quickly derived towards the rest of the beast.

This, you can see it from the various horrific shouts from the outside.

"Slightly didn't control it ..." Wang Feng shook his head, and sorry to watch Ma Xiaoximao.

After all, this place is the responsibility of she is responsible. I have made such a big movement, and I am afraid that it is a bit trouble.

"No ... no ... things ..." Ma Xiaoximi said.

For so many years, the teacher is getting more and more can't measure.

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